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PPO Conference 2007

I think everyone enjoyed themselves this year, Dale and Francine and all at PPO did a wonderful job again this year! Thanks to all of you. I do however have a few suggestions for upcoming meetings.
I think everyone would benefit from workshops. Have several ongoing and let people go to 2 or 3 on subjects they feel they would benefit the most from. I would suggests some of the topics be, CSOS, Inventory Management (how to get started), New technology (what is out there and how would it benefit my workplace). I think people would come away from the meeting with a better understanding and tools to help them incorporate what they learn into there daily routine.
Lectures are great but hands on is even better.

Name of Facility: Providence Specialty Pharmacy Services

City, State: Alternate Care - Infusion Therapy, Self injectables(biologicals), LTC

Years as a Buyer: 10

Re: PPO Conference 2007

I agree totally with the workshop concept. This year we had some great speakers, but I felt like the some of the speakers who had been technicians or currently were technicians were speaking "basic" pharmacy 101 for new buyers. The topics were interesting but I don't really need to know how to take an inventory at this stage of my career. I think that it's great for the new buyers as most of us get tossed into this position without much training. There is a need for basic information. Perhaps the Hilton will be better able to accomodate our growing group of buyers. If extra meeting rooms are avialable at the Hilton, we could have the option of concurrent sessions to choose from. I think that would be so much better and perhaps that concept could be used to market the convention to previous attendees who haven't come back for years. One session for newer buyers with topics that many of us could teach others about using our tricks and experience and some relevant topics for seasoned buyers. Each year the conference gets better and hopefully if we get big enough we can make some necessary changes to gain acceptance as a pharmacy buyer professional. We have an entire year before the next conference so lets toss some ideas around to Dale and his staff and see what's possible. Dale started this convention with all of us in mind. We've come a long way in 11 years and I know he'll support us as much as he possibly can. We really have to be engaged as a group. Michael mentioned at the Buyer Issues of the Day-part 2 that with 400+ people sitting at tables there were 400+ stories to be told. How many people sat there and never said much more than hello? My favorite part of this convention is networking. I visited a hospital on Thursday afternoon with a buyer I met at the conference. I wanted to see their robot and get some questions answered by people who had real experience. We are in the process of getting a newer version of the same robot. It was great! If we don't ask, we'll never know what's possible.....

Name of Facility: Eisenhower Medical Center

City, State: Hospital-Private not for profit

Years as a Buyer: 29

Re: Re: PPO Conference 2007

I totally agree with you and want to say the speakers this year on those topics were excellent. For newer Buyers the information was terrific. I have many years of experience and would apprciate concurrent topics. As we grow and our population of experienced professionals increase I believe this will become even more of need. We are not all ever going to be at the same level.

Name of Facility: St. Francis Health Center

Years as a Buyer: 4 in health care, 25 in hard goods

Re: PPO Conference 2007; PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH

Another suggestion would be additional ways to provide documentation about all that we do. At our hospital, I keep numerous spread sheets to keep track of the money. It is amazing what I have found each year and ways to collect monies that just have to be persued. I am looking for more ways to follow the money and other metrics to assist us in being more efficient. Also RCRA and waste minimization would be good topics for next year.

Name of Facility: St. Francis Health Center

Years as a Buyer: 4 in health care, 25 in hard goods

Re: Re: PPO Conference 2007; PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH

It sounds like you're doing a bang-up job of tracking the money. That's doesn't seem to be the problem. It looks more like you need to find ways of tracking your accomplishments. I was reading one of the Pharmacy Buyer Day stories (which, by the way, I haven't seen yours yet ) where the buyer was 'orienting' a new director, and was amazed on the workload and responsibility the Buyer had.

Try doing a quarterly, if not monthly report on how you're tracking the money, what you're saving the hospital and anything else you've done that your administration is probably not aware of, and ask that it be put in your file. I'd even include the work you did by coming to the Conference. It wasn't all Champage Receptions and Chippendale shows, as they probably think! Come evaluation time, the sheer mass of evidence should be enough to garner a juicy raise,or at least the highest allowable one for your facility.

Beat your drum! Administrators do not know what we do, so it's your responsibility, no, your OBLIGATION to make them aware. If buyers worked as hard promoting themselves as they do saving money, there's no way you wouldn't be considered a force in the Pharmacy, not merely a drug mule.

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Re: Re: PPO Conference 2007; PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH

Thanks for the thoughts. All the reports I generate actually go on a monthly basis to our Director who in turn takes them to the Vice President and then they go on to the CEO of the hospital. We are trying very hard to get all of our system hospitals to recognize this position as an important piece to the equation of Pharmacy.

Thanks for all of your thoughts. Keep them coming, I hope to discover more avenues to save money, eliminate waste and become more efficient.

Name of Facility: St. Francis Health Center

Years as a Buyer: 4 in health care, 25 in hard goods