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600 posts!!!

I am very happy to report that after a less-than-stellar start (5 posts in two years), the PPO Buyers Forum is THE source for Buyer-to-Buyer communication on the Web!

This should be the 600th post for the board, and I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed to the activity on the board; sometimes controversial, usually educational, always a good read!

Thanks especially to Beth Meese, who was one of the original cheerleaders for the board, and who contributed regularly in the beginning. Thanks, Beth!

My only gripe is that there are still only a few Buyers who regularly contribute to the board, though I've talked to many who claim they read it. SPEAK UP! The only reason this board exists is to hear what you have to say - good, bad, informative, even blowing off some steam. You don't have to be a subscriber to contribute, and if what you have to say is interesting enough, with your permission, you might see your name in the newsletter!

So what do you say? Don't be a lurker. Sound off,and keep the party going!

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+