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Who buys when you're gone?

Just wanted to see who does your order when you're not around? We just had our inventory, and I was gone for a week and a half before inventory, so our techs did the order, and our shelves were PACKED when I did the order, which killed my turns for the year.

Trying to see if other people have a better way of doing things. Here its just a free-for-all of whichever tech gets "stuck" doing it.


Name of Facility: CVMC

City, State: Teaching hospital - 270 beds

Years as a Buyer: 1

Re: Who buys when you're gone?

I mean, they were packed when I did inventory... sorry!

Name of Facility: CVMC

City, State: Teaching hospital - 270 beds

Years as a Buyer: 1

Re: Who buys when you're gone?

Techs and/or pharmacists do the ordering when I'm gone. If I know ahead of time, I ask specific ones to be responsible--some are more aware than others of how much we actually use.
If you are an Amerisource customer, they will be the last amount ordered on the price sticker (if you use them); that really helps a lot. Cardinal is working on doing the same thing.

Re: Who buys when you're gone?

All of our products contain kan ban cards. Each card indicates how much to order. These cards are especially nice for the times that I am not here to place the order. The person who is placing the order only has to read the card, very easy! This eliminates our shelves from being overstocked. It is my responsibility to maintain the information on the cards from our order history. So basically, anyone could put the order in using these cards. However, if we are using more than the reorder amount due to high volume, then that needs to be communicated to the person ordering so they know to order more. This system has helped increased our inventory turns and there is no guessing anymore!

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Replying to:

Just wanted to see who does your order when you're not around? We just had our inventory, and I was gone for a week and a half before inventory, so our techs did the order, and our shelves were PACKED when I did the order, which killed my turns for the year.

Trying to see if other people have a better way of doing things. Here its just a free-for-all of whichever tech gets "stuck" doing it.


Name of Facility: Appleton Medical Center

City, State: Hospital

Years as a Buyer: 6

Re: Re: Who buys when you're gone?

I had the same problem last week. I had to miss a few days leading up to inventory and when i came back the shelves were loaded. We use the Tech/Pharmacist system when i am not here.

Name of Facility: Arkansas Heart Hospital

Years as a Buyer: 5+

Who buys when you're gone?

Hello all,

I have the same problem. Everyone can do the job but noone takes responsibility. I have issues on Sunday ordering too.

Does anyone have a second in command? If so what does that person do when you are here?

Name of Facility: Acute care Trauma II

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: 4.5

Re: Who buys when you're gone?

I'm a department of one, so unfortunately, there is no one to take responsibility for it when I'm not here either. I'm finally cross training one of them on the 340B stuff because we were just not doing a 340B order when I wasn't here, which is unacceptable.

My DOP and I finally agreed today on a new ordering procedure, brought on by outrageous over-ordering by techs, especially on Sunday. I am only going to walk the shelves twice a week and the rest of the week I'll only order whats on the want book. I think this will force them to take responsibility for their part in the ordering process, as well as save me some time not having to walk the shelves everyday. I pitched this about 8 months ago and they shot it down, but things have changed some and I think they'll do OK with it now. I'm hoping this will cut down on some of it, especially with the momentum of the inventory being done and me making it very clear that I was very unhappy with our turns and our overstock of inventory for no reason. You've just gotta ride whatever wave you can catch!!!

Name of Facility: CVMC

City, State: Teaching hospital - 270 beds

Years as a Buyer: 1

Re: Re: Who buys when you're gone?

I, too, just walk the shelves twice a week, Monday and Thursday. Sometimes I just happen to notice something that's low or out on the other days. Don't count on the fact that others will take responsiblity--as I said in another posting, the techs/pharmacists who are conscientious in their own jobs are the ones who make sure I know about high use/odd ball things. Just the way it is, I guess!

Re: Re: Re: Who buys when you're gone?

how many of you only walk the shelves a few times a week?

City, State: community

Years as a Buyer: 2

Re: Who buys when you're gone?

I am very fortunate to have a designated tech to check the order in everday. He is also my back-up when I am gone. He does a great job. Since he checks in the order - he has a pretty good idea of what we are using. I also have a designated tech to place the order on Sundays. I have PAR levels on all shelf labels so there is little if any guessing involved.

Name of Facility: Renown Renown Regional Medical Center

City, State: Teaching/trauma Hospital 500+ beds

Years as a Buyer: 15

Re: Who buys when you're gone?

I hate taking days off since I know that the other techs are going to take it as a free for all, to load the department with every item that we haven't used in months even years. But of course we need a dozen more then our yearly average on the shelf. LOL> We have tryed to keep all the bins numbered with the amount that should be kept, but that didn't work. I'm taking a vaction in 4 weeks. My first vacation in 3 years. I'm a little worried.

Name of Facility: Jupiter Medical Center

City, State: 150 beds

Years as a Buyer: 3

Re: Who buys when you're gone?

hahaha Cheryl - I feel your pain!!!

I'm leaving Sunday for a conference and going right to vacation from there so I'll be gone for TWO weeks... I'm already dreading the mess I'll come back to. :(

Name of Facility: CVMC

City, State: Teaching hospital - 270 beds

Years as a Buyer: 1

Re: Who buys when you're gone?

I got tired of the over ordering and the returns of the items about 10 years ago. I bought a dymo machine that will pring 3/4" labels. I have assigned a par level for each product in my pharmacy with this labeler next to the wholesaler shelf tag re-order number. Every time someone orders when I am not here
they know exactly how many to order. I came up with my par levels by running a average monthly usage report in my wholesaler reporting system. Divide that number by 4 which will give you an average weekly usage. Then I cut that number in half which will give you a 3-4 dayu supply. We receive orders from our wholesaler 6 days a week (Monday-Sat). Then you need to communicate with your staff that orders what the numbers are for next to the product #s.I have selected 4 techs on my staff to do the ordering. This has cut down on this problem immensely.

Name of Facility: Sharon Regional Health System

City, State: Hospital-270 beds

Years as a Buyer: 34

Re: Who buys when you're gone?

I have two techs that have ability to order, but generally depend on the one. She is good about not over-ordering and since she also refills pyxis, she is more in tune with what is being used. McKesson has asset-management, which will give a reorder point and quantity, so I try and convince who ever is ordering to use it. The Pharmacists only scan items (if we need or not!!!!)

Name of Facility: Fremont Area Medical Center

City, State: hospital

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Who buys when you're gone?

I've just begun training a tech to be my backup when I'm gone and she's also our Pyxis tech, we had the same thinking as you... that'd she'd be good to know whats moving and whats not.

Name of Facility: Catawba Valley Medical Center

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: 1