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Ammonia amps

We are having an issue with the ammonia inh. amps. JCAHO and CMS say they have to be locked up. The floors want them to be easily accessible. If locked up (cupboard, Pyxis, etc) how do they get charged if for visitor, family member, etc. Some have said they are still the standard for fainting, other articles say to stay away from using. Any and all comments welcome.

Re: Ammonia amps

You might want to have your people take a closer look at that regulation. In my research, it looks like they're referring to bulk ammonia, like the kind used by the Lab and Housekeeping. It's grouped with chlorine and other noxious cleaning materials.

I found a really interesting exchange on this very subject on the Unversity of Buffalo discussion board. The URL is This may give your a little more insight on the Ammonia ruling.

ASHES, the organization for Waste Management and Emergency Preparedness only mentions Ammonia when used as a cleaning solution.

This ruling may be a case of "one size does NOT fit all!"

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+