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Swapping Drugs?

Someone asked me last week if this Forum would be a good platform for buyers to swap drugs? We don't allow vendors to sell anything here but do we lend and borrow drugs now on a local level i.e. nearby hospitals; if we could expand that in your location citywide, or even across state lines (I don't know if there any legal restrictions on that), could you see this board as a way of finding drugs you may need?

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Swapping Drugs?

This would be a good place for it... not sure about the state line issues, like you said, there may be restrictions, but on short items and things, it'd be nice to know if someone either had some to get rid of or needed some...

Name of Facility: CVMC

City, State: Teaching hospital - 270 beds

Years as a Buyer: 1

Re: Re: Swapping Drugs?

This is also something that will change once the Pedigree laws become enacted. When the speaker this year talks about the pedigree laws, maybe they could address how hospitals might handle this scenario.

Name of Facility: St. Francis Health Center

City, State: Acute Hospital

Years as a Buyer: 20+ in hardgoods & 4 in Hospital Pharmacy