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Laughter the best medicine

It was time for a physician to renew his managed care contract. His office manager pointed out that that the managed care company had not paid his claims for the past six months. The physician called the company, and said that he would not take any new subscribers from them until they paid their claims. The next day the physician’s office manager received a collect phone call from the managed care company, “We are withdrawing your accreditation immediately because our new subscribers can’t wait that long.”
You know you work for a managed care company if...
You sat at the same desk for 4 years and worked for three different companies.
You send your kid to school with a fever of 102 because he didn't get written preauthorization for a sick day.
A managed mental health care company had gone into bankruptcy and its chief executive was now on trial for fraud and extortion. His lawyer approached the jury box and began an eloquent plea for his client: 'Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I want to tell you about this wonderful, upstanding citizen. He has been a beacon of moral strength in his community: He was always kind to little children; he worked tirelessly to improve the health of his clients, he never did a dishonest thing in his life; he is a model of everything decent, forthright, and honest. Everyone loves him and…”

The managed care executive leaned over to a colleague sitting next to him and whispered. “Can you get a load of that? I pay serious cash for that lawyer to defend me, and he's standing up there, talking to the jury about some other guy.”

Name of Facility: 220

City, State: Acute care Trauma II

Years as a Buyer: 4.5

Re: Laughter the best medicine

Putting in my famous, shameless plug:
Thanks, Munira - we all could use a smile everyone in a while. If you could still use a smile in your busy day, check the Cartoon of the Day on the very bottom of the HOME page. !

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: > 30