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Re: outstanding rep program

I'm so disappointed in the decison to cancel this due to one companies tactics. I spent the time and filled out the information to nominate a drug representative that deserves to be reconized. He was so thankful for my nomination and I can honestly say he is one of the best around. Not to mention he works for a legitmate company Abraxis and not one of these secondary markets! (scalpers)
So I'm taking the time again to pass the word around about someone I feel should be reconized as Drug Representative of the year. Tim Emling works for Abraxis and goes above and beyond his call of duty. I speak to him on a monthly if not weekly basis and he sends me several e-mails. He keeps me up to date on vitul information. I have left him voice-mails before on his cell phone and he's called me back even though he's on vacation! Now that's dedication. He gives me heads up on backorder situations, new products and contracts. So the next time you come across an Abraxis rep or visit their booth at the conference, please remember one important name- Tim Emling! Truly the best!!!
Thank you
Michelle Fidler

Name of Facility: 300+

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: 8

Re: Re: outstanding rep program

I agree with you, I did not nominate anyone but did take the time to vote on behalf of our facility. Our pharmacy is not allowed to use "secondary vendors" but I do think that calling them "scalpers" is doing the same thing the PPO did.....painting everyone with the same brush due to tactics, business practices, etc of a certain company. I would be devastated if I was running for Buyer of the Year and the program was cancelled due to the actions of an individual/company. Hopefully, if we continue to voice our opinions the PPO will modify their decision. I also do not think it is fair that the alternative to the contest is writing in to the magazine. At the end of the day, the PPO is then choosing the articles they would like to publish about whom, and we as buyers are the only ones that really know the work these reps do. It makes me think that if someone wanted to be recognized for their work they could just pay PPO to publish something.

Name of Facility: 160

Years as a Buyer: 2

Re: Re: Re: outstanding rep program

I agree we shouldn't label most companies as "scalpers." There are legitimate companies and reps out there, and they do serve a purpose. I agree the reps nominated should be recognized by PPO, and only the companies involved with the "buying" of votes disqualified. I work with a few secondaries, and they do serve a purpose. I, too, would like to recognize on who does an outstanding job. Tyler Mitchell, from CTI, has always gone out of his way to help me, and I have never had any problems ethically with him or his company. If PPO will not recognize these people, I believe we as buyers should.

Name of Facility: Portland Adventist

Years as a Buyer: 2

Re: Re: Re: Re: outstanding rep program

I apologize for the word "scalper" but I call them like I see them. However I should of mentioned that I didn't mean all secondary wholesalers. It's just frustrating that my primary wholesaler can be out of Solu-Medrol, Solu-Cortef, Naropin etc... (just to name a few as examples) but I can get this stuff at secondary markets with ridiculous mark up prices. If you want to go see a football game and or concert and the tickets are sold out there's something you can do. See a scalper and get the tickets for whatever price they want to charge you. That's why I used that word and I meant no harm to certain individulas or companies. I should of made myself more clear.
I'm just upset with the decision not to reconize someone's dedication and hard work of being the rep of the year.
Thank you
Michelle Fidler

Name of Facility: 300+

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: 8

Re: Re: outstanding rep program

Isn't it great that we DO have outstanding reps available to us. Last week we ran short of Cubicin. When I called my wholesaler, they couldn't get it to me as soon as I needed it, so I called Jason Knight, my Cubist rep. After a few calls, he made arrangements with one of our ID docs to borrow from her infusion center. The best part is that Jason drove across the state of Indiana to get it for me, have it here by 9:00AM (not easy in a stat that has two time zones to figure out!) AND came back the next day to return what we borrowed!! THAT IS SERVICE!!!

Re: Re: Re: outstanding rep program

Kudos to Jason Knight

Name of Facility: 300+

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: 8

Re: Re: Re: outstanding rep program

Im sorry I havent responded to this earlier. This whole subject upsets me. This should be a no brainer. The company that tried to "bribe" Debbie should be out! End of subject! And maybe the company that the rep belonged to should banned for a certain time period. Just as we reconize the Buyer of the Year we should be able to reconize the Rep of the Year.One bad seed should be able to ruin the whole process. As for the word "scalper" she learned that from me and I totally agree with the phrase and call them as I see them. If they dont like the term then charge a nominal up cost dont try to cash in on bad situations. Sorry to rant but I feel better now...hehe

Name of Facility: 550

City, State: TEACHING

Years as a Buyer: 8