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Asset Management McKesson

I was just curious if anyone out there has McKesson as their wholesaler and if you are using the Asset Management? If so, what are your thoughts?
Thank you

Name of Facility: 300+

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: 8

Re: Asset Management McKesson

I have McKesson and recently implemented the asset management in December. I am having a hard time trying to rely on the numbers because it takes so much maintenance and buy in from more than just me. Communication has to improve between our techs/pharmacists and the It also takes more space to store some of the quantities they suggest and space is hard to come by. It seems to require a lot of upkeep especially with product mus's, changes in contracts, changes in ndc, etc... Antidote drugs I try to override with the ROP and the ROQ because of the minimum quantity I need to have on hand. Also I am the only hospital in town and need to have adequate supply because the closest hospital that compares is 1 1/2 hours away, so potentially 3 hours to get drug if needed. We are also see a lot of changes in usage based on the seasons here in Michigan. We have a lot of "snow birds" that go to Florida in the winter and a lot of tourism in the summer, so ROP and ROQ can really change during those times. So, basically I feel it is a lot of work and when I have time I may be able to get it running smoother than what it is.

Name of Facility: Munson Medical Center - 380 beds

Years as a Buyer: 8 years

Re: Re: Asset Management McKesson

I used it at the last two facilities that I was worked. The system works great if you have time to devote to clean up the numbers the first 4-6 months. Becasue it works off purchase data and not utilization data it take a while to obtain quality numbers. It needs a lot of baby sitting- Good Luck!