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Happy Customer


Based on your comments it appears that your husband may work for Ameridose!!

While we have been a happy Pharmedium customer for many years, the purpose of this forum is to provide constructive input.

It is not intended for blantant vendor promotion.

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Replying to:

In the past couple years dealing with Ameridose and NECC, I have received nothing but great customer service. Our outside sales representative Michael DiPietro goes above and beyond his duties each and every day. He is very responsive to all of our needs. Our turnaround time for all products ordered has been within 2-3 days. I can truly say that we are extremely and genuinely happy with our decision to work with Ameridose. Ameridose/NECC Management is very receptive, accommodating and adaptive to all of our requests/suggestions. Overall, Ameridose is a top notch company with a beautiful state of the art facility, that provides exceptional services, excellent customer service and wonderful communication with us as a customer. One of the most impressive qualities that I feel Ameridose has, is that they keep an open dialogue with us. They are always inquiring and requesting for feedback/input on what more they can do as a company to make life easier for the caretakers of the many ill patients at MGH. That's unheard of from any other compounding specialty pharmacy!

Name of Facility: 400+

City, State: Acute Care

Years as a Buyer: 12

Re: Happy Customer

Jim - agreed, thanks for reminding everyone! We definitely don't want this forum to become a commercial for every vendor we like/dislike... defeats the purpose of why we're here.

Name of Facility: CVMC - 270 beds

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: Almost 1!

Re: Happy Customer

Mr Miller-

First off, with all do respect, my name is ClaudiO. I am the husband! Secondly, I do NOT appreciate your accusation that I work for this company just b/c I have nothing but positive things to say about them. I find offense to your incorrect statement!
If you paid any attention to my profile, you would notice that I am and have been for the past 8 years the inventory manager/buyer at a large very reputable world-renowned hospital in the Boston area. For the record: I am in NO WAY affiliated to, bias towards, employeed by, vested in or associated in any way other than that Ameridose is a vendor that we do business with...and are very happy with.
By the way, this forum is for buyers to express to other buyers there input(constructive or not), there opinions, suggestions, experiences and advice.
If your a happy Pharmedium customer...good for you! And we are happy customer of Ameridose, that's the bottom line.
Also, for your information, my comments were not intended to be viewed as a "blantant vendor promotion". It is my view, my opinion and my input to all the other pharmacy buyers around the country. Plain and simple, Ameridose is an excellent company that provides great service and we're proud to be able to do business with them.

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Replying to:


Based on your comments it appears that your husband may work for Ameridose!!

While we have been a happy Pharmedium customer for many years, the purpose of this forum is to provide constructive input.

It is not intended for blantant vendor promotion.

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Replying to:

In the past couple years dealing with Ameridose and NECC, I have received nothing but great customer service. Our outside sales representative Michael DiPietro goes above and beyond his duties each and every day. He is very responsive to all of our needs. Our turnaround time for all products ordered has been within 2-3 days. I can truly say that we are extremely and genuinely happy with our decision to work with Ameridose. Ameridose/NECC Management is very receptive, accommodating and adaptive to all of our requests/suggestions. Overall, Ameridose is a top notch company with a beautiful state of the art facility, that provides exceptional services, excellent customer service and wonderful communication with us as a customer. One of the most impressive qualities that I feel Ameridose has, is that they keep an open dialogue with us. They are always inquiring and requesting for feedback/input on what more they can do as a company to make life easier for the caretakers of the many ill patients at MGH. That's unheard of from any other compounding specialty pharmacy!

Name of Facility: Massachusetts General Hospital - 1000+

Years as a Buyer: 8

Re: Re: Happy Customer

Before this gets too out of hand, let me put in my two cents:

An Open Forum is just that: open. People have the right to say what they want in a relatively safe environment. It is then our right to respond or not. It is also our right to agree with the poster or not. If you do not agree with a poster - TELL THEM! It is our responsibility to voice our opinions and respond to our fellow professionals as professionals. I would hope that as buyers we can comport ourselves with the proper decorum.

Buyers have from time to time posted positive opinions on companies with which they deal. Usually they are solicited, other buyers asking opinions about other companies. Although this is an unusual situation, an unsolicited praise, it is not that much out of the ordinary of someone asking for an opinion.

Other boards have met unpleasant fates because the posters got out of hand. The AAPT Message Board was taken down because of out-of-hand posters and replies. I'd like to think we can get past this without too much controversy.

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: > 30