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Because of a new study that was just published the interest in FluMist (intranasal flu vaccine) has greatly increased with our clinical staff. The previous thinking was that this was a live vaccine and only to be given to healthy individuals so we have never used it for our hospital patients. I also found the storage requirements have changed and starting with the 2007-2008 season it can be refrigerated instead of frozen.
Now for the question - Have any of you used this product in the past for inpatients? Are you seeing more interest since the study?
I have already placed by flu vaccine order for the 2007-2008 season and don't really want to order FluMist in addition to the injectable. Can any of you advise me on this?? Thanks for your help!

Name of Facility: Ball Memorial Hospital/ 350 beds

Years as a Buyer: 6

Re: FluMist

we use about 300 flumist per season.
most going to occupational medicine but some for in house patients who request it.

Name of Facility: hospital of the univ of pa pharmacy

City, State: level 2 trauma center

Years as a Buyer: 4