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any 340B hospitals here?

Hey guys - I have a question about your IVs if any of you are 340B hospitals...

How does your system record what you used, say if you had an order for 1500 mg of a drug, and used 3 500 mg vials, how does that document for you for your replenishment report for 340B?


Name of Facility: CVMC - 270 beds

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: Almost 1!

Re: any 340B hospitals here?


We use a split billing software program from a company called Talyst. This software keeps track of what is used on an outpatient basis and when we order we import our PO from our wholesalers into the program, it splits our the order into what can be ordered on the 340b account and what can be ordered on the GPO account. Then it the program imports the PO's back into the wholesalers site to place your order. We used a internet based ordering system and it works good.


Name of Facility: 325

City, State: Not-for-profit

Years as a Buyer: 3

Re: Re: any 340B hospitals here?

It seems like we all will be seeing more of the 340B questions. Can we get a session on this for the conf?

Years as a Buyer: 20+

Re: any 340B hospitals here?

It'd be great if we could have 1 breakout session at the conference for DSH/340B hospitals... I've tried to get the 340B PVP to put up a forum on their site, but they haven't been able to yet. Do any of you go to the 340B conference in DC? My director sends me since I'm the one that handles everything related to 340B, but most of the attendees at that conference are DOPs or finance people... I always feel out of place! Wondering if any other buyers are going this year...

Name of Facility: CVMC - 270 beds

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: 1