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Mid year in CA

Hello! Are any buyers going to midyear in Anaheim this year? Two of our clinical pharmacists are going, but with the large trade show, I'm trying to convince my director that its worth sending the buyer to it as well! Just curious if anyone else is going... thanks!

Name of Facility: Catawba Valley Medical Center - 270 beds

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: Less than 1!!!

Re: Mid year in CA

We will be at the Pharmacy Purchasing Outlook Booth 3826 at the ASHP Midyear in Anaheim. Did you know we will be kicking off our marketing there for the 11th Annual Pharmacy Purchasing Networking Conference? Pick up forms at our booth that you can share with displaying vendors there. Put your name in the area at the bottom of the form first, then have multiple sheets copied with your name in that referral area. If the vendor is the first to sign up under your referral and you are a PPO subscriber, you or your hospital earn 7% of the value of their display booth. That should pay for your trip several times over. Then you can talk to vendors about your hospital purchasing issues as well to make your trip even more productive. So many pharmacy buyers do not look seriously at this opportunity. I encourage those who want to earn revenue for themselves or their hospitals to take advantage of this.

Name of Facility: Pharmacy Purchasing Outlook Editor-In-Chief

Years as a Buyer: 5yrs Buyer/14yrs Pharmacy Contracts for GPO/12yrs writer

Re: Mid year in CA

Hi Colleen,
Good for you--it's great that you have the option of attending the Mid Year convention. I can't get my director to approve my attendance at the PPO convention, and I've been trying for 7 years! In 2007, I'm paying my own way if I have to just to be there.

Name of Facility: PORTER 320beds

City, State: acute care

Years as a Buyer: 7.5

Re: Re: Mid year in CA


There are ways to get to the Conference!

The easiest way is to apply for a vendor-sponsored grant. This was started last year, and I believe the vendors are going to participate this year also. Also, take advantage of the commission incentives offered by the newsletter. One good-sized vendor spot could pretty much pay for your whole trip.

Another way is to share the load. Find someone, perhaps on this forum, who can maybe share a hotel room. The rates are the same - single or double - and it'll be around $60, give or take a fin. If that doesn't work, set up a bank account that you'll put a little in each pay. Most facilities have payroll deduction, so you won't even see the money. If you start now at $25 a week, you should have enough for airfare, hotel, registration AND some throwin' around money.

Lastly, start hunting for airfares NOW!!!! Last year I bought my tickets in March. By July, the fares had doubled! Check them every week or so until you find a rate you can afford. I checked the travel sites AND the airlines. The airlines are now reading the handwriting on the wall and matching, and sometimes BESTING the travel site rates. It took some work, but I managed to get to the Conference for almost half of what I would've paid if I waited.

Once you've firmed up your time off, I'd get cracking. And the best part of booking early is that by the time Conference time comes around, you'll have paid for everything, so you might have a little "walkin' around money" for vacation stuff. 'Cause if you come to Las Vegas and spend your off-Conference time in your room, I'll rat you out!

Ruth, you're a buyer! Those skills should extend for your own personal gain as well as for the benefit of your facility. Use your skills to get yourself to Vegas in August. The means are there. All you need do is do your homework

Name of Facility: Kennedy Health System / 180

City, State:

Years as a Buyer: >30 but Retired (for now...)