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Pharmacy Buyer Day

I just had to share what my boss did for me this past Friday. One of the managers came to my office and said that Sandy (my boss) wanted to see me upfront. So I go upfront of the Pharmacy and she had gathered the staff together and she handed me a card and gift. She proceeded to make a speech that it was Buyers day and she wanted to thank me for all my hard work. Everyone clapped for me and wrote some very kind words in my card. She has never done this before and I was shocked! It really made my day!

Name of Facility: 300+

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: 8

Re: Pharmacy Buyer Day


Am glad to see that your staff appreciates your hard work and efforts. Having a national Pharmacy Buyers Day was an idea which was suggested here and turned primarily into a reality by Mike Thomas. Thanks to all who were involved in making this happen.

Name of Facility: Pharmacy Purchasing Outlook Editor-In-Chief

Years as a Buyer: 5yrs Buyer/14yrs Pharmacy Contracts for GPO/12yrs writer

Re: Pharmacy Buyer Day

Congratulations Michelle

Name of Facility: 222 beds

City, State: Acute care teaching hospital Trauma II center

Years as a Buyer: 5 years