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Re: Sevoflurane (generic)

Be careful, it's not just the price you need to consider. Whose machines are you using in surgery? Abbott will not support Baxter's product in their machines. It's a liability, you'll be on your own if something goes wrong. Baxter will give you new machines if that is who you want to switch to.

Name of Facility: 270

City, State: Private non profit

Years as a Buyer: 28

Re: Re: Sevoflurane (generic)

Yes, I'm aware of the vaporizer issue - that's an easy switch - both companies offer to switch vaporizers if you use their product. Do all of you order inhalation gases or does your purchasing dept order them? We struggle with the best way to bill for anesthesia meds? Do you have an anesthesia charge that encopasses all anesthesia meds including gases or do you bill for each individual med?

Sorry to be so long winded :)

Name of Facility: 525+

City, State: Acute Care/Teaching/Trauma Center II

Years as a Buyer: 15

Re: Re: Re: Sevoflurane (generic)

The pharmacy orders all the inhalation products and sends them up to surgery when they order a weekly stock replenishment. We charge gas inhalation to the patients in 15 minute increments. We charge all other products based on what was used. We have trays that have medication in them based on Dr choices that they normally use in surgery, except narcotics. The Dr gets his own narcs for his patients from the Acudose in the Pacu department. When the procedure is over, the used tray gets picked up by the anes. tech and they take it to the workroom. They have an Acudose machine there and whatever is missing from the tray par levels gets charged to that patient and the tray gets replenished at the same time. Each OR room has two trays in their carts, in case they run out of an item or the case goes long or in case the new tray doesn't get replaced in time. We made the trays ourselves and have been using this system for almost 10 years. It's very easy on everyone and the billing is automatic once they replace the meds in the trays.

Name of Facility: 270

City, State: Private non profit

Years as a Buyer: 28

Re: Sevoflurane (generic)

It's true--both companies are willing to change out the vaporizers. We have had a huge problem with Baxter--once you purchase any of their product, there is not backing out--this is because the hosptial is primarily a Baxter hospital. And frankly I do not like their business tactics.

Name of Facility: 222 beds

City, State: Acute care teaching hospital Trauma II center

Years as a Buyer: 5 years

Re: Re: Sevoflurane (generic)

Sorry to hear about your issues with Baxter. We are actually an Abbott hospital but our gases are not tied to any other agreement. I have always had a good working relationship with Baxter so I can't complain. Our rep is great and very helpful. We are converting this weekend so I'll let you how it goes!

Name of Facility: 525+

City, State: Acute Care/Teaching/Trauma Center II

Years as a Buyer: 15

Re: Sevoflurane (generic)

The Baxter rep is talking to our people soon about switching, so I'm glad this got brought up!

As for the way to bill it, the pharmacy purchases it, but I bill it directly to anesthesia and then they bill the patient however they see fit.

Name of Facility: Catawba Valley Medical Center - 270 beds

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: Less than 1!!!