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Pharmacy Buyer Proclamation, Part II

I hope everybody is taking advantage of the Pharmacy Buyer Day poster available on the website. I also got some people saying they're having difficulty printing it. Here are some hints:
Follow the directions on the site, only instead of selecting PRINT from your FILE menu on top, try right-clicking your mouse on the picture and select PRINT IMAGE.
If your poster prints too big, or you're only getting a part of the poster, try saving the poster by right-clicking your mouse and select SAVE IMAGE. Once the picture is saved on your computer, try printing it from there. I had the same difficulty when I tried to print the poster at work, where I could only print part of the poster. it printed fiine at home, but those darned Lexmarks...

Also, I'm putting up a nice copy of the Pharmacy Buyer Day Proclamation, for those who didn't have time to solicit your local govenment for a city proclamation. It should be on the site by Monday, plenty of time to print and post in your pharmacy by Pharmacy Week.

If anyone has any problems either finding or printing the poster or proclamation, let me know

Name of Facility: Kennedy Health System / 180

City, State:

Years as a Buyer: >30 but Retired (for now...)

Re: Pharmacy Buyer Proclamation, Part II

The Proclamation certificate is now up on the site!

Go to the Bulletin Board section and download both the poster and proclamation. I've found it easier just to download them both, then print it from your own hard drive. The poster looks better in color, so if you only have lasers at work, you may want to print the poster at home. If anyone has a beter way to do it, let me know.


Name of Facility: Kennedy Health System / 180

City, State:

Years as a Buyer: >30 but Retired (for now...)