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We're in the middle of a JCAHO inspection right now. But besides that, I have to share this with everybody. I work nights so I didn't hear I it directly, but I was told that the inspection group was "greeted" over the hospital's PA system. In my thirty-plus years in hospital, this was the first time I ever heard of a public warning that JCAHO was in the building! I laughed hysterically when I was told about it!

Getting back to your question, there was an edict last year from ASHP and other pharmacy groups to TOTALLY ELIMINATE ABBREVIATIONS. As it stands now, our hospital is banning certain abbreviations like 'qd' and 'u', leading decimal points and trailing zeroes. They're shooting for 'sq', but I seriously doubt if anyone is going to wriite 'subcutaneously'. Pharmacy has the authority to make the physician re-write the order, not just give a verbal to a nurse or a pharmacist. The Pharmacy reports all offenders to the Medical Executive Board where... something happens . So far we've had some success. 'qd' is now 'daily' and some other concessions were made. No luck so far on 'subcutaneously', I'm afraid. We got some of them to do 'subcut', but that's only a small minority so far.

Name of Facility: Kennedy Health System / 180

City, State:

Years as a Buyer: >30 but Retired (for now...)