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We usually do our Inventory on a Wed-Thursday. i also cut inventory the week of and try to just "get by". Like was mentioned all they care about is the bottom line. Drug inventory down---YEA! Drug Inventory up---BOO!

Name of Facility: 110

City, State: Specialty

Years as a Buyer: 4+


I use to play the inventory game. Run the stock down real low. Watch the high ticket items even at one point loaned things to another pharmacy and requested them back after inventory. There are other things that I have done and shouldnt mention. I have a new Director and decided that I dont want to play that game anynore and decided to run a true inventory even if it effected my bottom line on turns and dollars. I had a sit down with my Director and explained to him this was my intention and he told me that it is my inventory and I could do it any way that I wanted. The first years was a little rough but now everyone is use to my number and I turn my inventory about 17 times a year.

Name of Facility: 550

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: 7