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Re: New T shirt for next years conference?

Hello everyone! Thanks for your input.
Yes, I understand your suggestion and we will take that into consideration.
However, as Mike already mentioned, we have not done too well with selling the shirts so far.
The slogan "More than just a technician" is good, but does it really relate to the front logos with no other explanation? (The shirts come in logos of either "Pharmacy Purchasing Outlook" or "Annual Pharmacy Purchasing Networking Conferences."

City, State: Conference Organizer/Host

Re: Re: New T shirt for next years conference?

I think you could increase your sales of existing T-shirts by adding a slogan to the back of them. While I can't speak for everyone else, I can tell you that I would only purchase one t-shirt, one time, that had Pharmacy Purchasing Network on it and wear it until it wore out before I purchased another. But..If you put a slogan on the back or front, depending on where the existing logos are, and changed that slogan every year people are going to want to buy a new t-shirt every year. As stated in my first post, have a contest for your readers. You don't have to use my idea. If you don't like that one how about....
Pharmacy Purchasing: It's not a job, it's an adventure

Re: Re: Re: New T shirt for next years conference?

Sorry, I forgot to add this to my last post. I know that the expense of adding a slogan to the shirt would be costly so....what it you see what the interest would be via the newsletter. See what kind of response you would receive by asking you readers to email the office if it is something they would consider purchasing.

Name of Facility: 200

City, State: Community Hospital Catholic Healthsystem

Years as a Buyer: 25

Re: Re: Re: Re: New T shirt for next years conference?

Okay...I know it's starting to get monotonous that I keep replying to my own posts but I just noticed that you can't order the T-shirts through your website. What if you used the website to advertise your T-shirts..and people could order them from the site???
Okay...I'll shut up now.

Name of Facility: 200

City, State: Community Hospital Catholic Healthsystem

Years as a Buyer: 25

Re: Re: Re: Re: New T shirt for next years conference?

Maybe I'll put up a quickie poll:

Like the old shirt?
Buy a new shirt?
Pay extra for a custom shirt?

What do you think?

Name of Facility: Kennedy Health System - Cherry Hill Div. / 180 beds

City, State: Teaching Hospital

Years as a Buyer: > 30 (retired - for now...)

Re: New T shirt for next years conference?

Let's have a contest to give these out as prizes

Name of Facility: 222 bed

City, State: Acute care teaching hospital Trauma II center

Years as a Buyer: 5 years

Re: Re: New T shirt for next years conference?

Ya put them on the site for sale with and added cost for custom shirts.How about "Purchasers we do more before 9:00 then most people do all day."

Name of Facility: Mid Coast Hospital / 60

City, State: Nfp

Years as a Buyer: Four

Re: New T shirt for next years conference?

April and Beth
You guys are very creative!!

Name of Facility: 222 bed

City, State: Acute care teaching hospital Trauma II center

Years as a Buyer: 5 years