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Re: Re: How Do you Like the Conference So Far?

Thanks for your kind words.

But I am only the webmaster of the web site, and I am invited to serve as Moderator. The real credit goes to Dale and Francine, and all the staff at Summerdale Enterprises, Inc., who work on this Conference as well as put out the only publication for Pharmacy Purchasers. They are the ones who solicit the speakers, make the hotel arrangements, set up the food schedules, coordinate the hotel staff, lick the stamps, stuff the envelopes, collate the binders, and in short, make the Conference work.

Too little credit is given to those who aren't up on the podium, because they are doing the work. And I, for one, would like to offically send out a word of thanks to those who made this Conference the best one we've had in years!!!!


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Re: How Do you Like the Conference So Far?

You said it Mike!