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797 guidelines

Meant to ask this at the PPO meeting. With the new 797 guide lines, whom cleans the ante room and sterile prep/chemo rooms? Is it the housekeeping department? Are they ceritfied? We seem to be having issues at our site. They just do not get it that pharmacy needs to be as sterile as the OR.

Re: 797 guidelines

We have the same issues. We have given tasks to both the techs and the housekeeping. The floors and walls are cleaned by housekeeping--the items on the shelf by the techs and this keeps both parties happy!!

Re: 797 guidelines

Our pharmacy technicians clean it, they have a regular cleaning schedule and the IV tech for that day is assigned to head up the cleaning process.

Name of Facility: ColleenBump,2

Re: 797 guidelines

Hi All! Glad to see everyone's postings since conference time, taking the enthusiasm and interest back to the office with them!
FYI, we had tried to squeeze in a speaker on this subject (the new 797 guidelines taking effect next year), at the last minute for this year's program, but it was just a bit too late to work it out with the speaker's schedule.
From what I understand, there will still be time to discuss this topic at next year's event, and we hope to get that speaker committed for next year.

City, State: Conference Organizer/Host

Re: 797 guidelines

You Rock Francine!!!

Name of Facility: 222 bed

City, State: Acute care teaching hospital Trauma II center

Years as a Buyer: 5 years

Re: 797 guidelines - Policies and Procedures

If anyone needs a copy of the USP <797> guidelines, there's a link on the Conference URL page. On the first set of links the 'Chemo Contamination Test Kit' link has on its page the Policies and Procedures Complying with USP <797>. It's a six-page Adobe file you can download and print fr your Chemo Rooms.

Name of Facility: Kennedy Health System / 180

City, State: Teaching

Years as a Buyer: > 30 (retired... for now)