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Re: Re: #Fun Trivia Pond Party

Yes excellent idea on the poll Spa and thanks lena for creating it. As for the embarassing moment, if I stop being able to laugh at myself then shoot me!! Glad I gave you a chuckle mate.

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Replying to:

Hi Lisa_NT, great idea, central for me will be different to all others, so why don't we see if lena can do us a web poll on where we all are, then we can have a look at the stats and work it out from there. My shed's always waiting for a party, just put the disco lights up, maudie will check it out this weekend coming....LoL. And a pat on the back to you for at least putting down a most embarrassing moment on your page, I had a lot of LoL at your expense. Good stuff!!!!

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Replying to:

Hi lovely people,

Firstly just wanted to say excellent website and what a terrific room #Fun.Trivia is. In fact, I would go one further and say that this room is by far the best room on Bigpond (and trust me I've been in enough of em!).

Ok now to the guts of this message...I was just wondering if everyone would be interested in meeting up for a Trivia room "do" towards the end of the year?? If yes, suggestions as to a central point and roughly when would also would be appreciated!

I'll look forward to dozens of replies on this message board and boundless enthusiasm!! LOL



P.S Don't tell simmogj!!! hahaha

P.P.S Awww love ya really simmo!