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Re: Just to say Well done

i agree entirely with spa spa and flowerchild .. a BIG "well done" to lena )

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Replying to:

Just a note to congratulate Lena on the job that she has performed in getting this Web page up and running and on the fantastic effort (and no doubt a lot of hours) on the development of this site. Also to all the chatters who have contributed with input and profiles. I truly believe we have the best room and think each and everyone of you should take one hand off the keyboard and pat yourself on the back as it is no doubt without you supporting Lena, you would not be reading this... Be proud of your room and your web site, keep them profiles coming and a few more photo's, as I for one have read all of them and crave for more....... Well Done Lena..... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Re: Just to say Well done

I'd just like to echo the sentiments concerning the site..looks really good and purposeful dynamically also.

All you gotta do now is maintain the interest here by keeping it fresh and maybe formulating some way to motivate the users of chat to come here and experience this also!

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Replying to:

Just a note to congratulate Lena on the job that she has performed in getting this Web page up and running and on the fantastic effort (and no doubt a lot of hours) on the development of this site. Also to all the chatters who have contributed with input and profiles. I truly believe we have the best room and think each and everyone of you should take one hand off the keyboard and pat yourself on the back as it is no doubt without you supporting Lena, you would not be reading this... Be proud of your room and your web site, keep them profiles coming and a few more photo's, as I for one have read all of them and crave for more....... Well Done Lena..... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx