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42 innocent people killed

I read many times people speaking about the lives lost during the conflict. It seems that the CUD supporters do want to held the Ethiopian gov't responsible for that. However I found this alligation much unfair and it can take us no where as it has litle substance in it.
Let me reason out as a lawyer not as a politician. It is true that people whether, 26, 36 or 42 are died in the conflict. It is traumatic that such fellow people died. But why are this people died? Who made them to die? Knowing that the Negede Project for violence ahead of time, the Ethiopian gov't decided to ban any form of protest in the capital inorder to keep peace and security. Regardless of the question whether the PM has the power to make such a ban or not, it is true that it is allow of the land and the only way out is to go to the court and challenge the decision and then make the protest after. Driven by the hidden and unhidden calls by the CUD some people acted against the law. May be people can argue it would have been possible to arrest them and take them to court. But there is always a limit to be governed by that. There is also legal possibility to take a defensive act when conditions deemed to. Let us see what was to happen if they were not challenged. Was there marshing to protest and come home back or to cause hevoc and destroy property, rob what every they get like the previous times and if possible challenge the gov't things to go beyond conrol and may follow a civil war.
So if these were the possible scenarios, as a lawer one has to argue that such scenarios must be stopped. That is what the gov't has done and I think it is still intact to do the same incase the Negede plan is not dropped. It is a better option to see some tens died instead of a much weider steife for the whole country.

City: Bitchena

Re: 42 innocent people killed

Mr Lawyer,
You will stand in defense of PM Meles when his faces trial. It sounds more like a cadre than a lwayer to threaten people not to protest. Mr Lawyer, It is legal to protest but it is illegal to kill or impriosn thousands with out court order. Mr Lawyer, you also forgot that the court has decided that it is not its mandate to decide on the "unconstitutional decree". You, teh lawyer in effect are telling us that we should accept any thing from our officials with our any protest. By the way, do you also go by the name "kemal Bedri". Your recommendation sounds like his.

Re: 42 innocent people killed

only hooligans would say "are we going to not demonstrate if the government bans demonstartion".
If you're not prepared to respect (public safety decision) of a government that you don't agree with or you don't like, imagine what you would do if you were government.
Don't go into a long winded explanation. we have had an absolute monarchy, a fascist regime and everything in between.
If you don't accept a government you don't like and work within the rules to achieve what you like, then don't expect others to allow you to get what you like, because they will not respect your rules and methods.

Its as simple as that.

Re: 42 innocent people killed

I don't have any idea who has thrown this term Hooligan on to you. You seem to abuse it. For you everyone who demands his right is hooligan. Dergue and hailesellassie ordered not to have demonstartions yet, it was PM and his colleagues who happen to overrule the unfair and unjust rules and laws. Why is it sucha big deal when the same people who have refused unjust rules are in power? AAU was an immunized compound during meles's time? What happened when he is the leader of the country? What is this filthy argument that any unfair and unjust rule has to be accepted so long as it is passed by teh rulers? Isn't this autocracy? Is having wirtten or unwritten rules all what is required to justify viloence by teh governement? Interesting!!

Re: 42 innocent people killed

Dear Jadu,
its seems you have a litle understanding what simply law means. If people were in a position not to be bided by some sort of law, life would have been terrible.
If the court says its beyond its jurisdiction, the next step is to go to the next. Otherwise, if you are to take the law into your hands when you fill unconfortable by any decision by the gov't, life could not simply proceed. Hence you have to look at the issue in a wider prospect. Try to see things the other way round. For instance if Mr. Hailu Shawel were the PM getting the majority vote, but then people in Nazret or Aussa or Mekelle, who elect other parties were to say we do not like you Mr. Shawel as our PM, do you think Hailu was to say I am going to leave my power to the party elected in Gambela or Harrer or any where in the country but can not fulfil the constitutional chriteria to govern the country. What would CUD's decision would have been if those people were to come to the palace to take him out by violence?
I am sure the police and the military that time has the obligation to stop the violent makers. This is also true any where in the world. Political liberity is maintained as far as the user exercises his rights with care. There is always a limit to any right. Any time that works and it works in Africa in a harish way.

City: Bitchena

Re: 42 innocent people killed

Now, the TPLF "intellect" talks about the African way of dealing with protest. I didn't know I am dealing with a dumb TPLF "lawyer/cadre" who knows nothing but "revolutionary democracy" as a source of knowledge/wisdom/justice. I recommend you to join "dingay mamrecha" so that you sould be justified to practice your jungle laws: "revolutionary democracy". You Stink.

Re: 42 innocent people killed

It seems you are one lousy Lawyer who cannot interpret the law very well. Whatever University or city college you got your Law Degree from, you need to get your money back for not training you as a qualified lawyer. My suspicion is you are another Woyane liar or you bought your law degree through the Internet.

Re: 42 innocent people killed

Phew.....our "lawyer", what a funny interpretation of laws!. Where did you study law? At the CS "college"??? huh, funny...absolutely rediculous. I am hundred and one percent certain you are NOT even a high school complete. I can make this statement with a definite precision. I am a lawyer. I know who is a lawyer and who is not. YOU ARE NOT. You said, "PM ordered all not to demobstrate, but some violated hiss order and he has the right to slaughter anyone who does not obey his order". Where the gell exists such a law on this planet. I assure you there was no such law even 2000 years before. This is evident how stupidly the Weyanes argue to defend their fascistic acts.


Re: 42 innocent people killed

Phew.....our "lawyer", what a funny interpretation of laws!. Where did you study law? At the CS "college"??? huh, funny...absolutely rediculous. I am hundred and one percent certain you are NOT even a high school complete. I can make this statement with a definite precision. I am a lawyer. I know who is a lawyer and who is not. YOU ARE NOT. You said, "PM ordered everybody not to demostrate, but some violated his order and he has the right to slaughter in a broad day light anyone who does not obey his order". Where the hell exists such a law on this planet. I assure you there was no such law even 2000 years before. This is evident how stupidly the Weyanes argue to defend their fascistic acts.


Re: 42 innocent people killed

CHEBUDE, Lawyer, Debalque etc MORONS:
Can you show me one, just one simple difference between Derg and the TPLF fascists? Can you tell me the difference between serving Derg and TPLF? Can you just show one simple difference between Meles Naziawi and Mengistu H/M? Can you tell the difference between bedeno, arbagugu, sene 1, Murdering Assefa Maru, Murdering university students, Murdering 40 innocent men, women, children,and that of the Derg red terror???? Can you show me the difference between the ethio-Eritre war under Weyane and that of the Derg???? Can show me the difference between losing 100 thousands soldiers within two years and 65 thousands soldiers within 30 years???? Are you in the right frame of your mind when you dare to say Weyane is better than Derg? Can I dare to say you have no sound mind? You are moron number one.


Re: 42 innocent people killed

Dear Lawyer:-
I have a question and answer to it if I am wrong bpls let me know

Question:- Dergue and hailesellassie ordered not to have demonstartions yet, it was PM and his colleagues who happen to overrule the unfair and unjust rules and laws.

Answer:- Mengistu and Haileselassie ban demonstartions for life. Meles only ban it for one month.

Question: "Did PM have a power to order to slaughter anyone who does not obey his order".

Answer:- YES! TRY IT! even ONE Hooligan, One looter, and one riot in the mix the Pm has the right SHOOT TO KILL.. otherwise why the police carry gun if they no allowed to SHOOT AND KILL.. can you imagine the hooligan burn the city down to the ground and 100,000 people dying just because we don't want to SHOOT TO KILL TEN HOOLIGAN AND STOP law and order from breaking down.
I am sorry I don’t want to be politically correct here and people mistaken this for short coming and make trouble… I have one question if CUD value lives so much then why they refused to wait another five years.

As you know the govern in New Orleans order shoot to kill to keep the law and order… the what is wrong Ethiopia follow the same rule.. the question here is a relativity.. Which one is better? Ten hooligan life or 100,000 more innocent people life is more impotent… I wish we can safe the 10 hooligan life but if you have to choice from two evil one must be devil himself to choice the ten hooligan life over 100,000 life.. You can spin in any direction you want but today after more then two month life is going on in Addis Ababa peacefully.. if Meles intention was to kill the why stop only on 40 why not 100 or 1000... this low number collateral damage telling us Meles intention was to keep the peace and order nothing else.

Then what is the solution:-

The solution is not to beg the CUD the solution lay in hand of Meles and OLF


Re: 42 innocent people killed

Didn’t we have a fair-well party for you? You promised not comeback. You shouldn’t have promised something you weren’t going to keep.

tulu, you still NO MAKE SENSE.

Re: 42 innocent people killed

Tulu, Tultula,

Now you got the new orleans kill to shoot order and jumped to explot it !! What shameless creatures our country has to deal with!!!! Tultula, and your killer colleagues still have teh arduous task of proving the 14 years and 70 years old looters!!!! Mr. By the way, did you see the names of those killed? most names don't sound like Amhara, what happened? Does this mean that CUD also has support from non "Amharas"? Boe!! Atta!! these are mercenaries would be your answer!! You said "try it and you will continiue to kill", yes, never emagine even for a second that people will be intimidated by your savegery. People will come out and protest whether you refuse or not and you will have ample opportunity to kill until your turn comes to stand the other way. I hope it won't be too long.

Re: 42 innocent people killed

Yegermal said "tulu,Didn’t we have a fair-well party for you?"
Answer:- Yes, we have fair-well party then again Meles was reading my input about joining OLF and forget about CUD... Guss what I want every oromo to support Meles and 110% for this end every one should call his and her family back home tell them to support Meles... I think it is also a good idea to call support march infornt of UN when our beloved PM (THE FIRST ELECTED LEADER OF UITED OF ETHIOPIA WITH OR WITHOUT AMHARA)

Dear Jadu

Tultula, and your killer colleagues still have teh arduous task of proving the 14 years and 70 years old looters!!!!

Answer:- this is very simple question did the so called killer come to 14 years old kids house and take him out of his house and shoot him...
Did the so called killer come to 70 years old house and take him out of his house and shoot him... if the answer is NO! THEN it is collateral damage! this also show their is no intention to kill in part of so called killer.

Dear jaud ask again:-

Did you see the names of those killed? most names don't sound like Amhara, what happened?

Answer:- this also very simple... those sounnd nunAmhara name in fact are not Amhara by blood but they were Amharized by brain washing them for last 100years... I will not bleming them for dying for lost cause... Jadu... if you have lived in America and for last 100year your kids kids will not longer think like Ethiopia or Amhara they become an Ameircan by any standered did you bleming them for behaving American after 100years of separation from Ethiopia.. MOst oromo and othr ethnic groups doesnèt even speak their mother lanuages they foraget who they are would you blem them.. I donèt... in fact what Meles trying hard to convert this damage goods and findout it will not work... in fact the Amharazed Oromo more Amhara then Amhara itself...they are the one very bad... they have to proof themselves in evey step they make therefore they behave like killer bee. Meles findout the hard way he will not be succesful trying to convert those lost kids that is why he is trying to reach out to OLF.

Dear Jadu said

People will come out and protest whether you refuse or not and you will have ample opportunity to kill until your turn comes to stand the other way.

Answer: again this is very simple question the idea is again to save the life of 100,000 people not to kill 100,000 people to save 10 life..

Now Jadu answer my question:- would you mind if 100,000 died as long as CUD GOT THE POWERé

Would you shoot to kill if one hoolgian rape your mother or sister...using CUD MARCH AS A COVER.

A. It is only one rape
B. The intention of the rapest is not to rape
C. I donèt care who is who I will shoot to kill if someone rape my sister.
D. I am willing to waite another 5year to safe my sister from rape.
E. I take the rape as collateral damage as long as CUD WILL.

I know you will not answer my question... but I tried.

Re: 42 innocent people killed

Good that you have realized that I amn't a kind who responds to those who defecate with an orficie they are not supposed to.

Re: 42 innocent people killed

It was a great relief to all Ethiopians if Mesfin, Ledetu and Hailu were to be added to the said number 42 so that it will total 45. I think this was the best option missed. If there will be any next time, the three should be on the first list if this country has to get peace and stability