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Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Aster H/M criticised Netsanet who apparently seems to think EPRP was/is the party of the people. Do you think EPRP is the major contributor to the blood bath during the red terror? How about those working with the Derg under the slogan "critical support"? If we deny our past, we can't bring good thing to our country. It is an exercise in futility not to admit mistakes and trumpet a non existing success. It is our denial of our past that is still haunting us and made us unable to bring in anything better than the system we despised. EPRP is a party that killed thousands of real and perceived supporters of the DERG. Aster's cricism is herein below posted as it is.

Mamo Qilo, VJ, Tariku etc garbages are the aliaces of the MORON Mamo Qilo. Mamo Qilo in the "hahu besidist wer" of Tsegaye G/M is different from the Mamo Qilo on this screen. Mamo Qilo recently diagnosed and the result reads 'he suufers from recognition hunger. He is, in a way, also suffering from "MEGALOMANIA" i.e he has NOT properly measured himself. What he thinks of himself and the reality on the ground are in a constant conflict in his personal life. This has made him a confused person and made him too intellectually irrelevant.

Am I right if I say you started using your aliace "Mamo Qilo" when you are cornered??? Mamo Qilo, you are a piece of ****. I have understood what type of person you are. you don't deserve any response. I am just trying to let others know that you are a psychopathic lier, a MORON and a piece of ****.

Read my reponse and try to reason out. I told you what EPRP did. And yet you DARE to say EPRP showed that much fascistic character and took fascistic acts just to defend its members. Alas, there you goofed. What if Hitler or Stalin or any other dictator say I killed thousands of people just to protect my people or my party members? What if the cold blooded killing machine, Mengistu H/M, says I killed all those in defence of my country, my people and my party members from EPRP, TPLF and Shabia? You condone him??? I want you to read again what I posted before. I have herein below reposted it for your benefit.
It is NOT a question of liking or hating EPRP. It is NOT at all. You are way way off the mark. If you excuse me, what you said is bluntly spoken very stupid and ****tttttttttttt. I told you what EPRP did when it was active in the 1970s. I told you how many doctors, professors, highly learnt scholars and ordinary citizens were brutally executed and slughtered in a broad day light by EPRP. I told you about the 16 years old disabled boy hanged by EPRP scoundrels in the school compound. I told you about Dr. Mekonnen Shegene who was executed in a broad day light by EPRP mercenary thugs. I tried to convince you that EPRP was full of lawless genocidal thugs. I think I made a hard exercise to let you see the truth full face. After all these effort of mine, you come and say, "You hate EPRP". This is utterly nonsense. This is totally rubbish. It exposes what type of silly woman/girl you are. It is NOT a question of liking or hating. What I hate in life is hate itself. I have never ever passed a judgment on the basis of personal likes or dislikes. You are rather MADLY in love with EPRP and anyone who tells you the truth about EPRP is one who hates EPRP. huh, it is very sickening! I have been following you and reading your comments. I liked many of them. This time around you have clearly goofed. Don't rush to unwarranted conclusion. I told you about EPRP and its criminal past. If you think I have lied or exaggerated, just say it is not true or it is exaggerated. Try to argue with logic and try to reason out. Please try to make your own independent verification that what I told you about EPRP is 101% true. It is rather the tip of the ice berg. If one tells you all the criminal records of EPRP you may dare to say it is comparable to Mussolini's attrocities. Let me tell you some of the most outrageous crimes of EPRP. Dr. Getachew Maru, who was a CC member of EPRP, was killed by EPRP and after they killed him they did put his dead body in an old sack and dumped his body in one of the garbage corners of Addis Ababa. Birhanemeskel Reda narrowly escaped imprisonment and a subsequent brutal murder by EPRP. I told you also about the poor "setegna adari" slaughtered by EPRP. I told you also about the thousands of EPRP members executed and slaughtered being branded as "anja". What else do you want to hear? Netsi, keep an open mind. Don't close up. Your brain is wonder of wonders and use it excellently. Don't have a faith type allegiance to any political group. Finally, I want to tell you EPRP is a piece of ****. Bye for now.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

As far as I know many Ethiopians don't even want to hear the very name EPRP. The trauma is still fresh in the minds and hearts of many Ethiopians. It is shame ex EPs came back with same name. Actually, EPRP is dead long ago. What we have now is NOT the org, but the individuals who were members and sympethisers. What is more trajic is that they think with their heart, not with their brain. They reduced the whole issue to an emotional matter. Dr. Birhanu Nega is very wise that he negated his past and started a new political carreer. The so called current pseudo EPs should learn a lesson from what Dr. Birhanu Nega did.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

I totally agree with you. I hope the pseudo EPs will examine and re-examine themselves and try to put themselves on the right track.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

You moron. We know you are using Hagre, Hiwot, Professor Waka and Aster H/M. Why are you trying to divert our attention.

I rendered you lifeless and bruised your ego. I shattered your image and literally reduced you to a useless and lifeless soul. Netsanet has ignored you for a long time. You are talking to yourself. Moron.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?


Mamo Qilo is reducing you to rubbles, no currency.

Ankasa Doro aka
Mamo Qilo

Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Mamuye Qilo=Yigermal=Netsanet etc garbages:
Listen to me!!!

Alebabsew biarsu bearem yimelesu... Let us take the lid off. I don't think you are in the sevice of the nation. Anytime any truth about EPRP's past is uttered, you flare up like a dangerous pet and pour out what you are bottled up bu your denkoro political mentors. We know a beast is a beast under all circumstances. A beast remains a beast whether he stands on his feet or on his head. You have to face the fact that EPRP was a cold blooded diabolical killing machine. That is what Aster H/M tried to show you. EORO killed thousands of innocent men, women and children. Don't deny your past. Whether you like it or not it is the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the TRUTH. Please face it. Regarding national reconcillation, I again subscribe to Aster's idea. It is all about immunity from criminal prosecution. EPRP's victims should be able to claim compensation from you and your bossess. You have to make the damage good, to the extent possible. Many families have ruined because EPRP killed the bread winner. Many women have become prostitutes cos EPRP killed their fathers and mothers. Many children have died of starvation coz EPRP killed their mothers and fathers. The same holds true with MEISON, ICHAT etc garbages and the Derg. The comensation should come from the personal accounts of you and your likes. You committed all these heinous crime and now you claim to be a Derg victim or claim to be a "patriot". ****ttttttttttttttt!!! It is a trajedy. After killing thousands of innocent ethiopians you still aspire to power in liberated Ethiopia. If I were you I would have committed suicide. Your heart and brain should be made of plastic that you still have a gut to utter nonsense on this forum. Don't you feel guilty?


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Mamuye Qilo:
You are educationally a sub normal creature. I could see how low you could go any time any truth about your "TABOT" i.e EPRP is uttered. I am showing you the truth full face. You resort to your favorite style, mud slinging and name calling. You are a less than useless MORON, MORON NUMBER ONE. CIAO!


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

As professor put it correctly Mamuye Qilye is a sub normal creature. In German language he is ULTREMINSCH.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

What is going on here? Those of us who live abroad are less tolerant to different ideas. What is wrong with criticising EPRP? EPRP did commit a million and one mistakes. It is high time it has to be told. Why is Mamo and others are so adamant and don't want to listen to their past folly? We are talking about democracy. Let us discuss it openly and without reservation. I was myself EPRP member and that is the gravest mistake I ever committed in my life. I regret it. But I can not undo it. At present I see here in the USA different guys claiming to have ressurected EPRP. I thought it is a hoax. But later on I realised they truly mean it. I laughed bottom up. Along side fighting weyane we have to clear and tidy up our dirts.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Netsanet=Mamuye Qilye=Jadu=Tariku=Ankasa Doro=Quixote etc garbages. You are all GARBAGES!
Alebabsew biarsu bearem yimelesu... Let us take the lid off. I don't think you are in the sevice of the nation. Anytime any truth about EPRP's past is uttered, you flare up like a dangerous pet and pour out what you are bottled up by your denkoro political mentors. We know a beast is a beast under all circumstances. A beast remains a beast whether he stands on his feet or on his head. You have to face the fact that EPRP was a cold blooded diabolical killing machine. That is what Aster H/M tried to show you. EPRP killed thousands of innocent men, women and children. Don't deny your past. Whether you like it or not it is the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the TRUTH. Please face it. Regarding national reconcillation, I again subscribe to Aster's idea. It is all about immunity from criminal prosecution. EPRP's victims should be able to claim compensation from you and your bossess. You have to make the damage good, to the extent possible. Many families have ruined because EPRP killed the bread winner. Many women have become prostitutes cos EPRP killed their husbands, fathers and mothers. Many children have died of starvation coz EPRP killed their mothers and fathers. The same holds true with MEISON, ICHAT etc garbages and the Derg. The compensation should come from the personal accounts of you and your likes. You committed all these heinous crimes and now you claim to be a Derg victim or claim to be a "patriot". ****ttttttttttttttt!!! It is a trajedy. After killing thousands of innocent ethiopians you still aspire to power in liberated Ethiopia. If I were you I would have committed suicide. Your heart and brain should be made of plastic that you still have a gut to utter nonsense on this forum. Don't you feel guilty?


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Mamuye Qilye:
Take your tranqiliser tablet and sleeping pill. You need to cool down. I guess that is what your psychiatrist should have told you.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Mamuye Qilye:
It would be degrading myself to talk to you. I have totally ignored. Pls don't mention my name now and then. I know I am your obsession. I know it is me you think about first every morning you wake up. Play it cool. It is NOT good for your health.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Mamo Qilo:
EPRP is dead long ago. No earthly power can bring it back to life. It is an exercise in futility. You better do fast the "sahn mateb" for 6 dolloars an hour. I guess you are good at it.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Netsanet=Mamuye Qilye=Jadu=Tariku=Ankasa Doro=Quixote etc garbages. You are all GARBAGES! Words of mine are NOT sufficient enough to describe your stupidity.

Alebabsew biarsu bearem yimelesu... Let us take the lid off. I don't think you are in the service of the nation. Anytime any truth about EPRP's past is uttered, you flare up like a dangerous pet and pour out what you are bottled up by your denkoro political mentors. We know a beast is a beast under all circumstances. A beast remains a beast whether he stands on his feet or on his head. You have to face the fact that EPRP was a cold blooded diabolical killing machine. That is what Aster H/M tried to show you. EPRP killed thousands of innocent men, women and children. Don't deny your past. Whether you like it or not it is the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the TRUTH. Please face it. Regarding national reconciliation, I again subscribe to Aster's idea. It is all about immunity from criminal prosecution. EPRP's victims should be able to claim compensation from you and your bosses. You have to make the damage good, to the extent possible. Many families have ruined because EPRP killed the bread winner. Many women have become prostitutes cos EPRP killed their husbands, fathers and mothers. Many children have died of starvation coz EPRP killed their mothers and fathers. The same holds true with MEISON, ICHAT etc garbages and the Derg. The compensation should come from the personal accounts of you and your likes. You committed all these heinous crimes and now you claim to be a Derg victim or claim to be a "patriot". ****ttttttttttttttt!!! It is a tragedy. After killing thousands of innocent Ethiopians you still aspire to power in liberated Ethiopia. If I were you I would have committed suicide. Your heart and brain should be made of plastic that you still have a gut to utter nonsense on this forum. Don't you feel guilty?


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

EPRP must scrutinize its members. Not all members are bad nor should they be associated with the past crimes. However,there are some I am afraid that they might bring the terror of sixties if elected for public office. EPRP has a history of collaborating with foreign enemies for sake of power grabbing which it never achieved. If it was up to me it would be better if EPRP changes its name.

Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

I share your view that EPRP should have never ever used a spoiled name that triggers terror and uncertain life. The very name EPRP is like a ghost that terrorises everybody here. EPRP means terror, intolerance, killing innopcent guys. Whenever I hear the very name EPRP those brutally killed slaughtered by EPRP resurface from my crowded memory. Whenever I hear the very name EPRP, Dr. Mekonnen Shegene comes to my mind. Dr. Fikre Merid comes to my mind. All those intellectuals killed and slaughtered in a broad day light come to my mind.
I want to repost what Tolesa wrote.
Alebabsew biarsu bearem yimelesu... Let us take the lid off. I don't think you are in the service of the nation. Anytime any truth about EPRP's past is uttered, you flare up like a dangerous pet and pour out what you are bottled up by your denkoro political mentors. We know a beast is a beast under all circumstances. A beast remains a beast whether he stands on his feet or on his head. You have to face the fact that EPRP was a cold blooded diabolical killing machine. That is what Aster H/M tried to show you. EPRP killed thousands of innocent men, women and children. Don't deny your past. Whether you like it or not it is the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the TRUTH. Please face it. Regarding national reconciliation, I again subscribe to Aster's idea. It is all about immunity from criminal prosecution. EPRP's victims should be able to claim compensation from you and your bosses. You have to make the damage good, to the extent possible. Many families have ruined because EPRP killed the bread winner. Many women have become prostitutes cos EPRP killed their husbands, fathers and mothers. Many children have died of starvation coz EPRP killed their mothers and fathers. The same holds true with MEISON, ICHAT etc garbages and the Derg. The compensation should come from the personal accounts of you and your likes. You committed all these heinous crimes and now you claim to be a Derg victim or claim to be a "patriot". ****ttttttttttttttt!!! It is a tragedy. After killing thousands of innocent Ethiopians you still aspire to power in liberated Ethiopia. If I were you I would have committed suicide. Your heart and brain should be made of plastic that you still have a gut to utter nonsense on this forum. Don't you feel guilty?


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?


We know you are using Hagre, Hiwot, Professor Waka and Aster H/M,etc posting your comments almost the same time. Since you don't have anything to say, you copy and paste the same topic again and again. We you are one and one person who is a LOSER and doesn't have any place in Ethiopian politics. You are lucky enough to hide on cyber. You know who you are ie MORONS OF MORONS. I understand you have BLOOD IN YOUR HAND that makes you like this.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?


Can you pease stop talking to yourself. Moderator, please ban this crapp.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Tediye =Mamyiyeyeye Qilyeyeye
Your English is gibrish. Try to improve it. Maybe you are too old (in his 40s) and busy washing yeferenji dish. On the serious note, why you just throw out your garbages without censoring them. Try to reason out. Attack ideas, not the man personally. This is the civilised way.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

I agree with you. I don't know why mamyiye Qilye is interested in attacking personalities, instead of ideas. He likes saying "moron", "Moron of morons", "i bruised his ego". "I shattered him", "I turned him into pieces" etc garbages. They tell nothing, but how low the guy can gi when he runs out of ideas. One should NOT worry as to who posted a message. A reasonable person simply replies to what is posted. Mamuye Qilye loves barking and biting left and rignt and center, like a mad dog.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

I share your view that EPRP should have never ever used a spoiled name that triggers terror and uncertain life. The very name EPRP is like a ghost that terrorises everybody here. EPRP means terror, intolerance, killing innopcent guys. Whenever I hear the very name EPRP those brutally killed slaughtered by EPRP resurface from my crowded memory. Whenever I hear the very name EPRP, Dr. Mekonnen Shegene comes to my mind. Dr. Fikre Merid comes to my mind. All those intellectuals killed and slaughtered in a broad day light come to my mind.
I want to repost what Tolesa wrote.
Alebabsew biarsu bearem yimelesu... Let us take the lid off. I don't think you are in the service of the nation. Anytime any truth about EPRP's past is uttered, you flare up like a dangerous pet and pour out what you are bottled up by your denkoro political mentors. We know a beast is a beast under all circumstances. A beast remains a beast whether he stands on his feet or on his head. You have to face the fact that EPRP was a cold blooded diabolical killing machine. That is what Aster H/M tried to show you. EPRP killed thousands of innocent men, women and children. Don't deny your past. Whether you like it or not it is the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the TRUTH. Please face it. Regarding national reconciliation, I again subscribe to Aster's idea. It is all about immunity from criminal prosecution. EPRP's victims should be able to claim compensation from you and your bosses. You have to make the damage good, to the extent possible. Many families have ruined because EPRP killed the bread winner. Many women have become prostitutes cos EPRP killed their husbands, fathers and mothers. Many children have died of starvation coz EPRP killed their mothers and fathers. The same holds true with MEISON, ICHAT etc garbages and the Derg. The compensation should come from the personal accounts of you and your likes. You committed all these heinous crimes and now you claim to be a Derg victim or claim to be a "patriot". ****ttttttttttttttt!!! It is a tragedy. After killing thousands of innocent Ethiopians you still aspire to power in liberated Ethiopia. If I were you I would have committed suicide. Your heart and brain should be made of plastic that you still have a gut to utter nonsense on this forum. Don't you feel guilty?


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

I think EPRP is dead. Mut wekash atargegn yibalal. It is agains our culture "mut mewkes". Forget EPRP and move forward. Those who claim to have ressurrected EPRP should stop their "April the fool" type silly joke. They have to stop being annoyingly foolish and give another name to their party, if they have one.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?


It appears that you have so many people on this forum who are involved in the slaughtering of young Ethiopians in the 1970s. Most of them appear to be directly involved in the RED TERROR. They not only support the RED TERROR but also appear to feel sorry since they didn't finish the whole young generation. They use this forum as a hiding place as they don't have any place in the current Ethiopian politics. Your forum has become a place for expressing hatred and defamation.

I think you need to ban them. It will not be helpful for our politics. We need reconcillation.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Time and time again I reiterated that I hate no one. What I hate in life is hate itself. Hate eats you up and finally drives you crazy. That is what happened to Hitler. I tell you again I DON'T hate EPRP or its ex-members. I DON't also hate "the present day EPRP", if there is ONE. National reconcillation is all about immunity from criminal prosecution. EPRP, MEISON, TPLF, DERG etc garbages have committed a heinous crime against the Ethiopian people. The victims should be able to claim compensation from the leaders of such criminal groups. I see no earthly reason why you hate this idea. Do you want meles to go away with all what he did. Let us exempt him from criminal liabilty, but not from civil liability. It is the individuals right. You can't suppress it. This is all what I am saying. Please don't be adamant. Face the truth. Meles killed over 40 innocent persons recently. Don't you think he should atleast pay compensation from the money he looted from the Ethiopian people. The Ethiopian people should not pay a cent in the form of compensation for what the fascist Meles did. The same holds true with EPRP, MEISON etc garbages. Your accusations are unwarranted. If I had directly or indirectly been in any fascistic act, be it red or white terror, I wouldn't have come up with this idea. If you were in the white terror, don't hesitate to accept responsibility and be willing to pay compensation to the family of your victims. Targa meletef, forwarding unwarranted accusation and defamation are cheap weyane tricks. Please don't use them. Please don't think anyone who condemns EPRP's fascistic act is a derg or red terror participant etc. EPRP is conspicuosly hated, unpopular organisation. I am here in Addis. Soon after weyane assumed power anti red terror committee was set up. I said if we need to bring a rule of law in this country we have to set up also anti white terror committee. I drafted a constitution for the committee and went to the then Ministry of Law and Justice for registration. They refused to give the committee a legal personality. I argued furiously. But was of no avail. I told them putting on trial red terror guys alone is NOT justice. It is a VENDETTA. they laughed and tried to redicule me. I went again to the authorities and told them instead of putting on trial only red terror guys, it is better to go for national reconcillation. They said such decision can not be made by the bureaucrats. They were right. I had/have no access to any weyane politician and now am simply watching the drama. Let me ask you a simple question. Why are you against the idea of compensating all those who lost their dearest possession in life i.e life itself by EPRP fascists? Do you think killing innocent people is different if done by EPRP? Are you saying if EPRP kills it is correct and just? Are you saying if MEISON, DERG, TPLF kills it is wrong and unjust? If I say Meles should be pay compensation, you shoot up from your seat and say yessssssssss, yes, yes, he has to pay it. If I say MEISON, DERG should be pay compensation, you again shoot up from your seat and say yessssssssss, yes, yes, those *******s have to pay. What makes EPRP's crime different from the rest? I know you have no answer. You will simply come and say "you hate EPRP'. Please use your brain. It is God's wonderful gift. Keep an open mind. Don't be stupidly adamant and stubborn. It is flexibilty and creativity that make every manm perfect. Don't have a faith type allegiance to any political group. Try to have a critical mind. Don't reduce your brain to a box wherein any garbage is staffed into. BYE MY DEAR


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

TIME AND TIME AGAIN I reiterated that I hate no one. What I hate in life is hate itself. Hate eats you up and finally drives you crazy. That is what happened to Hitler. I tell you again I DON'T hate EPRP or its ex-members. I DON't also hate "the present day EPRP", if there is ONE. National reconcillation is all about immunity from criminal prosecution. EPRP, MEISON, TPLF, DERG etc garbages have committed a heinous crimes against the Ethiopian people. The victims should be able to claim COMPENSATION from the leaders of such criminal groups (GANGS). I see no earthly reason why you hate this idea. Do you want Meles Zenawi to go away with all what he did? Let us exempt him from criminal liabilty, but not from civil liability. It is the individuals right. You can't suppress it. Under criminal law, if convicted, you lose your liberty and life, as the case maybe. Under the civil law, if found to be at fault, your property is at stake. Your pocket is under attack. I am saying we don't want to go against your liberty or life. We want to attack your pocket and make you pay in the form of COMPENSATION to your victims. This is all what I am saying. Please don't be annoyingly adamant. Face the truth. Meles killed over 40 innocent persons recently. Don't you think he should atleast pay compensation from the money he looted from the Ethiopian people. The Ethiopian people should not pay a cent in the form of compensation for what the fascist Meles did. The same holds true with EPRP, MEISON etc garbages. Your accusations are unwarranted. If I had directly or indirectly been in any fascistic act, be it red or white terror, I wouldn't have come up with this idea. If you were in the white terror, don't hesitate to accept responsibility and be willing to pay compensation to the family of your victims. Targa meletef, forwarding unwarranted accusation and defamation are cheap weyane tricks. Please don't use them. Please don't think anyone who condemns EPRP's fascistic act is a derg or red terror participant etc. EPRP is conspicuosly hated, unpopular and mafia type organisation. I am here in Addis. Soon after weyane assumed power anti red terror committee was set up. I said if we need to bring a rule of law in this country, we have to set up also anti white terror committee. I drafted a constitution for the committee and went to the then Ministry of Law and Justice for registration. They refused to give the committee a legal personality. I argued furiously. But was of no avail. I told them putting on trial red terror guys alone is NOT justice. It is a VENDETTA. they laughed and tried to redicule me. I went again to the authorities and told them instead of putting on trial only red terror guys, it is better to go for national reconcillation. They said such decision can not be made by we the bureaucrats. They were right. I had/have no access to any weyane politician and now am simply watching the drama. Let me ask you a simple question. What is your dearest possession in life? Of course life itself. Now, why are you against the idea of compensating all those who lost their dearest possession in life i.e life itself by EPRP fascists? Do you think killing innocent people is different if done by EPRP? Are you saying if EPRP kills it is correct and just???!!! Are you saying if MEISON, DERG, TPLF kills, it is wrong and unjust???!!! If I say Meles should pay compensation, you shoot up from your seat and say yessssssssss, yes, yes, he has to pay it. If I say MEISON, DERG should pay compensation, you again shoot up from your seat and say yessssssssss, yes, yes, those *******s have to pay. What makes EPRP's crime different from the rest???!!! Is/was EPRP licensed to commit crimes of any kind???!!! Is/was EPRP a licensed serial killer???!!! I know you have no answer. You will simply come and say "you hate EPRP'. ****ttttttttttttttt....This is absolutely rubbish. Please use your brain. It is God's wonderful gift. Keep an open mind. Don't be stupidly adamant and stubborn. It is flexibilty and creativity that make every man perfect and productive. Don't Don't Don't hundred and one times DON'T have a faith type allegiance to any political group. Try to have a critical mind. Don't reduce your brain to a trash box (can) wherein any garbage is thrown into. BYE MY DEAR. GOD BLESS YOU!!!


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?


You are wasting your time coping and pasting.You must be expert on copying and pasting. I can see you don't have anything more.

Our attention right now is on WOYANE.Let's leave the judgement for the Ethiopian people. They know who killed their sons and daughters.

Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

I am a long time follower of this forum and a first time poster. I passed through that era of the braves. When individuals were ready to sacrifice their only life for betterment of society and for their principle. I lost couple of extremely intelligent relatives and friends during the era. Those people died under the banner and leadership of EPRP. EPRP and its members were victimized by almost all political organizations that appeared in the political life of the country. MESON, DERG, SEDED, ELF, EPLF, TLF, TPLF … all at one time or another made the popular movement led by EPRP as their main enemy.

If truth be told ….. Let us answer some of the accusations thrown from some of you in this board, especially from hagere-Ethiopia. If you want sincere discussion on the subject … Where, who and how did EPRP killed all those people? How could it commit such viscous crime when it does not even have political power? I stand on the opposite spectrum of this accusation. What I and the people of Ethiopia everywhere (in AA, Jimma, Nazeret, Dessie, Mekele, etc) remember is the terror perpetuated by DERG and his Cadres against members and supporters of EPRP. The red terror which was designed to literally wipe out EPRP from Ethiopia’s political forum killed thousands of young, vibrant, selfless, extremely intelligent Ethiopians. Their alleged crime was being a member or supporter of EPRP. So the history most Ethiopians know is, EPRP as a victim not the other way around.

Having said that though I would like to change gear and agree with Ellenni. EPRP has made some critical mistakes. The major one, in my opinion, was its urban armed defense (strugle). Also, its unplanned growth and the power infatuation of some of its leaders can be mentioned as some of the immense errors commited by EPRP.

I am not current member or supporter of EPRP. Other than some online news about the organization I don’t even have time to find out what their current political program is. However, I really admire those who carry the banner of the organization if, as in the past, EPRP has the interest of the people at its heart. It is easy to change name and organization, like Dr. Nega (By the way I am a friend and admirer of him), and move on in life. But it requires courage and devotion to carry the banner of the people, after years of beating, both in arms and propaganda, from all corners of the DERG, TPLF, etc. for over 28 years.

If you really think of it, most of the non TPLF rulers of Ethiopia are/were members of EPRP.(???)

yours truly

Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Are you saying EPRP didn't slaughter professors, doctors and highly learnt scholars? Are you saying EPRP didn't kill Dr. Mekonnen Shegene (some say he was a Masters holder from Harvard)? Are you saying EPRP didn't kill Dr. Fikre Merid? Are you saying EPRP didn't hang in public a 16 years old disabled boy at Medhanialem School? Are you saying EPRP didn't kill hundreds of Kebele Temerachoch? Are you saying EPRP didn't kill journalis Yeshualul Mengistu (a young female journalist)? With such outrageous denial we can't have a structured discussion. I advise Hagere Ethiopia not to reply to your rubbish posting. You are absolutely rubbish. It is better to admit mistakes and seek apology from the Ethiopian people. I am quite certain you will do same thing if by some miracle you come to power. God help us from wolves like you


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

I knew well ahead of time that you have nothing to say. I have rendered you tongue tied. This time around you didn't say "you hate EPRP". That was your famous chorous. Now, you accuse me of cut and paste. I didn't commit plagiarism. What I cut and paste is my own writings. SO WHAT? It is because you couldn't understand my point. I felt like telling you repeatedly. Can I add more? Your mind is not that receptive to the truth, the truth bounced from your mind many times and I did tell you 3 or 4 times. I can do it more, if you wish to.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

I didn't say Derg didn't kill EPRP members. I didn't say Derg didn't commit heinous crime. I didn't say Derg didn't commit attrocities. I didn't say many intelligent and cream of the creams were not wiped out by the Derg. I didn't say EPRP members didn't pay the ultimate sacrifice. Rather I did say the Derg guys should pay compensation to the families of the victims i.e the mothers and fathers of killed EPRP guys. But the same should hold true when it comes to EPRP also. I am saying EPRP's crime is no less than the Derg. Just like Derg EPRP killed Drs, Professors, highly learnt scholars, kids as young as 16 years old, poor guys like "yesetegna adari", "zebegna", "yeken serategna (kuli)" etc. Just because EPRP killed their fathers and mothers many children have died of malnutrition. Just because EPRP killed their husbands, mothers and fathers many woman have becaome prostitutes. EPRP killed its own members too labeling them as "anja". EPRP supported the ziad bare invasion in 1975. EPRP brought a mercenary from SHABIA to kill Mengistu H/M. EPRP supported the Shabia's banditry. EPRP supported the disintegration of Ethiopia. EPRP in its useless paper (organ) called "Democracia" openly and without shame supported the sucession of Ethiopia. There was no single issue of "democracia" in which something was not said about shabia, Eritrea garbages. EPRP should be responsible to all these unspeakable Hitler era type attrocities. I am saying EPRP is comparable the Nazi and Mussoloni. So is Derg, MEISON, TPLF etc garbages. PERIOD.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?


In your latest response to Nestanet, you wrote:

"I am saying EPRP is comparable the Nazi and Mussoloni. So is Derg, MEISON, TPLF etc garbages. PERIOD."

I think you lost your mind. By the way do you

include CUD leaders such as Hailu Shawel, Colonel Goshu Wolde,etc? Or is there any exception?


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?


You brought a good question for the so called "Hagere" which actually is "hagere afirash". While he open his arogant mouth on EPRP, he didn't even say a word about those DERGS within CUD who slaughtered so many young Ethiopians. We all know that some of the leaders of CUD have actively participated with Derg.

Whether he like it or not EPRP will be there in Ethiopian politics.I can't even think Ethiopian politcis without EPRP. Believe it or not, even the policicians right now on the other side are either former EPRP members or have learned from EPRP. EPRP is always a leader in Ethiopian politics.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Hiwot, Azirtachew etc zemen yemotebachehu garbages:
Listen to me. I said time and time again there is NO guilt by association. I didn't say all members of the fascist EPRP or Derg or Meison etc garbages are responsible. Hailu Shawel was just a technocrat. He was NOT even a member of ISEPA. I think you are intellectually sub normal. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been forced to say same thing repeatedly. If you think terrorism perpetrated by EPRP is just, that is your privilege. The Ethiopian people don't accept such garbage. You still try to praise EPRP. Very funny. For what? For killing Doctors, professors, and poor people all over the country. There is NO heroism in killing Dr Mekonnen Shegene, a guy who was serving his country with one hand and one leg. There is NO heroism by killing Dr. Fikre Merid, who was one of the best profeesors of the Law Faculty of AAU. There is NO heroism by killing a 16 years old disabled boy at Medhanialem School. There is NO heroism by killing "yeshiling" setegna adari. There is No heroism by killing yeken serategna. There is NO heroism by killing hundreds of its own members by labeling them "anjas". There is no heroism by killing Getachew Maru, cutting his body into pieces and dumping his body in a garbage corner of Addis. There is NO heroism by killing a 72 years old man who was bed ridden. (EPRP killed this guy in attempt to kill his son who was allegedly a MEISON member.) There is NO heroism by throwing high school kids from the fourth floor to their death. You useless zemen yemotebachihu garbages surprise me very much when I see you adamantly arguing in favor of EPRP.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Is it a sheer coincidence that WEYANES and EPRP garbages are attacking HAGERE ETHIOPIA in unison? Not at all! They are actually one and the same. It is power struggle that lets them appear different. When two men ride a horse both can not be at the front. TPLF fascists are here in defense of EPRP fasdcists. It is like Nazi defending Mussolini. Alas! everything is becoming crystal clear


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Hagere Ethiopia:
I read all your comments. You are always with facts and figures. You have in all your comments stated factual situations. You have listed down those cream of creams slaughtered by EPRP fascists. EPRPs and TPLF morones come and say "EPRP is an angel", "EPRP is great" etc. They have NOT in one instance denied that they killed Drs, professors, setegna adaris, ken serategnoch, high school kids and a 16 years old disabled boy. They have not denied that they allied with shabia and jebha. They have NOT denied that they fully supported Ziad Bare of Somalia during the invasion of Ziad Bare in 1975. They have NOT denied they brought a mercenary by the name Goitom Lebasi from Shabia to assasinate Mengistu H/M. They have NOT denied they killed hundreds of their own members branding them as "anjas". They have NOT denied they robbed money from Bank. They have NOT denied that they raped little girls as young as 10 and 12. They have NOT denied they have never been democrats. They have NOT denied that they had/have NO tolerance for a different opinion. They have never tried to rebut or refute the factual situations i.e the fascistic acts of EPRP. So, why waste your time in vain. Just ignore them


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Hagere=Prof.waka=Hiwot=DERG MURDERERS

You wrote:

"I didn't say all members of the fascist EPRP or Derg or Meison etc garbages are responsible."

You tried to defend top CUD leaders who were in the top leadership position during the red terror.We all know that they can't be in the top leadership poistion UNLESS they support the ABIOT.The same theory holds true for those individuals working with Woyane. You know what that means-killing everybody who is on their way-poor EPRP was one of the victims. Your leaders-Hailu Shawel, Colonel Goshu,etc were ministers in the early days of the Derg. These guys earned it by doing something. Won't you agree? These are the few individuals but there are so many in CUD who actively worked with the Dergs. Is that the reason why they don't want to join UEDF? They know what they have done. Yewega biresa yetewega ****esa. At least you didn't even condemn them for associating with the Derg dictator. Anyway, there will be time where everyone will be judged. We are working hard to bring democracy and freedom of speech and justice to our country. I want to remind of again reconcillation is the best way to go. No one will benefit from your propagation of your hatred and defamation.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Hagere=Prof.waka=Hiwot=DERG MURDERERS

You wrote:

"I didn't say all members of the fascist EPRP or Derg or Meison etc garbages are responsible."

You tried to defend top CUD leaders who were in the top leadership position during the red terror.We all know that they can't be in the top leadership poistion UNLESS they support the ABIOT.The same theory holds true for those individuals working with Woyane. You know what that means-killing everybody who is on their way-poor EPRP was one of the victims. Your leaders-Hailu Shawel, Colonel Goshu,etc were ministers in the early days of the Derg. These guys earned it by doing something. Won't you agree? These are the few individuals but there are so many in CUD who actively worked with the Dergs. Is that the reason why they don't want to join UEDF? They know what they have done. Yewega biresa yetewega ****esa. At least you didn't even condemn them for associating with the Derg dictator. Anyway, there will be time where everyone will be judged. We are working hard to bring democracy and freedom of speech and justice to our country. I want to remind of again reconcillation is the best way to go. No one will benefit from your propagation of your hatred and defamation.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Hagere=Prof.waka=Hiwot=Elleni=DERG MURDERERS

You wrote:

"I didn't say all members of the fascist EPRP or Derg or Meison etc garbages are responsible."

You tried to defend top CUD leaders who were in the top leadership position during the red terror.We all know that they can't be in the top leadership poistion UNLESS they support the ABIOT.The same theory holds true for those individuals working with Woyane. You know what that means-killing everybody who is on their way-poor EPRP was one of the victims. Your leaders-Hailu Shawel, Colonel Goshu,etc were ministers in the early days of the Derg. These guys earned it by doing something. Won't you agree? These are the few individuals but there are so many in CUD who actively worked with the Dergs. Is that the reason why they don't want to join UEDF? They know what they have done. Yewega biresa yetewega ****esa. At least you didn't even condemn them for associating with the Derg dictator. Anyway, there will be time where everyone will be judged. We are working hard to bring democracy and freedom of speech and justice to our country. I want to remind of again reconcillation is the best way to go. No one will benefit from your propagation of your hatred and defamation.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

If the current struggle of the Ethiopian people, in part or in all, restores power to the murderers who killed our grandfathers, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers to power, I rather take another 15 years of Woyane rule. Infact, Woyane had been quite nice to these murderers, most are treated well in prison and even have their day in court. Their property has not been confiscated and their children and spouses are able to come in and go freely.

Please don't forget those of you who have any notion of using this current situation to enter the Ethiopian political system, that the people have forgotten the more that 150,000 innocent people slaughtered since Haile Selassie was overthrown. The same way we are demanding justice for the 40 some people killed during May 15th election, I am calling for justice for the 150,000 Ethiopians that perished.

Please do not take this as a support for Woyane. I for one am hoping that the opposition will make significant strides in Ethiopian politics and bring about change. But if this is a disguise to go back to the old days, or to bring back those who have done atrocities back to power and political forefront, then Ethiopia is truly backward and maybe there is some truth to the EPDRF attack that the people who are pushing for the overthrow of the EPDRF are those that were in power pre-Woyane.

As many of you have already stated, self examination is a start for this process.


City: New York

Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?


You tried to defend top CUD leaders who were in the top leadership position during the red terror.We all know that they can't be in the top leadership poistion UNLESS they support the ABIOT.The same theory holds true for those individuals working with Woyane. You know what that means-killing everybody who is on their way-poor EPRP was one of the victims. Your leaders-Hailu Shawel, Colonel Goshu,etc were ministers in the early days of the Derg. These guys earned it by doing something. Won't you agree? These are the few individuals but there are so many in CUD who actively worked with the Dergs. Is that the reason why they don't want to join UEDF? They know what they have done. Yewega biresa yetewega ****esa. At least you didn't even condemn them for associating with the Derg dictator. Anyway, there will be time where everyone will be judged. We are working hard to bring democracy and freedom of speech and justice to our country. I want to remind of again reconcillation is the best way to go.

No one will benefit from your propagation of your hatred and defamation.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Thank you Brother.

Accountability for everyone for every action!!It is part of the reconciliation.

Saying I did not kill anyone, is not enough defense for ex-ibiot leaders. Keeping silent is also a form of support and agreement. By their inaction they have contributed to the murder of more than 150,000 Ethiopians. And most of these leaders that came to power after Haile Selassie were prominent leaders; they were not at all at the bottom of the totem hole of the regimes rank and file. Every democratic leader wanna be has to take a look and take the plank out of his own eyes, before he offers to take the log out of his brother's eye.


City: New York

Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Azirtachew, etc garbages:
You are a man with no content (empty vessel). Did I say all EPRP members criminals? Not at all! I didn't even say all TPLF members are fascist. Despite the fact TPLF is a group that did commit and is committing unforgettable (if not unforgiveable) historical crimes, like making Ethiopia with a 73 million people landlocked while giving everything to the 3 million people. Guilt is individual. There is NO guilt by association. Hailu Shawel could have assumed a ministerial position under the Derg. SO WHAT??? Rather Dr. Fasil Nahum, the legal brain of Meles NAZIAWI, was at the epicenter of red terror. But he is still assuming a key gov't position. For Weyane an ex Derg or an ex ISEPA becomes a criminal the moment he opposes the Weyane's fascistic rule. This is sickening. I know you guys are hard core weyanes pretending to free thinkers. I can identify Yezinb tengara leave alone a denkoro Weyane. Regarding national reconcillation my position is crystal clear. It simply is immunity from criminal prosecution, but not from civil liability. All victims of EPRP, Derg, TPLF, MEISON etc fascists should be entitled to adequate compensation from the leaders of all these criminal organization. You are going around the bush and don't dare to touch the gist of the matter. You thought you got an opprtunity to disseminate confusion on the two issues: Nat'l reconcillation and civil liability.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?


You tried to defend top CUD leaders who were in the top leadership position during the red terror.We all know that they can't be in the top leadership poistion UNLESS they support the ABIOT.The same theory holds true for those individuals working with Woyane. You know what that means-killing everybody who is on their way-poor EPRP was one of the victims. Your leaders-Hailu Shawel, Colonel Goshu,etc were ministers in the early days of the Derg. These guys earned it by doing something. Won't you agree? These are the few individuals but there are so many in CUD who actively worked with the Dergs. Is that the reason why they don't want to join UEDF? They know what they have done. Yewega biresa yetewega ****esa. At least you didn't even condemn them for associating with the Derg dictator. Anyway, there will be time where everyone will be judged. We are working hard to bring democracy and freedom of speech and justice to our country. I want to remind of again reconcillation is the best way to go.

No one will benefit from your propagation of your hatred and defamation.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Azirtachew, etc garbages:
You are a man with no content (empty vessel). Did I say all EPRP members are criminals? Not at all! I didn't even say all TPLF members are fascist. Despite the fact TPLF is a group that did commit and is committing unforgettable (if not unforgiveable) historical crimes, like making Ethiopia with a 73 million people landlocked while giving everything to the 3 million people. Guilt is individual. There is NO guilt by association. Hailu Shawel could have assumed a ministerial position under the Derg. SO WHAT??? Rather Dr. Fasil Nahum, the legal brain of Meles NAZIAWI, was at the epicenter of red terror. Dr. fasil Nahum wrote a book in which he openly advocated that red terror has "a revolutionary legality". He even introduced the famous Derg slogan "kehulum belay abiyotu" He meant the revolution is even above the law and argued Derg can keep on killing as long as it was meant to defend the revolution. Fasil Nahum is such a nasty person. But he is still assuming a key gov't position. For Weyane an ex Derg or an ex ISEPA becomes a criminal the moment he opposes the Weyane's fascistic rule. This is sickening. I know you guys are hard core weyanes pretending to free thinkers. I can identify Yezinb tengara leave alone a denkoro Weyane. Regarding national reconcillation my position is crystal clear. It simply is immunity from criminal prosecution, but not from civil liability. All victims of EPRP, Derg, TPLF, MEISON etc fascists should be entitled to adequate compensation from the leaders of all these criminal organization. You are going around the bush and don't dare to touch the gist of the matter. You thought you got an opprtunity to disseminate confusion on the two issues: Nat'l reconcillation and civil liability.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

EPRP the only party tasted on war front as well as on ideology,how ever EPRP made one big mistake big mistake EPRP inception from Addis not assesing the condition of country life they lost the war.


City: DC

Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

Big mistake? Hitler too committed big mistake...ha ha ha ha ..You are a funny creature. What does that big mistake constitute? Is it not killing innocent men, women and children? And yet you want EPRP to go away with what you called "big mistake"? Yihe bedem mekeled mekom alebet my dear. It was Drs, professors, highly learnt scholars and poor citizens who were slaughtered by EPRP stalinists. Stop joking! The families of the victims of the fascist EPRP are listening to what you are saying. I am sure their heart bleeds.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?





You tried to defend top CUD leaders who were in the top leadership position during the red terror.We all know that they can't be in the top leadership poistion UNLESS they support the ABIOT.The same theory holds true for those individuals working with Woyane. You know what that means-killing everybody who is on their way-poor EPRP was one of the victims. Your leaders-Hailu Shawel, Colonel Goshu,etc were ministers in the early days of the Derg. These guys earned it by doing something. Won't you agree? These are the few individuals but there are so many in CUD who actively worked with the Dergs. Is that the reason why they don't want to join UEDF? They know what they have done. Yewega biresa yetewega ****esa. At least you didn't even condemn them for associating with the Derg dictator. Anyway, there will be time where everyone will be judged. We are working hard to bring democracy and freedom of speech and justice to our country. I want to remind of again reconcillation is the best way to go.

No one will benefit from your propagation of your hatred and defamation.


Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?

I cant follow this discussion: may be it is the post holiday syndrome.

Re: Does EPRP has a place in Ethiopian politics? Is it fighting for a lost cause?


I agree with you.As to me we are wasting our time arguing within ourselves instead of fighting Woyane.Let's focus on bringing democracy to our country and when we have free justice system, we can take whoever is at fault to the free court.
