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Bad news from Ethiopia

This is a true story. I know some of you are very skeptics.
The news from Ethiopia is very disturbing, indeed. I heard from a family member who just got back from Ethiopia that Meles is still killing people left and right. The Woyane army is taking some people from one province and kills them in another province. They said bodies are being found thrown in different places. They said some farmers are getting paid thousands of dollars just to be a spy and Meles is turning people against each other. I also heard that people are so frustrated they are willing to give their lives than living like this under Meles. I find this very disturbing and frightening for the lives of millions of people in Ethiopia. I pray to God to watch over the poor and peace loving people of Ethiopia.

Re: Bad news from Ethiopia

The weyane thugs have been known for that for a long time. Did you just wake up?
Ethiopia has been calling her able children to get rid of this evil ppl called weyane for a while now. Unfortunately the farvor that we saw early in June seems to cool off a little bit. May be I am wrong but that's what I see inside and outside of the country.
May God help us all!!!

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Re: Bad news from Ethiopia


Re: Bad news from Ethiopia

God is my witness, I am telling the truth. The individuals who told me the story just got back from Ethiopia five days ago.
Gebremeles, you are the one who sold your soul to the murder. I hope someday the soul of those innocent lives will hunt you for the rest of your life. You are just as guilty as those who are killing the innocent people. I don’t know how people like you sleep at night. You want us to believe all the crap you are posting but when we tell the truth you insult us being a lire. I wish I could find those Colorado Students to finish what they started on you.