Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

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contact Washington Post about the embassy attack

This news will create a lot of attention if the U.S. media is aware of it. Those of you in the DC area, why don't you contact the media and inform them of the incident?

Re: contact Washington Post about the embassy attack

And you think this will cahge the government in Ethiopia? Wow....when will this mentality stop? Which is like a desease as you can see on this forum. If there is a rating for people who complain to the whaite man to come to the rescue, this forum will be number one. It is embarassing by the day really.

Bottom, line each and every person either decide to go pay the ultimate price inorder to make the injustice go away, or you can hold your breath until the perfect democracy prevail in Ethiopia once CUD takes over and start helping the none political 99% of Ethiopia that needs food and medicine first and fomost. Democracy will prevail in Ethiopia one way or the other!
