Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

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For Example ....

The opposition and most of the people on this forum do not understand world politics.

For example, I suggested that Hailu and Merara write an open letter to G8 and have is published in international news papers. The time is perfect for this and Ethiopia is the perfect country to write the letter from and Hailu and Merara would be the best people to write it. The letter would focus on why G8 should not waste their money ($50 billion per year)if they are not prepared to help resolve the political malice that afflicts Africa. It would argue why the economic problem cannot be resolved without resolving the political malice. It would plead with the G8 not to finance the killing machine of Meles's murerer regime that has been rejected by the people. The letter would emphasize the condition for the G8 support is democracy and givernance and establish that Ethiopia fails both tests. Ethiopia would be a God sent example. This would have impact as countries go to their parlaments to get the money approved. Most of the people on this forum have no clue how the world politics function. They are stuck in Minilik's time (Hagere et al) or suffer from tribal mentality (Gebreselassie and Ibrahim).

For example, I suggested for the Opposition to assure the international and national community that the opposition would stear clear from messing around with Article 39 and the Port issues. Any one who does not understand the dynamics of this position does not belong in 21 century politics.

For example, The people on this forum react for every little news, including Meles's award of 200K by some fertilizer company and waste their energy on it. Than to pick a few items and organize themselves around those and do what needs to be done. Many of you guys are event driven. You allow yourselves to be bounced from one issue to another rather than influencinf one or two events in a pro active and methodical way.

For example, people waste time and resoure responding to Gereselassie. Gebreselassie is a computer program I wrote to sniff around the cyber space for any thing on Meles and bring it to ER and post it.

For exaple, VJ is a solid politicain (I suspect he is still a communist). But not many people pay attention to what he is saying. If you cannot listen to Mamo Qilo and VJ, you are not as bright as your friends tell you. And your friends are lying to you.

Gebreselassie Zemariam

Re: For Example...

This is an example of pro active politics. A letter that was sent to me from the Republican Operators.

Dear Mamo,

It's been over 36 hours since President Bush named Judge John G. Roberts to be the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Judge Roberts is a fair-minded and compassionate jurist who knows his job is to interpret the Constitution, not legislate from the bench. Response to Judge Roberts' nomination has been very positive from Republicans, legal scholars, the media and even some Democrats thanks to actions you took shortly after the President announced his choice. But our work is not done.

Liberal interest groups such as NARAL and MoveOn.Org are committed to doing all they can to keep Judge Roberts from the bench. President Bush selected Judge Roberts after an unprecedented outreach effort, consulting with Democrats and Republicans alike. He has been thorough, thoughtful and deliberate throughout the entire process. To ensure Judge Roberts is confirmed by the U.S. Senate, we need you to do three things.

1. Call your senators, tell them Roberts has your support and deserves theirs.

2. Sign our petition in support of the timely confirmation of Judge Roberts.

3. Call talk radio, write a letter to the editor of your local paper and tell your friends and neighbors why you support the President's choice.

Judge Roberts has a record that demonstrates a commitment to faithfully applying the Constitution and not legislating from the bench.

The President and Judge Roberts need your help. We need to keep the momentum going so this highly qualified nominee becomes the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Thank you for your hard work and please take action today.


Mike DuHaime
RNC Political Director