Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

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Just do something

I would like to express my sadness regarding our heroic pilots. We have to carryon doing whatever we can, write letters or emails but just do something. I thought I should share the following.

Few weeks ago I spent sometime writing letters to different members of the British Parliament. Today I received a letter from the Opposition Member for International Development, Andrew Mitchell. He attached a speech he has made to Parliament, which took place on 30th June 2005. It talked a lot about poverty in Africa, mainly bad governess. He also mentioned the killings in Ethiopia.

This is a piece from his speech “As for Ethiopia, which is run by another of the Prime Minister’s friend (Tony Blair), Meles Zenawi, the African Union, explaining its silence about the recent murder of more than 20 opposition supporters on the streets of Addis Ababa, said that it had more important issues to deal with”.

I feel if we are going to wait for UK or USA to condemn Meles, we will be waiting forever. Emperor Menilike, never waited for anyone in 1896. Haile Selasei, went to the international community for help. Only to get assistance after five years, while the Italians were planting there seeds in Ethiopia.

For the west it is just an iconic country in-terms of poverty. Their self interest is more important than our freedom and happiness.

This is our country. This is our problem. This is our struggle.

My message to you all is keep writing to all political representatives where ever you are.