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Hate Ain't Got Nothing to Do With It

EPRDF operatives on this forum tell us that our opposition to EPRDF reflects our hate to TPLF. Some tell us that our plan and wishes are to bring the old days of kings and feudal lords era back into present day Ethiopian political land scape. They tell us that if we oppose the government we must be Amhara. All these are arguments put forth by lightweight political operatives.

One needs to read messages posted by the likes of VJ to see that this is a farce. VJ is not an Amhara. He does not seem to have any love for the old feudal system. He even seems to argue that Ethiopia's politics cannot be addressed without brining the issue of nationalities front and center. Yet he argues forcefully that EPRDF must go. And he does that with convincing arguments not diatribes.

I for one oppose TPLF primarily because it is a government led by armed looters. It is a government governed by one Ethnic group even when compared to the Amhara governments of the past. But most importantly, it is a government rejected by the people.

Addis Ababa is a city that reflects the ethnic mix of Ethiopia more than any other region in the country. Probably the majority are Oromo, followed by Amhara, Tigre and Gurage, with the other ethnic groups including Dorze and Wolayta having quite fair representation. The total sweep in Addis Ababa shows that EPRDF is rejected in a big way. This has nothing to do with hate for Tigrayans. It has everything to do with the peoples' rejection of TPLF's armed looting enterprise. It has everything to do with the government's bad economic policy and Meles's tendency to use tribal politics to divide and rule. It is total rejection of TPLF for its failed policy to promote development. And hate for Tigrayans aint got nothing to do with it. If it does it is hate for armed looting, hate for divide and rule and hate for a failed policy. EPRDF has been rejected; slum dunked, and left naked, stripped off any legitimacy and mandate to rule. There is not much cyber mercenaries such as Mulugeta Asrate Kassa can do to salvage a party that has been rendered lifeless by the Ethiopian public from all ethnic groups.

Mamo Qilo
submited on behalf of
Gebreselassie Zemariam and
Dr. Ibrahim

Hagere Ethiopia is the same as Hiwote Roberts and Professor Waka.

On Jul 18th, 2005 at 5:58 AM Hagere Ethiopia posted a message using the screen name "Hagere Ethiopia" on the same day on Jul 18th, 2005 at 7:58 AM he posted the very same message using "Hiwote Roberts" screen name account. He forgot that he was using "Hiwot's" Screen name and signed it of as Hagere Ethiopia, including his email address. Please see this for yourself under the thread "CUD's Double Whammy."

I use different screen names to annoy G/S. Hagere Ethiopia uses different screen name to praise how briliant Hagere Ethiopia is. I think moderator should warn him not to use different screen name to praise himslef. This is unetical.

He made the same mistake earlier when using Professor Wako's screen name. He signed it off as Hagere Ethiopia.

Mamo Qilo
submitted on behalf of
Gebreselassie Zemariam

Re: Hate Ain't Got Nothing to Do With It

What is wrong with you Mamo? You are posting identical messages here and there, like Hagere Ethiopia.

City: Addis

Re: Hate Ain't Got Nothing to Do With It


I accept your point. I should not be ding that. But I wanted to expose Hagere, may be I over extended. Point well taken.

Mamo Qilo
submitted on bahlf of
Gebreselassie Zemariam

Re: Hate Ain't Got Nothing to Do With It

Mamo Qilo dear,

Your presentation on this particular message is fair and precise. You have spoken what is on my mind, I believe in many Ethiopians too. The time has come for Ato Meles' government to realize what has happened in Addis is a reflection of the rest of the country. Even though GS and his likes are entitled for their political views, they can't speak for the rest of us and can't impose their wicked ideas on the people of Ethiopia. I think we should discuss on what the opposition should do next as to how to reflect this truth to the rest of the country if election ought to be done all over again on the disputed areas. I believe, from what I read and heard, the opposition didn’t do enough in the outskirts of Addis regarding the shortcomings of this evil government or what will be coming to their way if they vote for them. Got this kind of feeling too?

God bless Ethiopia!
