Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

Ethiopian Review Readers Forum
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moderator is doing a great job

I want to express my appreciation to the moderator who is doing a great job in keeping this forum clean from woyane cadres' hate mongering, while allowing free discussion. Keep it up! ER is also doing fatastic job. I visit it several times a day.

Tariku ZeBihere Ethiopia

forgot to mention...

I asked Elias (the pub) how can we help, he said one way to help is to visit the ADs placed at the top of the page. Let's not be freeloaders. Visit the ADs. Some of them you may find useful.

Re: moderator is doing a great job

Why is the moderator too leanient on Gebreselassie? He is advancing Woyanne banda aganda in this forum. He sounds like a fulltime woyanne agitator.

Re: moderator is doing a great job

TTsion: you need to learn to say thank you some times. Don't just be a crumedgeon, always criticizing.