Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

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For all forum participant!

Dear participant!

I had a change to listen an interview of Mr. Amare via radio internet through the following link. And I found it worthy to do so every and each one of you specially who are a diaspora poloticians.

Your comment after listning is anticipated.
Interview with Ato Amare Aregawi, Editor-in-Chief of Reporter

Re: For all forum participant!


We do not like you on this forum. Leave alone to read and respond, we do not even go and visit. Dr. Ibrahim is the only one who takes you seriously. VJ cut you to size for crying in public. The tugs in Colorado did such a bad job on you. You should not have over charged them.

Mamo Qilo

Re: For all forum participant!

Sir, thank you for informing us to listen Ato. Amare Aregawi interview on Ethiopian First. I thought it was enlightening. I cannot help but chuckle when I heard Ato Amare said one of the opposition leader prefer to discuss democracy and politics with his shoeshine boy (Listro) that the Ethiopian in Diaspora! Somebody from the Message Board came to mind, quickly.

Do you think he was thinking Mr. Qilo et al? Since he and his multiple personalities is “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma” famous saying by Sir Winston Churchill to explain something we cannot understand, easily. In Diaspora politics, Mamo Qilo embodies the above idiom. He dispenses prolific political advices to anyone and everyone who read the Message Board.

He is also a study of the opposite. Subject is revered as a political pundit, sharp intellect and wit that captivate even the most skeptical reader. Yet, he has a dark side, temper, self-absorption and sarcasm, an easy target for critics.

Mr. Qilo’s message board sometimes reveals inadvertently and unwittingly the actual characters, an interesting study, once decoded, despite its limitations one can see through the labyrinths of the brilliant but cluttered and often raging mind. Anyway, and the end of the day it is a “tempest in a tea pot” inside the beltway.

BTW, do you think Carl Rove will resign from his position in the White House?

I know who is going to reply first

Re: For all forum participant!

Ghost Buster aka Abune tewflos:

I must admit, you are a very smart man. But you seem to have forgotten I am both Mamo Qilo and Cyber Bully. The two characters live in me competing for attention. Mamo is the intellectual who rendered Hagere Ethiopia lifeless. Cyber Bully is the one who tormented Gebreselassie. This is what makes us together as “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” Yes, it is hard to understand both of us in one package unless you manage to separate us.

You wrote: "He is also a study of the opposite. Subject is revered as a political pundit, sharp intellect and wit that captivate even the most skeptical reader. Yet, he has a dark side, temper, self-absorption and sarcasm, an easy target for critics." You are right, but can you guess who is who? Mamo is the political pundit. You would see his ability if youcould manage to have anyone debate with him. I think it would be excellent if VJ can debate with him. Ibru has failed him. Cyber Bully is around to cut people to shape.

You asked: "BTW, do you think Carl Rove will resign from his position in the White House?" I would not count on that.

You said "I know who is going to reply first" Did you have Gebreselassis in ind. He is fuming because I posted a message on his behalf.

Mamo Qilo

Re: For all forum participant!

Mamo Qilo!

Unless you have read what, I wrote in this forum you wouldn't dare to give any answer be it negative or possitive.

Know what you are talking about.

Re: For all forum participant!

No, I expected one of your surrogates to reply forcefully and acerbically, initially. You are very smart, cleaver and devious to anticipate. You threw a curve ball at me.

I suggest G/S Zemaariame should move with Mulugetta AssRat to Addis to advice EPDRF. Such move is known as falling-upward in a popular career track for unemployed or underemployed political pundits and talking heads in Diaspora. You see a few of them in Addis sipping an expensive cognac at the Office Bar at Sheraton Addis.

I guess it beats driving a taxi in Colorado or being a part time instructor in African American Study in a small community college in Prince Morgan County.

Re: For all forum participant!

Mamo Qilo, alive and well with many ghosts,

All made of flesh and bone, all of them greedy!