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What is the motive of Meles when he let's opposition get this far?

Meles is a master in politics of force and deceit even in his TPLF days. I always wondered how he managed to maintains power for 14 years long. First, he poked Amharas to firm resistance towards self determination and right of people. That held internal organizations in EPDRF together. Meles successfully silenced multiethnic organizations, alienated them and came accross as the only viable organization to solve issues of federation. He used forceful, combative, polemical and intimidating dealings. His appointed mean spirited body Dawit Yohannes as a speaker and old submissive friend kemal Bedri as chief Justice. He imprisoned opponents Tamrate layne and hayalome. He scavenged the wealth from the country and invest and developed Tigray. Hence, gaining Tigrean support. He lay low during 1998 war and entrapped his own friend in TPLF and claimed victory. He always manages to win after creating a boondoggle. He lost support in Tigray after he imprisoned SEYE and eleven others from TPLF. He let the Badame victory be mud slugged with UN politics. Do you think he was not thinking when he let the grip loosen on the opposition? What do you think is Melese up to?