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Debalkew Demeke: you are banned from this forum

This is not a place to foment ethnic hatred.

Re: Debalkew Demeke: you are banned from this forum

Dear Moderator!

I am so happy the action you took against those who fomenting ethnic hatred. You also need to take actions on those who used someone else's name. The underneath is not authord by me and I am realy disappointed on whomever used my name.

Thank you,


Gebreselassie Zemariam

Jul 17th, 2005 - 7:07 AM Re: Prediction

Mamo Qilo

This is wishful thinking. It does not matter what EU and US say. EPRDF is not going to let CUD reverse the gains of the last 2 decades. We will not share power. We have won and we intend to rule. Meantime, you sit behind your computer and dream on.

Gebreselassie Zemariam

Re: Debalkew Demeke: you are banned from this forum

Ato Mamo,

Please stop using Ato Gebreselassie's name.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Re: Debalkew Demeke: you are banned from this forum

To Moderator!

Thank you for asking Mamo Qilo to stop. Having said this, asking him to stop would not help him to do so.

Look the underneath what he is doing. He shoudn't submitted on behalf of me or any one else.


Mamo Qilo

Jul 17, 05 - 10:19 PM Question to Aba Paulos


Where are you? Has it occured to you, sir, that you are the only religious leader in the whole of Ethiopia to declare that EPRDF had won the election fair and square. Sir, has it occured to you that you are the only organization to declare tihis. Even NEB has some reservation, it apperas to us. Sir, why are you selling the altars of the Orthodox church to Mels?

Mamo Qilo
submitted on behalf of
Dr. Ibrahim, VJ and
Gebreselassie Zemariam

Re: Debalkew Demeke: you are banned from this forum

Gebreselassie Zemariam,
Take it easy that is personal tease. There is no harm
in that. You are being over sensitive.

Mr Moderator,
That is not enough reason even though Mr. Gebreselassie has the right to be annoyed.

Re: Debalkew Demeke: you are banned from this forum


Thank you for your advise. But, why did you ask Mamo Qilo why he include your name with EPRDF list if you were not annoyed?

I don't mind if he gives me any name but, I do mind when he used my name.

What do you think?

Re: Debalkew Demeke: you are banned from this forum

Added My name I did not ask him to speak for me read what i replied under the subject Abuna Paulos.

Re: Debalkew Demeke: you are banned from this forum


You seem to be scared of VJ. You are sucking up to him, but he still gave you in the chin. This VJ guy does not like tribal *******s. He is for democracy first and foremost.

By the way, what do you think of the open letter I sent to Meles on your behalf.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Debalkew Demeke: you are banned from this forum

It is a fair warning to MAMO QILO.


City: Addis

Re: Debalkew Demeke: you are banned from this forum

Hiwot Robert

I don't think the warning will help Mamo Qilo to correct his behavior as he is a basalt headed man/woman.