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Vote rigging/fraud investigation that seems to have no end

Zenawi should not be allowed to impose his will on the Ethiopian people by force. The obstacles he is putting on the vote rigging and fraud investigation has continued with out end. This is his tactic to allow him to buy time to arrest and murder more people suspected to be opposition party supporters and other witnesses who should testify about the scanadl.

Why does Zenawi and his cadres not allow the investigation to be carried out smoothly and freely if they have no thing to fear and if they believe that they have won the election.

Re: Vote rigging/fraud investigation that seems to have no end

Dear Yibekal,

The electoral board are such a scam, they are not going to be fair, but if they try to play by the rule, they will be killed by their Master. It is over two month since the election, we still don’t know which party is the leader. This is a jock of the century regarding election. Meles has lost the real election, but he is killing people behind the scene so that he can say he has won, the truth will come out eventually.

Where does the country go from here? If the TPLF stay in power, since it is clear they are not going to give power to opposition. Come September, do we all just pretend like nothing has happened. How can this man lead this country, whether he is selected or not. Do we just ignore the killing, the mass murder & arrests. They are playing dirty games in Addis at the full glare of the international community by not clearing rubbish, giving land to their friends, clearing the revenue of Addis Ababa. Is Meles really going to be in the Palace in Addis Ababa, for how long?

Re: Vote rigging/fraud investigation that seems to have no end

The TPLF and their cadres behave like the proverbial donkey that said i do not care whether the grass grows on not if i am going to die. They are definetely on the way out. They do not have an ounce of support from the people. They have been playing the ethnic card for 14 years and they have run out of more ticks.Their tenure in power is one laid on sandy foundation and is not able to hold them up any more.

Re: Vote rigging/fraud investigation that seems to have no end

Yibekal, Brook & Abiy,
I agree with you three. Meles has shown his intimidation, hate and cruelty to Ethiopian people. How could one hate the people in it and try to rule the country? His wish for Ethiopia is Rwanda II. It is very doubtful he will give power willingly. He is definitely buying time.