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EPRDF and the opposition would be forced to share power. My republican friends tell me.

Mamo Qilo

PS: G/S please stop sending me off line email. I sent it back to you suggesting it is undeliverable and told you it is a wrong address. I just wanted to see how stupid you are. You proved me right. I have recieved it. You stop sending me off line message. Otherwise I will program my system to send you emails from different accounts one email every five seconds. I have done it before. You moron.

Re: Prediction

I think you are right; considering your advice to Hon. Hailu Shawul.
Are you going to help Melese as well in fiuture hard talk interview?

Re: Prediction

Balamberas Belew,

I do not advice murderers.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Prediction

Mamo Qilo,
What is it with you and republicans. I saw you writing a claim to be in their shadow few times.
Let me tell you a story. I have a Cuban American friend called Rico that is related to the late Batista and who is also a die hard republican. He predicted G.W will win in 1999 and again 2003 just before the donkeys(AKA democrats} primary. Well I asked him what is all this prognostication crap you republicans are into?
He said "Well the only democrat that makes sound prediction is Dick Morris and he is saying the something."
Well I learned that most republicans in the media and that I know personally wait until Dick Morris says something that goes along their thinking and make a bet.
Well I say to you Mamo your republican friends are wrong ask Dick Morris and he will tell you that they alien to the real African issue like poverty, tribalism, diseases, subjugation, colonialism

Re: Prediction

Who is using my pen name "Belew" ?
It must be one of the loyal servants of TLF/EPRDF.
I told you befor your murderer master's time is up.
Long live united Ethiopia!!
My stand with Mamo Qilo is posetiv & strong.
Please readers discard the other "Belew" who is un infiltrater cadre. You will know this Web sight mersinaries by their messages.



Re: Prediction


Your email makes no sense. Please read it over and repost.

Mamo Qilo aka
Yechin Yewdal Mamo

Re: Prediction

Mamo Qilo,
What doesn’t make sense?
I am saying what is it with you and republicans?
I saw you writing few times claiming to be a republican and then I went on to tell you a story about how republicans praise themselves how good they are about knowing the future. The irony is People like Sean Hannity and Bill orielly run to democrat Dick Morris for prediction. Do you get it now. It is funny how you think a republican think thank would know best about Ethiopian/Africa future and base your thought on what he told you.

Re: Prediction


Dick Morrison is not a Democrat to begin with. He goes from Democrat to Republican at will and swings to whoever pays him more. You think he is a Democrat because he was advisor to Bill Clinton. Do you know how many republicans he helped?

Second, my message was not analysis. It was information. The republicans are in office and they make the policy for the US. What I am hearing is that the government of Ethiopia is being pressured to share power with the opposition. I still insist that you go back and read your message and revise it.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Prediction

The fact is - Ethiopian people has chosen their leaders - the oposition party ( even though the final result is yet to be seen ),the Ethiopian people has won on the ballots while the EPLF/TPLF/EPRDF=Meles & co won by the use of bullets
.The people of Ethiopia are well informed who the enemies are. The enemies are using the Ethiopian army against its own people & are robbing the country for the benefit of another country & their own pockets. The struggle continues.united Ethiopia will overcome this difficult situation. DEL LE ETIOPIA HEZB!



Re: Prediction

Dear Zemariam,

Gone are the days when the man with the gun rule. Things have changed, even though it is hard for you and your kind to understand. Which international government is going to shake hands with your master.

Let me tell you some thing you people might control the military, which I think in time will switch loyalty to the people not to TPLF. The truth is the EU (I am not sure about the USA), will be providing absolute support (financial and Non financial) to the opposition, who have proven that they have played the democratic game. Despite the obstacles set-up by the party in power currently.

You might play dirty tricks, as you are in the position to do so, but the EU and USA hold the purse.

Re: Prediction


Dick Morris Consults everybody now but he worked with Bill Clinton for more than 12 years read "Because He Could" and started to work for anybody after Clinton Alienated him. That was not The Topic. Alas

Again, what is funny is that you claimed to be a republican. That is all. A republican Habesha. I am amazed because I can neither be democrat or republican.

Re: Prediction


Did you know that Morris worked for republicans before he joined Bill Clinton's team?


Re: Prediction


Re: Prediction


What do you think of Dr. Ibrahim. To me sometimes he comes across as a very informed and smart perosn. Other times he comes across as a bit confused and confusing. I would also like to hear your views on Gebreselassie. I really cannot believe the tugs un Colorado would do such a poor job on him.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Prediction

Mamo Qilo,

I think of Ibrahim as you said he is a very informed and smart person with justifiable anger about issues related to Ogaden Somalia’s but not confused. Sometimes he might not be articulate and expressing himself well but that happens to all of us.

You said “I would also like to hear your views on Gebreselassie.”
He looks confused and seems to be mentally aroused by the existence of Melese’s Power as a proxy to his self esteem. I run across such pitiful people and since they do not know what they are talking about I become friends with them try to educate them.

You said”Then really cannot believe the tugs un Colorado would do such a poor job on him.”
I do not wish him harm to any Ethiopian. The poor guy was making a living do not mix politics and individuals.


Re: Prediction


I really like you. I think you are one of the deep thinkers on this forum. I am now confused who I would vote to lead me between you and Beyene Petros. I like your views a lot. Sometimes you scare me because I feel there are some communist leftovers in you and you may put a bit more emphasis on ethnic politcs than I am comfortable with. But over all you come across as a sound and intillegent dude. I like your reply about Ibrahim and Gebreselassie.

I still think the tugs in Colorado did a bad job on Gebreselassie. He should not have overcharged them to begin with. I wonder what you think of Hagere Ethiopia, but I do not want you to spend time on him.

Mamo Qilo
submitted on behalf of
Gebreselassie Zemariam and
Hagere Ethiopia