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The Notion of Human Rights


Is the notion of Human Rights exclusively a western value that evolved through western civilization or a universal value that every human society upholds?

Re: The Notion of Human Rights

In this day and age it all sounds like Westerns invention, but the truth is, Human Rights and Freedom is a universal matter. Hitler is a Western man but he nearly destroyed Europe and beyond. For countries like America and Europe they have gone through their own moments of political madness, until they relised that peace is best. When the white men were killing each other in Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Other races were watching them. Now I feel it is Africans turn to go through this phase of political madness in order to get to democratisation and respect it’s people.

Re: The Notion of Human Rights

Beheg Amelack,

I thonk some one is using your name. I do not believe that yu can ask such a complex question.