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Dr. Merera and Dr. Hailu Araya Disappoined with "lame" NEBE

... Merera said UEDF has pulled out its representatives from the area as EPRDF cadres put the investigation in danger by demanding re-election only and refusing to consider evidence of defence from the accused party.

Hailu Araya, CUD spokesperson, told The Reporter that the EPRDF was breaching agreements reached between the parties regarding the investigation process. He said instead of hearing the testimonies of five witnesses, as was agreed, the EPRDF insisted on hearing only two witnesses. He added that CUD representatives in the CIPs were not only prevented from getting a copy of discussion minutes and records but also being harassed and intimidated by government officials. He also said contrary to agreed procedures, representatives of NEBE and the EPRDF were deciding matters among themselves and thus sidelining their representatives.

Hailu noted that in places where the CUD had won by a landslide, the EPRDF was asking for a rerun of the election. The spokesperson further said that the CUD was in the process of showing to the public and the international community how undemocratic and lame the country's so-called "institutions of democracy" were....

See article:

City: Addis Ababa

Re: Dr. Merera and Dr. Hailu Araya Disappoined with "lame" NEBE

“…Hailu noted that in places where the CUD had won by a landslide, the EPRDF was asking for a rerun of the election. The spokesperson further said that the CUD was in the process of showing to the public and the international community how undemocratic and lame the country's so-called "institutions of democracy"

With all these discrepancies why not rerun the election. If it is good for Ukraine why isn’t good for Ethiopia. Who in the world in their right mind in Ethiopia will vote for Meles ? They have seen what he has done for the last 14 years. His own records speak for it self. Too many Ethiopians have lost their jobs because of their ethnicity. Meles need to know almost all Ethiopians despise him. Meles, we all know you hate all Ethiopian except your own kind. The feeling are mutual we hate you too. The people of Ethiopia have spoken you are not needed. Take the money you stole and get the heck out of Ethiopia.

Secretary Colin Powel went to Ukraine to witness the election and he was one of the deciding factors for revote. Where is he for Ethiopia? As a black man he needs to step forward to help Ethiopia.

Re: Dr. Merera and Dr. Hailu Araya Disappoined with "lame" NEBE

I am shocked that the opposition coalition is not infuriated and screaming bloody murder. The oppositions should drag the EU and other observers and get them outraged at the fraud and the stink NEB is defecating right under their collective "democratic nose"
