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The answer is --take 2 (same info - but formated)

I just want to start by saying that if anyone belived Melse was going to leave office after the electoin they must have had their head burried under the sand. I am realist, so I didn't expect for the current ruling party to loose the election, but I was happyily surprised that there was significant gain by the opposition. That said, we all have to agree this is a pgrogress for a country who has never seen such events. Was it perfrect, NO? Is it a start, YEST. Having seen Mr. Shaul's interview performance (that should say a lot about the party who chose him as a head), I am not ready to get the country into a war footing. I am ok with having Melese continue, with precondition that he will resign after his term ended. Now, what the "silent majority" and any ager wodade Ethiopian should practice from here on out
is not to insult the Tigreans as a whole, they are as Ethiopian as any one. But they fell as if they are not accepted by the rest of the popluation, and are constantly put on defenseive mode. When you put some one in the corner he has no other alternative, but to fight back. And they have ceritnly proven that they can fight back, my fello Ethiopians, we
need the Tigreans, just as we need the Oromos etc, on the side of the people. So we have to make them feel that they will not be discrimintated for who they are, or will not be accepted with full arms extended. More often than than not "Tigre" is refered in the rest of the hypocritcal country as an insult. We can not blame this people if they feel defensive, and don't trust any one. So lets build the bridge, any one who inslut Tigre or Tigreans as whole is doing more damage than he thinks. So, lets build the healing process, and lets first stop attacking people and their tribe, once we achive that, everything will become common sense. The tigreans like the Oromo's want better life for Ethiopians, so lets stop being hipocrites and work together to build this nation....what do you say? Speak up mr/mrs silen majority..don't let fools define the future for this great butiful country....


Re: The answer is --take 2 (same info - but formated)

Mamo Qilo,

The phony spin-doctor masquerading as Ethiopia. You can disguise but you can not hide!

Re: The answer is --take 2 (same info - but formated)

Ghost Buster,

I am sorry if I turn out to be your obsession. I think who ever wrote the above note needs a lesson.

Mamo QIlo


Re: The answer is --take 2 (same info - but formated)

I wrote it. I am no Mamo quilo - so relax. You all are obssessed with mamo - let it go. Let come back to the serous discussion.
