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what is the difference between Meles's state sponsored terrorism with al-Qaida's senseless terrorism

what is the difference between Meles's state sponsored terrorism with al-Qaida's senseless terrorism?

on 07.07.05: Britain suffered its worst-ever terror attack, I pray for the victims, here in Britain and wherever there is terror. Blair's careful plans for the G8 end in painful dilemma, It should have been one of the highlights of the prime minister's career. Instead he was forced to desert his duties hosting the G8. Tony Blair flew back to the G8 summit and the solidarity of world leaders that night after rushing to London for eight hours to receive emergency briefings from the security forces and ministers.
Before leaving for London just after 1pm, Mr Blair delivered a statement of condemnation from Gleneagles, among the leaders of the G8, India, China, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, the EU commission president, Jose Manuel Barroso, and James Wolfensohn, the UN special envoy to the Middle East.
In a sign that western divisions over the Iraq war must not give terrorists succour, Mr Blair was flanked on one side by George Bush, the instigator of the war, and on the other by Jacques Chirac, its opponent.
The group gathering was intended as physical evidence that the most powerful world forces would never succumb to terror. The al-Qaida strike, often forecast to take place around the general election, must have been disorienting for the prime minister. It came less than 24 hours after he punched the air celebrating bringing the Olympics to London, and after he had received glowing reviews for one of the most successful two-month periods of his seven-year premiership. But, in my eyes the prime minister of Britain who was flanked by the prime minister of Ethiopia, who conducted state sponcor terrorism on his own people should and must have known better about what to do with terrorists, who ever they are.

Becoming emotional and blinking frequently, he said: "Each of the countries round the table have some experience of the effects of terrorism and all the leaders share our complete resolution to defeat this terrorism."

Yes, prime minister one of them is behind you, his people are experiencing a state sponsored terror unleashed on them by there own prime minister, yes, ..... there own prime minister of terror. Now a big question for you, what is the difference between Meles's state sponsored terrorism with al-Qaida's senseless terrorism? the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; or in the case of PM Meles, to keep his power through intimindation or coercion or instilling fear.


City: Addis ababa

Re: what is the difference between Meles's state sponsored terrorism with al-Qaida's senseless terro

Woyane is a huge terriost to Ethiopians.

They hi-jack the ethiopian revolution in 1991. They are proving it as how blood thirsty, power monger, determined for destruction they are...
OH GOD illiminate these EVILS...

Long live ethiopia.

City: harrer