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Lets stop demonizing each other

I have a suggestion, from here on out lets all shoot down, if he/she attack another person's tribe. Express your openion as you wish, but any blind attack of another participant this tribe this or that tirbe that - my tribe is better than yours. We the silent majority should say - "husshhhh - get your head out of the gutter".


Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

Why don't you start shooting Gebreselassie first?

Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

Hi Ehiopian,

I agree with you. The only people who benefit from our fighting are enemies of our country.

Let us all be just Ethiopians first.

Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

If you are an astute observer, that I think you are you will not get sucked into tit for tat with - people who are intentilnally rub you the worng way (if you know what I mean). They try to force you to go to yoru lowest denominaotry - don't let them win, just expose them educate them. Tribalism will not get us anywehre far, lets wake up and debate ideas and what we can do.


Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

My fello Ethiopian,

I agree with what you are saying. Respecting eachother and who we are will take us to the next step- focusing on the real issue. That is what we need at this moment. We are on a cross road. Our country is asking for unity and determination rather than individuality and hating eachother. Focus!

God bless Ethiopia!


Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

I am beginning to like Gebreselassie. To me he comes across as a smart and articulate fellow though his views are consistently in favor of one party with partisan flavor. His opinions are supportive of the PM, which I think is within the bounds of his right. Those of you who demonize others must have been demonized your self, and I “pray” for you to give you the strength and shake off the "demonic spirit". (Who knows prayers may work)

Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

Yehm-Yalfale, Yelma,
gentlmen lets take our words seriously, lets fight the good fight. We are, indeed, at a cross road. We have bigger challenges than focusing our energy on one person, or the idiots who want to seprate us. We will have better tomorrow no doubt in my mind. Keep vigilant eye on this conversation on this forums, and expose the haters and the dividers. Educate those whose natural reaction is to reply in kind....the ginei is out of the bottle gents, lets get back our country by our collective wisdom, love and respect... Peace


Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

can you politely articulate
who is an Ethiopian ?

is Amahric language the litmus test?

Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

The fact what a beutiful question ;) It is simple but very powerful, and very fundamental. Ethiopians are people who live in East africa, bordering Kenay, Somalia, Sudan - (Eritrea with asterix). I belive Eritrian's qualify as Ethiopians but not by force. If they belive they are very diferent from the rest of Ethiopia - in fact they are not - show me another coutnry that dresses in Yagerlebese, eat Engjera there is none - for the sake of this discussion lets say they are our NEIGBOURING COUNTRY. So, Ethiopians are all those who live in the broder. Now, anyone inside ETH should be proud of his/her hertage, and deserve respect for that. Now you can go back 1000 years or even 100 years ago and claim this part of the coutnry was part of that and it was invaded by X tribe etc, but the reality is that we are where we are in a place where we have to live together. Lets focus on leaving a decent life first, before focusing on this tribe is Ethiopian this is not,etc..


Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

No speaking "Amhairc" is most certinly not a litmius test for being Ethiopian. You are just as qualified with Ormoigna, tigrigna, Guragigna, etc...


Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

can you politely articulate
who is an Ethiopian ?
(who means the people not the land)

is Amahric language the litmus test?

Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

Dear Lemlem:Let me put the verbatim of you message. It reads as follows:

Hagere Ethiopia: Yourself being Tigraye and tell
Meles what he really is,
“a tyrant bloodthirsty killer
shows how much you love your country.”
All God fearing Ethiopian Tigrayes
should follow your path and say
“Not in our Name.”

What I want to ask you is this:
You wrote, “Feudalism will
never come back to Ethiopia”
Don’t you think it is here
already under different
name "Meles Zenwaye?"

Listen, as the Honorable Hailu Shawl put it perfectly I, the Tigre, voted for a Kinijit candidate who is a non tigrean. I live in Teklehaimanot area where over 85% are Tigres. The last 14 years has taught many Tigres a lot of things. In 1991 many Tigres thought their time has come. Many even dared to say "the throne taken from us by Menelik came back once again to us." They considered it as a ressurection of King Yohannes dynasty. As time elapsed the truth started unfolding itself and almost all said, "awekush nakush". No more euphoria over "yetigre mengist". Almost all have understood there should not such thing as tigre, oromo, amhara. Almost all now want a government that truly represents the interests of all Ethiopian people irrespective of ethnicity, religion etc. Many admitted the grave error they commited and confessed in public. Gebru Asrat in public asked apology from the Ethiopian people. Others followed suit. My sister Lemlem, what I want to advise you is that it should be we all Ethiopians that have to say to Meles "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". THIS IS not AT ALL A TASK YOU CAN FREELY ASSIGN TO ONE ETHNIC GROUP. It is wrong. It is outrageous. Your approach is a sure recipe for defeat. TPLF is working 7/24 to create unbridgeable intellectual and emotional divide. Don't be an easy prey for their evil design. Meles is engaged into terrorising everybody with his blanket accusation of the opposition being "anti Tigre". He in the past intimidated many politicians into silence, even those who loathed for him. He is determined to win everybody to his interest NOT by the force of his example or ideas, but by the force of arms. I am sure you are NOT advising me to go for a head on collision and sacrifice myself in a silly manner. Assume yourself in my position and try to imagine what you could have done. You can read what I wrote to a certain guy called GEBRE. Finally, I didn't mean to offend you. I am a type of person who, when gets angry, never uses coded diplomatic language. Otherwise I am an engaging conversationist. I am also eoquent and persuasive. Maybe my straight forwardness is a dreadful vice of me. Take ONLY the good side of me. I hate also guys like MAMO QILO, who are sanctimonious demagogues parading as PATRIOTS whereas they are actually mercenaries willing to defend a guy like MUDI 7/24. The MAMO QILOS are NOT reliable. They serve anyone who fills their bottomless appetite. Hodam as they are, they even try to advertise PEPSI in a forum like this meant and dedicated to discuss the current affairs of our country. They are sickening bunch of vultures. There are many MAMO QILOS here in Addis. You find them in Sheraton at office bar every night with a bottle of very expensive whiskies. Let me tell you what I witnessed one day. I went there to attend a weding ceremony. Mudi was dead drunk. He started spitting on all vultures who had surrounded him. They cleaned their face and smiled to him. He then splashed a glass full of whiskey over them. They again smiled. I tell you the MAMO QILOS at the office bar are not human beings. They are 70% dogs and 30% human beings with severe mental retrdation.

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

Who ever attacks a whole set of "tribe", does not know the light there is a fook in Tigre as there is in Oromo and Amahra, gurage etc...only fools would blinldly thing all Tigre, Amhara, Ormoa are good or bad....lets focus on what is good for the people of Ethiopia, most of whom are so poor you would have to see to belive. Lets not be selfish and loose focus of that....


Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

Hagre Ethiopia,
You seem to be very intelligent person, with first hadn knowledge of the current affairs. I would have like to see your elquant e-mail to saty on the message. No need for name calling even if mamo quilo is annoying you like hell. I understand that sometime you may have to hold your nose above the stinch - so hold it don't be part of the stinch. Use your god given talent and the love for your country to unite us, not divide us....peace


Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

All the kings horses and all the kings men can't
put Ethiopia back together again.


City: USA

Re: Lets stop demonizing each other

Ok Mr. Esaysa or his cousin - we know who you are ;-) we are uniting and you will never be given Ethiopian green card. This fourm is only for get lost.
