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Promise to Moderator


At least 12 of the last 13 messages under my name, including the one on Al Amoudi's alleged apology, were posted by an imposter. This is a promise that I would not use any other name in the future. My screen name would be Mamo Qilo. In addition, I would not post anything other than sound analysis. So anything else coming under Mamo Qilo should be seen as a work of an imposter. I now understand the damage I hae caused to your forum and I apologize. This is a sincere apology.

Mamo Qilo

PS: One way of ending such madness would be for you to block anyone who steals people's name. We will let you know when our names are hijaked and it should be easy for you to track who the person is.

Re: Promise to Moderator

Mamo,Mamo Qilo,


You need help, urgently!

Posting under different name continuously indicate an emerging hopefully early stage and curable Dissociative Identity Disorder or (DID). It is possible to recognize each different personality or “alter” from just a few words in your messages. I think you are suffering more from advance stage of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). You exhibit a pervasive pattern of grandstanding in your both fantasy, behavior and writing which are characterized by longing for admiration and lack of empathy.

Your posting about Ethiopia is rancid and banal. At times, they are embittered and uninspiring. Obviously, much of this fatuous rhetoric arises from the need to disagree more and more about less and less, to maintain the churning condition, and to keep the groups of genuine loyalists and activists in a state of excited pseudo-commitment...

You remind me Dick Morris, who toiled energetically for the Republican Party and Jesse Helms before being hired by the Clintons. My all time favorite, the self-satirizing magna of all this is the bizarre marriage of Mary Matalin and James Carville, who actually contrived to run opposing presidential campaigns in 1992 while still, at the end of the day, proving that the two parties were essentially in bed together. (You stated that you are married to a Republican Lobbyist)

Go and see a shrink, drink a Pepsi and the Sheikh Mohammed Al-Ammodi will pick up the tap!

Re: Promise to Moderator

Mr. Gohst B.
You are jut full of it. You are trying to impress us by having seen too many american Sunday morning shows and maybe c-span if you are lucky. Mamo is sincere and I belive him, it is his right to ask his name not be used. I bet you used the thuserus on some of your words so that you can sound litterate. But we know ye zenbe tengara from a disstace - so hush. You are just full of it. Sate you case and stop attacking personalities. Be part of the solution not part of the problem.


Re: Promise to Moderator

Get lost! Momo Quilo you are the real one. You are defacing a good forum. I promise I will never to this forum if you and Gebreselassie continue to post your silly messages and cry for attention. You are silly...but your illness makes you think that you are a smart guy who can fool the whole world. You need help, sicky man.
Moderator, please sort out this silly man and his counterpart Gebreminamint....

Re: Promise to Moderator

Mamo Qilo,
What a desperate move! In a fear of unrelenting apology that will be coming in my way, I want to say this.
How ironic that you are asking for a truce and for the moderator to police. I am not sure if I can believe you when you promise you won’t be your old self again. I am not convinced that you will resist the temptation.
You disappointed our friend Arat-Kilo and he no longer visits this forum. For that I won’t forgive you.

Re: Promise to Moderator

Mamo aka,

I was just pointing out that this might happen in the future if you don't stop mixing your personality when I commented on one of your articles, "...a short biography...." Focus man! Now you need to build your trust, from the bottom up. You can do it

God bless Ethiopia!


Re: Promise to Moderator

I know. Just don't do it again. Otherwise I am telling.

Re: Promise to Moderator

Dear Ethiopian,

Am I trying to impress you? Not really, I do not even know you! You said, I am using "Thesaurus to sound litterate". No. I checked the Flesch–Kincard Readability Grade Level of my message. It approximates Grade 12.0. Is this you standard to be considered literate in your book? (BTW, check your typo for literate)

For your information, this message has Flesch-Kincard Readability Grade level of 6.5 so that I do not come across literate or elite.