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I have sinned again and I apologize

Dear fellow Ethiopians,

I have let Gebreselassie down by taking his name.

First I posted in his name claiming I was the real Gebreselassie
Second, I came back to post anothe one claiming that the frst one was not the real Gebreselassie and attacking the first message.
Thrid, I came back claiming neither of the two are the real one and I was the real one.

The purpose was to see how smart Geberselassie was? Which one would he deny, the first one, or the second that ttacked the first or the third that attacked all. He was rendered lifeless as he saw his name being used at will.

Fellow Ethiopians I have failed you again and I apologize. I will not do it again, because Moderator started to delete my messages.

Mamo Qilo aka
Gebreselassie Zemariam aka
Bula Geberdin aka
Cyber Bully

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo Qilo:

I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!
I told a friend of mine it might be you. Now you got me wondering-Are you Ethiopia McCarthy too?

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize


I must apologize again. Yes, Sir, I am.

Mamo Qilo

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize


I went and read Ethiopia McCarthy's first message. Gebreselassie ws the first or the second to repsond. This is what he wrote:

"Dear Ethiopia McCarthy;

I am fortunate enough to read your comment on this forum. I would like also to extend my gratitude for being part a concerned individual about the on going Ethiopian politics...."

Mamo should stop this and use his talent for something constructive.

Mussa Mohamed Mussa

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo Qilo,
Thank you, You made me laugh. I needed it to laugh badly. I've been stress about our country.

Now you got me wondering again-Are you also Mussa Mohamed?

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize


No, sir I am not. But I plan to be Dr. Ibrahim on eof these days.

Mamo Qilo aka
Gebreselassie Zemariam aka
Cyber Bully

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo qilo, ER is not ready(?) to change the format of the forum. So please stop it. On the top of that, you are misleading us while we trying to discuss our country's current affairs. You should also know that the editor can block you whichever name you use at any given time, of course if you are not one of them. By the way, I knew you were talking to yourself from the get go. However, it is not to say you're crazy like the real Gebremeles. Again, if there is real Gebremeles.

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo Qilo,

It was fun doing it to G/S and Ibrahim, but impersonating Ethiopia McCarthy is going to make a lot of people unhappy. I don’t remember if I had replied to McCarthy. I have to go back and check and laugh at myself. You got us fooled. In a way it is a dirty trick. You played with our emotions. You are something else. I wonder what your occupation is, other than working for Pepsi and Almoudi.

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize


There is nothing that is misleading or playing with your emotion about Ethiopia McCarthy. She brought up important points and led a serous discussion. It is not who said what that matters. It was what is said that is of paramount importance. Remember we would not have discussed some serious issues and exposed the government had there been no Ethiopia McCarthy.

On a more serious note - I read an interesting article by Gebreselassie Zemariam on the Nigerian Discussion forum trying to Nominate Meles for A Nobel Prize. The guy is going nuts. Here is the link followed by the text word for word):


Dear Nigerian Friends,

I am coming to you with greetings from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I think it is about time that one of the most brilliant reformers of Africa, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is nominated for a Nobel Prize for Peace.

As he has humbly told BBC, that though he is not behind the current drive to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize, his record "speaks for itself". No one doubts that he is the new face for Africa.

I am sure you may have heard about the recent killings of violent demonstrators. But friends, the killing of 40 demonstrators should be balanced by what he has achieved for Ethiopia and for Africa. It is not without reason that Tony Blair calls him "a brilliant leader and a dear friend" Africa deserves to be recognized and no one other than the Prime Minister deserves this honor than Prime minister Meles. Before he came on the worl Political scene, African leaders were seen as corrupt and quick to use teir guns to stay n power. Meles has changed this prception and led the new breed of leaders in the world arena. Please support this initiative to nominate this great man for the highest prize. This is good not only for Ethiopia, but also for Nigeria.
Thank you

Gebreselassie Zemariam.

PS: My guess is that he would do the same on many African news forums.

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

I have read many of your postings. You have mentioned many good topics informations. I like most of them and you are not what your name represented. I'm just suspcion that you are an Ethiopian. Don't ask me why,just I have the feeling. What you say?

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize


I am an Ethiopian in side out. I have lived in the US over 10 years and in Netherlands for another 5 years, but still hold an Etiopian Passport. I speak four languages not counting Amharic and Oromigna.

Mamo Qilo is not my real name but it has been the name I have gone by around friends since second grade. Many people think Mamo is my name. My friends in second grade thought I was stupid, because my views are often different from most people. I have since gone by Mamo Qilo.

My dream in life is to be a king maker in the USA. My hero is Karl Rove. One day you would see an Ethiopian playing a major role in the campain of republican Presidential ticket. I have applied to become an American Citizen only for this reason. Now you can think I am the Real Mamo Qilo rightout of the second grade Amharic Book.

Mamo Qilo aka
Gebreselassie Zemariam

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize


You gave me one more reason for my suspcion. My pen name is not male's but femele's. How an Ethiopian who has only 15 years since he left Ethiopia could make that kind of mistake?You see! you should have started your reply by saying "Mom" instead of "sir" I'm sure you may have another reason for that too, because you are "Mamo Qilo"

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize


Why don't you be a "king maker" in Ethiopia? CUD needs your help more than Karl Rove does.

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo Qilo!

Let me tell you, I basically thought you might have done it. Infact, I found there was a someone from London who used my name.

You also posted my name in Nigerian forum. This tells me how pathetic you are to be on this earth.

Ewnetim Qilo!

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Aye Ethiopia,

Once an Ethiopian soul posted a question in some news forum. He asked: "Does any ne work in an international institution such as the UN, the World Bank or IMF? I need help to get a job in an international organization." I replied.

Dear firned. No I do not work in any of the institutions you mentioned. Why don't you help me to get a job first. It would be easier for me to help you once I am in.

My answer to you is the same.

The US is the kink maker for Ethiopia. What a better way to help Ethiopia than to have your own man inside the white house. Now go figure. It is my Mamo Qilo character that allows me to dream.

Do you understand why Gebreselassie is posting messages in Nigerian and other news groups?

Mamo Qilo

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo Qilo,
You are Mussa Mohamd too.

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize


I told you I am not. I would have told you so if I were. I did not lie to you when you asked me about Ethiopia McCarthy. Let me put it this way. I put a trap and you fell for it. Sorry but it was meant to be for Gebreselassie. Now I am mad at you for spoiling my booby trap.

Mamo Qilo

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo Qilo, I am thinking every body else is you except me. I'm telling you I can not tell who is not you. That's bad for discussion.

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize


You wrote: "Mamo Qilo, I am thinking every body else is you except me. I'm telling you I can not tell who is not you. That's bad for discussion."

I am sorry, sir, but I am you, too. I ask for your mercy and forgiveness.

Mamo Qilo

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo Quilo,
Are you ok? You are playing like a kid.

City: Addis

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

I am sorry, sir, but I am you, too. I ask for your mercy and forgiveness.

Mamo Qilo

Yes,sir, I am you. My only problem is I can't keep secret.


Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo,the cyber bull?then Gebremelessie came as Abebe?


City: DC

Talk about next chapter...a call to stop trashing the forum.

Mamo Qilo, you are essentially changing Ethioreview into a joke basket. I'm impatiently waiting on you to come to your senses. Moderator is not likely to have time to go after your tail and erase your non-sense. Apparently, you have so much time on your hands. One wonders if you're a retired old man who is on the verge of his grave or a teenager who fell in love with himself looking at his own reflection in the mirror. Whatever the case I urge you to stop trashing the forum. No one is interested in non-stop jokes. You open new threads every day which makes it hard to follow up. Please take my message at its face value. It is not intended to undermine your appealing analyses on this medium nor am I saying I did not enjoy the humor.Later.

Yebret Qolo


Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Advice well taken. I am sorry and must repent. I have been violated all day and my name was used against my will. I must get back to my old self and reclaim the hight road. More analysis is on the way. Stay tuned ...

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo,be real.Real Mamo never carried a donkey on his shoulder.


City: DC

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Mamo as you claimed.


City: DC

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize


I understand you are using my screen name.

Mamo Qilo

Re: I have sinned again and I apologize

Let me put the verbatim of you message. It reads as follows:

Hagere Ethiopia: Yourself being Tigraye and tell
Meles what he really is,
“a tyrant bloodthirsty killer
shows how much you love your country.”
All God fearing Ethiopian Tigrayes
should follow your path and say
“Not in our Name.”

What I want to ask you is this:
You wrote, “Feudalism will
never come back to Ethiopia”
Don’t you think it is here
already under different
name "Meles Zenwaye?"

Listen, as the Honorable Hailu Shawl put it perfectly I, the Tigre, voted for a Kinijit candidate who is a non tigrean. I live in Teklehaimanot area where over 85% are Tigres. The last 14 years has taught many Tigres a lot of things. In 1991 many Tigres thought their time has come. Many even dared to say "the throne taken from us by Menelik came back once again to us." They considered it as a ressurection of King Yohannes dynasty. As time elapsed the truth started unfolding itself and almost all said, "awekush nakush". No more euphoria over "yetigre mengist". Almost all have understood there should not such thing as tigre, oromo, amhara. Almost all now want a government that truly represents the interests of all Ethiopian people irrespective of ethnicity, religion etc. Many admitted the grave error they commited and confessed in public. Gebru Asrat in public asked apology from the Ethiopian people. Others followed suit. My sister Lemlem, what I want to advise you is that it should be we all Ethiopians that have to say to Meles "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". THIS IS not AT ALL A TASK YOU CAN FREELY ASSIGN TO ONE ETHNIC GROUP. It is wrong. It is outrageous. Your approach is a sure recipe for defeat. TPLF is working 7/24 to create unbridgeable intellectual and emotional divide. Don't be an easy prey for their evil design. Meles is engaged into terrorising everybody with his blanket accusation of the opposition being "anti Tigre". He in the past intimidated many politicians into silence, even those who loathed for him. He is determined to win everybody to his interest NOT by the force of his example or ideas, but by the force of arms. I am sure you are NOT advising me to go for a head on collision and sacrifice myself in a silly manner. Assume yourself in my position and try to imagine what you could have done. You can read what I wrote to a certain guy called GEBRE. Finally, I didn't mean to offend you. I am a type of person who, when gets angry, never uses coded diplomatic language. Otherwise I am an engaging conversationist. I am also eoquent and persuasive. Maybe my straight forwardness is a dreadful vice of me. Take ONLY the good side of me. I hate also guys like MAMO QILO, who are sanctimonious demagogues parading as PATRIOTS whereas they are actually mercenaries willing to defend a guy like MUDI 7/24. The MAMO QILOS are NOT reliable. They serve anyone who fills their bottomless appetite. Hodam as they are, they even try to advertise PEPSI in a forum like this meant and dedicated to discuss the current affairs of our country. They are sickening bunch of vultures. There are many MAMO QILOS here in Addis. You find them in Sheraton at office bar every night with a bottle of very expensive whiskies. Let me tell you what I witnessed one day. I went there to attend a weding ceremony. Mudi was dead drunk. He started spitting on all vultures who had surrounded him. They cleaned their face and smiled to him. He then splashed a glass full of whiskey over them. They again smiled. I tell you the MAMO QILOS at the office bar are not human beings. They are 70% dogs and 30% human beings with severe mental retrdation


City: Addis