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Weyane's Absurd Logic

Weyane claims the equality of all nationalities. Well let us see how equal we are. The Weyane Prime Minister, A Tigrayan. The Weyane Foreign Minister, a Tigrayan. The Weyane Minister of Information or Disinformation, bagdad bob, Bereket Simon, A Tigrayan. The power of the military under General Samora Younis, A Tigryan. The Mayor of Addis Abeba, X-Mayor:) a Tigrayan. Minister of Federal Affairs, a Tigryan. 16 Officers get promoted , general and major general, 12 or more are Tigrayan:) Equality of natinalities. Give me a god **** break man. Get a grip. YOu can't upset millions of people and just sit tight and expect to collect the rewards. Learn from the Shabia hate filled CULT. What is your logic?Oh listen you oppressed nationalities, since we know what you need, allow us to equalize you while we maintain a status above our numerica representations. What explains such dominance. That intellectuals can only be found in the bushes of Tigray. The only way one can truly grasp the situation in Ethiopia is only after one has joined a secessionist movement? A P.H.D. in economics you say Dr. Berhanu Nega? who cares. You weren't in the Bushes like Meles and Arkebe. You don't qualify:) Absurd. That is what they are. Just like the anti-Ethiopian Shabian bankruptcy, so will the Weyane and Co. A movement based on hate can only last for so long. The Ethiopian experience will defeat you.


City: Addis ababa

Re: Weyane's Absurd Logic

My Freind Welega

You made a mistake, those people are not Tigran. those are Eritirian don't be fool. had they been real tigryan they wold have think no all Ethiopian nationalities and Ethiopian boundary. here is the most confilict what Ethiopia has now. Please therefore, correct it by this.
by me it is Ok if any one who is from nay nation most be at power but they should do good for the country and democracy. the neuclous part is not from which Nation most is what that powered body is doing for the country as total and where from is it(should be from Ethiopia).


City: A.A

Re: Weyane's Absurd Logic

It is absurd but true, that is why the oromo people say we are under colonazation. look all ministers, all military generals and diplomats are TIGRAYANS. that is the truth and its name is colonization. period.
Freedom to the Oromo people, Freedom to the Ethiopian people and Death to Meles/Woyane/Tplf.

Re: Weyane's Absurd Logic

Dinsan, I have one simple question for you please for GOD sack answer it for me.
Name all the high ranking citizen with their origin of birth?
Name all the high ranking generales with their origin of birth?
If you think you are colonized by Tigrians means Tigrians are not Ethiopians but you Amhara Ethiopia?
Tell me who is real Ethiopia?

Re: Weyane's Absurd Logic

if we are all ethiopians then why aren't we represented in our own come we are ruled by tigrey prime minister, and 95% of his cabinets. how on earth can we have a tigreyan mayor of addis ababa. for your facts tigray represents 5% of the ethiopian population.
what is colonization then.
the dictionery puts it as: as a system by which a country maintains foreign colonies by force.
Look at it, the tigreyans are controling our land, economy, social life, and political life so there. i hope i answerd you question.
and by the way we oromos are not afraid of the united ethiopia plan as long as we are represented properly and as long as we are left alone to deal in our land, language, identity and our rights.
Death to meles/tplf.

Re: Weyane's Absurd Logic


Ethiopians are all nationalities and their ofsprings except holders of foreign passports who lives in geographic Ethiopia and the rest of the world unless otherwise they ceased to exist by their choice.

Re: Weyane's Absurd Logic

Dinsan, you are not answering my question, it seems to me you like to generalized things please back up you allegation again NO 95% or 5% I am asking you name it for me who involve in a high position? Beza thank you for your answer.
Oh I forgot one thing you mentioned you are Oromo I have been recently in Ethiopian but what saw was astonished every sector or highly guarded positions were held by Oromo which is I don’t have any problem as long as they are Ethiopians to me you haven’t been in Ethiopia for a long time, however I still need some answer from you please? lay it down for me brother I want you to name all the Tigrians you claimed holding high positions and other fellow citizen too.

Re: Weyane's Absurd Logic

Dear Members :
This african saying fits nicely the settlers ambition:
If a cockroach (CUD) wants to rule over chickens(Amhara region forget the rest of Ethiopia), then it must hire the fox( Haile Goshu, Mesfin Woldemariam and Getachaw Haile to name a few) as its body guard


City: Washington DC

Re: Weyane's Absurd Logic

Guys Above

Please do not disturbe Ethiopian People(Oromo,Tigray,Amhara,Wolayta,Guraga,Somali...etc) when you say Colony the fact is today we are a colony of Eririra-shabia those names and Misters or LT coloners are all from Eritira root lead by Meles. To me no matter how much % is the nation of the Ethiopian is at position but need democracy and Good Governacey. there is not grautee that when one nation take majorty position is occupied will be good or bad be it Amhara, Oromo, Tigray... but we hope will be good if this happen in democrat process. But Never Shabia(Meles vagones).


City: A.A