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What is the sentiment of Ethiopians in Addis?

Would you enlighten us with your assessment of the current mood of citizens in Addis (for that matter the rest of Ethiopia)? Given the current political environment and the electoral process, what is the anticipation of the Ethiopian people regarding the outcome of the election? Do you think the people of Ethiopia are ready to accept the defeat of the opposition? What is the most probable course of action that will be taken by the people if NEB renders unfavorable decision? How significant are the EU/International observers in the outcome of the election result?

Re: What is the sentiment of Ethiopians in Addis?

based on people who recently visited Ethiopia, the political climate is undeterminable by some estimate and potentially explosive by other assessment.

One thing is for sure though, Ethiopians living in the urban areas who are more informed about the electoral fraud are prepared to lead a massive peacful rally and protest if neccessary.

The question is though, what will the "butcher of Seville" Meles do then?

Your guesse is as good as any

Re: What is the sentiment of Ethiopians in Addis?


I can only describe the sentiment of Ethiopians in Ethiopia and arround the wrold as follows:

Firstly, the people of Ethiopia are frustrated by the ruling party’s unyielding efforts to subvert a democratic electoral process through its surrogates in the National Electoral Board NEB.

Secondly, the Ethiopian people feel betrayed and abandoned by the so called civilized who espouse the virtues of democracy, while turning a blind eye to the dictatorial and unconstitutional process taking place in Ethiopia.

Thirdly, the western economic block comprising of G-8 countries are only giving lip service to democratization of Africa, while in reality continuing to do business as usual with the oppressive and undemocratic regimes in Africa.

So, there you have it. In short, that is the sentiment of Ethiopians in Ethiopia and elsewhere around the globe.

Can anyone deny this truth?

Re: What is the sentiment of Ethiopians in Addis?

These are from among the constituencies that the Election Board released as official results. Look at the figures. Do you think any positive out come from ongoing investigation infavor of the opposition parties? The ruling party and NEB are working hand in glove.

Constituency Gumer 1

No.of Registered Voters 27607

W/ro Tewabech Asfaw Saro EPRDF(SEPDM) 3429 Ato Birhanu Eman CUD 0

* Where is the rest of the vote?

Constituency Gumer 2

No. of Registered Voters 28954

Ato Kibret Hailu Buli CUD 17445
Ato Argaw Berga Balcha EPRDF (SEPDM) 1816

* Compare it to Gumer 1, what do you see?
Constituency Amanuel

No. of Registered Voters 39393

Ato Alemu Yimer Getahun EPRDF (ANDM) 13745 Ato Astatike Abewa Zewede CUD 10203 Ato Getachew Adimasu Alemu Independent 780 W/ro Mulu Bekele Gurara Independent 716

* Where about the rest of the vote?
Constituency Debiremarkos

No. of Registered Voters 38606

Ato Dereje Atinafu Dagachew CUD 9620 Ato Webishet Lengerih Mebirate EPRDF(ANDM) 7626 W/ro Melesech Fente Neguse UEDF 449 Ato Yosef Yakob Lema Independent 362
Ato Getachew Hebisetu Deriseh Independent 285

* EPRDF and NEBE were tried their best, but it failed.

Zone ZONE 3(Afar)
Constituency Awash Fentale

No. of Registered Voters 22854

Ato Mohammed Yusufe Kayeri ANDP 9497 Ato Musa Ahamed Esmael CUD 2802 Ato Mohammed Toibe Musa ARDUF 1642
Ato Bushera Mohammed Yusufe ANDO793
Ato Seyide Mohammed Alo ALFP 215

* Where is the rest of the vote?

Please, say some thing on the figures relating to the vote-rigging.


City: Addis Ababa

Re: What is the sentiment of Ethiopians in Addis?

People close to the NEB have said that a lot of NEB workers truly believe that Meles has not actually won more that 50 seats. But, they are afraid to come to contradict Bereket's orders.

Re: What is the sentiment of Ethiopians in Addis?

People are not sure what tomorrow will bring, but they are happy they have made their choices. Obviously they have to wait and see what the action of the Tigrai Government is going to be for the people of Addis Ababa. They are already making nasty decisions before they leave, I am sure they wouldn’t have done so if they were in charge of the capital city.

I hope the resident’s will know the diplomats and Ethiopians living outside the country are with them



City: London, UK

Re: What is the sentiment of Ethiopians in Addis?

It is unbelieveable.
but the truth is coming soon and woyane will die.