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I did not post Meles is here to stay article

Dear Readers,

This is the real Gebreselassie Zemariame. I am writing to let you know that I did not post the article entitled "Meles is here to stay". Some stupid imposter is using my name. Please do not respond to the "Meles is here to stay" thread.

Yes, I was the person who posted the minutes of the meeting between Meles and Bush. Yes, I admit that it was a lapse of judgement for me to post a minute from 2002 that put our great PM in bad light. We all make a mistake and move on.

Gebreselassie Zemariame

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

What is going on Moderator. Someone is using my name again. I did not post the above. Moderator you have to check the IP number and stop this imposter. Oterwise you will lose partcipants.

Gebreselassie Zemariame

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

Ato Zemariame:

Are you OK? It seems to me that you are talking to yourself.



Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

Mizankibur Araya

I am not talking to myself. Infact, this post is not mine. Still someone plays a game.

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

You did it yourself. You have been working non stop, you are loosing your mind. No body cares, just get out of here.

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article


Why don’t you go to a mental asylum and sort yourself out. While you are at it take Meles and his friends with you. Hope you can get all the help that you need. You never know you might even make friends as you all are in the same state of mind.


City: London, UK

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article


No one is playing a game. I think it is your brain playing a game with you. They say alking to ne self is a sign of trouble. But you have gone beod that. You have started to argue with your self.

Take care,

Dagne Mekuria

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

Dagne Mekuria,

Please I beg you guys leave me alone. I did not post the above. There is a fake Gebreselassie Zemariame. I am the real one. If you guys want an educated discussion please stop this nonsense.

Gebreselassie Zemariame

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

Gebremeles, you need to see sychiatric immediately! It is so sad to see a fellow Ethiopian lose his mind. Please go to the nearest clinic tell them the symptoms, how you feel. Bereket Simon is acting the same way too. You may have the same type of illness. It's obvious though why Bereket is acting this way because he has innosent Ethiopians' blood on his hands. Is it possible you may have some too? If the answer is yes, forget what I advised and go to hell. After all, that's where you meet your favorite murderers, Meles,Bereket add to the list...Meles looked rat behind those super power leaders.

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

Gebremeles, you need to see sychiatric immediately! It is so sad to see a fellow Ethiopian lose his mind. Please go to the nearest clinic tell them the symptoms, how you feel. Bereket Simon is acting the same way too. You may have the same type of illness. It's obvious though why Bereket is acting this way because he has innosent Ethiopians' blood on his hands. Is it possible you may have some too? If the answer is yes, forget what I advised and go to hell. After all, that's where you meet your favorite murderers, Meles,Bereket add to the the way, Meles looked rat behind those super power leaders.

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

I am an EPRDF supporter and will remain so no matter what!!!! You all should know that! If anyone comes supporting any other than EPRDF and is using my name, do not think that its me! I love and am and will always be loyal to EPRDF! I don't give a darn what EPRDF is doing wrong, they will always be the right people to hold power in Ethiopia! Would you give up power just like that after sacrificing 40,000 lives fighting the Dergue?! Keep on dreaming! EPRDF is not going anywhere! We will suppress, oppress, and systematically destroy dissent and we will continue to rule!

Long Live EPRDF!

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

Now that's full blown madness. That's it. That tells me you have innocent Ethiopians' blood on your hands. You going to hell man!

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article


I did not write the above message that claims that I am EPRDF supporter regardless of what it does. I am a rational person. Yes, I believe that the demonstrators were illegal to violate the order of their PM. What he police did was justified to keep peace in the country. But I am not the one I said I was in the above message. Please who ever is doing this to me. Stop it! Stop it right now!

Gebreselassie Zemariame

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

You did it your self. You have been working non stop.
You need to go to the mental Hospital immediately.
Let one of your friends call 911 for you. Oh! sorry, I forgot you don't have any friends. What ever you do please don't drive in this state of mind. Or better
yet, Why don't you just comit suiside and end it all.

So long!!

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

Dear Ethiopians,

I am a graduate student in political science at Maryland You. My Dessertation topic is the psychology of Ethnic Politics. My advisor suggested that I work on Ethiopia and Nigeria.

Mr. Zemariam, I have been following your postngs for some time. I must say I found your analysis both fasinating and purplexing. You seem to embody the essence of what I am trying to figure out. Would it be possible to arrange an interview session. Wold you be willing to come and present your view in one f the undergrad class I am currenttly teaching?

ragards, Fred

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

Prof. Zakaria,
Sorry to tell you the bad news, sir, but Mr. G/S is in the mental Hospital.

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article

Ladies and Gentelemen of Ethiopians this so called Geremelesse acusing Belay he said ''should go to mental hospital in Addis'' for the simple reason Belay came from the same region of Tigry who's view is diffrent than Gebremelesse now,he(Gebremelesse) crying like his boss saying''did i do that''thing.Geremelesse your brain still in a dark has not seen the light.


City: DC

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article


You ought to discuss the real issue the home land you care about so much.

Playing with individual name is a sign of insane.

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article


Oh my God! MESKIN. Please come back to your country to take TSEBEL.


City: Addis Ababa

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article


You seems your mind is full of dirt.

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article


I don't think if the TSEBEL could work for you.


City: Addis Ababa

Re: I did not post Meles is here to stay article


You mentioned earlier on that you don’t care about Ethiopia, but only EPDRF and that they are the people who should be in power because 40,000 died for it. Forget about other killings committed by EPDRF/TPLF how about the 70,000+ who died in battle with your brothers and sisters in Eritria and whose bodies are still left to rot. Justice will be served for these young people.

Every dog has his day
Every dog has his day
Your day will come that you will bow and apologies to the decent people of Ethiopia.


City: London, UK