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Meles Is Here to Stay

The idiots on this forum can read the following. Go to the link if you will. This shows your CUD is finished and PM Meles is here to stay.


Blair could be sending good money after bad

By Barrack Muluka

Writing in the pages of this paper in August 1995, I described Ethiopia’s then newly elected Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, as a fledgling dictator, who was slowly growing the repressive wings and horns of the typical African tyrant.

Western governments and media were then clustering up Zenawi together with other youthful leaders elsewhere on the continent and peddling them around the globe as Africa’s new democrats and liberators.

Together with Paul Kagame of Rwanda, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and Jerry Rawlings of Ghana they were proclaimed the harbingers of the generation that was set to lead Africa out of a decadent morass of administrative ineptitude, sleaze and building of personal empires of graft. They would place Africa on the superhighway to a progressive and democratic future. Never mind that the much-hailed first ever-parliamentary elections that were Zenawi’s passport to the tag of a democrat had been hopelessly flawed.

His Ethiopian People’s Democratic Front party had just garnered 98 per cent of the votes cast in a poll that had been boycotted by all Opposition parties. Never mind, too, that Zenawi had only recently reinvented himself from a military strongman – having first ascended to power as a tribal rebel commander in 1991, when he had overthrown another military strongman, Mengistu Haile Maryam. And finally, never mind the havoc and hopelessness that his transitional government had visited upon the separatist Oromo and Ogaden peoples between 1991 and 1995.

In the fullness of time, Zenawi’s repressive plumage has come to full growth. He can now claim his rightful place in the assembly of Africa’s other despots before him. He has perfected the art of winning flawed elections, having repeated his 1995 feat in 2000, and again this year. But his performance this year has thrown the country into an orgy of fatal riots in Addis and elsewhere.

Coming at a time when British Prime Minister Tony Blair is relentlessly trying to pass around Africa’s miserable beggar’s cap among the club of the rich nations of the world (the G8), Zenawi’s latest show of muscle is a direct slap in Mr Blair’s face, to say nothing of the great injustice it does Africa’s plea to the global community.

Particularly embarrassing, Zenawi was going to be Blair’s special flagship at the G8 meeting in Scotland, in the next few days. Zenawi was expected to make a passionate plea to rich nations, on behalf of Africa. He was expected to sell Africa as a continent increasingly in democratic and responsible hands, able to put foreign funds to accountable use.

But the bloody show of fiat, in which dozens have been killed, has not only seen Blair rethink his flagship, but also suspend all aid to Ethiopia. It is about the last thing Blair wanted to see happen in his ongoing push for Africa’s debt cancellation and quest for enjoyment of increased foreign aid.

But does the riddle of Africa’s perennial penury and indigence seem to lie in what sits at the bottom of the example from Ethiopia? Is it possible that debt cancellation and doubling of aid could never end, or even reduce Africa’s abject conditions?

It is instructive that in 1974 Mengistu took over power in a military coup in Ethiopia, invoking the name of responsible and democratic governance.

Having literally killed the misanthrope Emperor Haile Salasie in office, Mengistu promised his long suffering compatriots, who had witnessed their kith and kin starve to death while Haile Salasie fed prime beef to dogs and lions, that he would deliver them to glory land.

By the time Mengistu was getting ousted in 1991, Ethiopians could not tell whether life had been better under the emperor (the Lion of Judah, as he liked calling himself), or under the communist president. Today they don’t know whether life has ever been good under any one leader or the other.

The African problem is one of absence of institutions and instruments that guarantee sound and responsible government. The continent urgently needs institutions that can generate checks and balances in the exercise of power, thereby paving way to responsible leadership. From Mogadishu to Dakar, and from Cape Town to Tunis, the continent has yet to evolve vessels in which the affairs of government and management of the national economy can bid farewell to the continent’s poverty crisis.

The G8 could sweep clean the continent’s collective debt portfolio tomorrow morning. It could inject into Africa grants tenfold and engineer replacement of the present crop of leaders with new ones. But ten years down the line, the continent would still dither in poverty. It is instructive, for example, that at independence, the Zambian kwacha was twice as strong as the British Pound Sterling. Today you require over five thousand kwacha to buy one British Pound Sterling. What went wrong? The answer is certainly fairly complex. But one thing is clear, bad leadership due to lack of proper institutions of leadership has been at the forefront.

Of course those who ascend to power in Africa are happy to deliberately leave our institutions weak so that they can exploit them to entrench personal rule, complete with personality cults, institutional rot and gentlemanly looting of public property. Those out of the epicenter of power attempt to peddle themselves as ambassadors of change, but deep down they hope that they can discover some shortcut to power, with everything else being constant. That way, it will be their turn to eat next.

In Ethiopia and elsewhere in Africa, not even total erosion of debt can end poverty, no matter how passionately Blair and others like him wish to tame the monster on the continent. The starting point is, willy-nilly, the creation of enabling institutions. This is where Blair should redirect his efforts, if he truly wishes to see Africa crawl out of the morass of poverty. Anything less than this is to send good money after bad money.

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay


Are you fine. I have been telling you that you seem to be disoriented. First you posted the minutes of the meeting between Meles and Bush, which was a big humilation for Meles. And now this? Are you jumping ships?

Mamo Qilo

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay


Let me modify the above article in this way:

"It could inject into Africa grants tenfold and engineer replacement of the present crop of leaders with new ones. But ten years down the line, the continent would still dither in poverty. It is instructive, for example, that at the period of Emperior H/sellasie, the Ethiopan birr was as strong as the USD. Today you require over eight birr to buy one Dollar. What went wrong? The answer is certainly fairly complex. But one thing is clear, bad leadership due to lack of proper institutions of leadership has been at the forefront."

What do you think?


City: Addis Ababa

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

Your outlook is dangerously narrow in focus. You seem not able to rally behind ideas. The fact that I and you were born from Tigre MEN & WOMEN is simply by accident of nature. We didn't get it by choice. No human being in this world chose what his nationality or ethnicity by birth is. Of courrse by fiction of the law you might have become an American. But, nationality or ethnicity by birth is simply given. Not chosen. Micheal Jackson didn't choose to be black and that is why he underwent a multiple plastic surgery. (I am not saying he did good) I am just trying to let you understand using over simplification method. As I am an instructor, I can take it down to the lowest possible level to educate you. My dear, it is my job. If you are a lover of truth, wisdom and ideas, you rally behind ideas you think is full of virtues or useful to the good of society, mankind etc. What I see in your line of thinking is that you have fettered your mind. Come out of the fortress of ethnic bias and try to see the light and truth full face. In Ethiopia today the overwhelming majority of Tigres have bid farewell with Meles and his nazi party. I am one of those finest guys of Tigres and all my dream and good wish is NOT for Tigres alone, but for the 73 million Ethiopians. In present day Ethiopia, the most oppressed and regimented are the people living in Tigray. Dear Gebre, you are totally out of touch with the truth. You are shooting in the dark. You have become a laughing stock in this forum. My attention so far was on the more subtle possible enemies of Ethiopia and Ethiopians who are very systematically disseminating their venom. I tried to expose their venom. Venom from the Cobra is very dangerous. I didn't utter a word about you so far. It was because you didn't deserve a response. Even now you don't deserve any response. But my heart went out to you, watching you here being rediculed, mocked and your mental retardation being exposed. You see my "Tigre DNA", without my will, forced me to give you a piece of my mind. It is instinctive:) whoaaaaaaaa......Your line of thinking is instinctive. I am forced to use my instinct to teach you thinking by instinct is animalistic. One has to act like animals to train animals. Please Gebre, don't be a laughing stock. Come to your senses. unlock the reasoning faculty in your brain and comment sensible things. I am NOT going to answer to you if you continue with the same innuendo. By the way who you think is GEBRE??? Ummmmmmmmmm....doubt crept into my heart. "They" use same writing style.

City: Addis

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

Hagere Ethiopia:
Thank you for being on the people’s side. Your love for your country is obvious. I appreciate your truthfulness. I don’t see how a person could love their country and at the same time be on the side of a person who is hurting her at the most.

I don’t think Gebre/S. can be helped. He has sold his sole to the first bidder. There are more just like G/S out there. As religious country as Ethiopia is, it is disheartening to know that this kind of hate is out there in our homeland.

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

Dear readers!

Re:- Melest is here to stay

This is to inform you that, I have never posted this post.

Someone must be using my name. Please don't responed to me with this respect.

Thank you!


Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

No match for Meles!

When the biggest opposition (CUD) leader went courageously with his resplendent Costume, one would think he would behave as a respectable opposition political leader. An opposition leader with every chance of becoming a future government - a great would be Ethiopian Prime Minister.

But with his gloomy mind, he could not pin down-let alone the entire interview- but one question. The pantomime was every CUD's members and supporter’s disappointment across the globe that waiting to hear the word of Mr. Shawel's Wisdom to outsmart PM Meles Zenawi - the hard way learned stainless steel man. I inferred from the BBC's Hard Talk show that Mr.Shawel an avalanche thrown by Diasporas derg remnants was not a much to Meles.

Every effort he showed was a personal disappointment. Every question thrown at was a strike to him and his party. He looked every warrior and states men until he took the seat, but melt like butter on hot knife. No questions were answered correctly; every answer uttered from his mouth virtually missed target and embarrassed the already wounded CUD supporters and members.

In fact the embarrassment was not only to CUD's members and supporters, but to all Ethiopian. Here was a man with a high profile ministerial position during the Derge but could not utter a word of truth, nor show any skill of leadership.


Re: Meles Is Here to Stay


I have never posted this article.


Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

Wounds cannot be healed by inflicting another wounds

By Mehari Hagos

We are waiting anxiously to see the final peaceful settlement of the post-election processes. There are, however, some disturbing issues that we cannot ignore. Every Ethiopian knows, at least history tells us, that the politics in our country was a politics of power struggles. Just a brother killing his own brother for the simple reason of being a Ras, a King or any kind of authority. This fact have been minimized greatly but is still in the minds of most of Ethiopians. We have to admit this hard fact. But there comes also undeniable fact that we have changed a lot since the demise of the Derg. Now let me focus on three issues: the problems of election process, the big blot of the opposition (CUD), and the blinded Diaspora.

The problems of the election process

In divided and conflict-prone countries like Ethiopia where there is no sufficient trust among the former oppressors and the oppressed, majoritarian-type of democracy is not tenable. The opposition parties are exclusionists and revenge-minded by their very nature. They speak in terms of “you” and “we” with the ruling party as if there were a sever animosity between the constituencies of the opposition and the constituencies of the ruling party. They forget that they have to at least appear to represent the same people what the ruling party claims to represent. As it is frequently observed, their main point of discussion is that people belonging to one group in Ethiopia have become beneficiaries of the current regime so that if the opposition came to power they would automatically send them out to where these people had come from and rob them all the properties they have earned, as the opposition claims, “illegally.”

When we see the nature and composition of the opposition, most of the protagonists like Prof. Mesfin Weldemariam and Engineer Hailu Shawel were coddled by the dictatorial regimes. They are now trying to heal their wounded 'pride' at the expense of the poor people. For this reason they had to discredit the current government as useless, representing only one group of people. They could not realize that they are playing the same game the Derge used to play.

What is surprising is that they even went to the extent of totally rejecting all the laws and rules of the country as rubbish, including the federal constitution describing it as not worth even the paper it is written on. The question is: Why should the government or the Ethiopian people, for that matter, allow these vulgar to go that far if they did not accept at least the federal constitution whose basic principles bind us together? In his regard the government is to blame for playing a game with the federal constitution itself. Knowing that they have unambiguously repudiated the very constitution that governs the grand rules of the election itself, the government has a duty to outlaw from the very beginning such opposition from running for the seat of the government.

Such kind of a move cannot be accepted, by any standard, in any country on earth. One cannot use the ladder of the hard-won roots of democracy to destroy democracy itself. That is what the CUD has tried to do in the election process. In my opinion, the pre-election election process was tainted with discernible problems. It was not free as the government claimed it to be. The question is: free from what? Yes, in relation to the influence of the government, it can be said that it was relatively free. But the threat of freedom to the election process does not come always only from the government; it can also come, as we witnessed it, from the opposition. The government’s evaluation of the election was only one-sided in that it considered its own maximum readiness to give the opposition the chance to rally the people by using the mass media without any restriction. But in order to appraise the election process, the government should also take into consideration the hate and racist propaganda of the opposition just before the election day. Even if there was some readiness on the part of the government, the spoiled opposition marred the process by totally rejecting all the laws and rules of the country. Since then a cloud of fear reigned in the country. People worried so much as to what the consequences would be if the opposition tried to do what they promised to do. It would be a confrontation of the lawless and the lawful irrespective of what kind of law we have. We may not like the type of laws of the country. But in order to change the laws, we have to follow some of the rules and regulations of the country or at least we have to preach for peace and brotherhood to win the benevolence of the diverse peoples of the country in order to change any laws of the country. One cannot blame the laws of the country as laws introduced only by some groups of the country and at the same time promising to introduce one’s own laws that are exclusive of the same groups. Y cannot blame X for being exclusive while Y itself is exclusive of X. In that case there is no difference between X and Y.

The blot of the Opposition.

Other point with regard to the problem of the CUD is that we do not have matured opposition that can be an alternative to the present government. Yes, we deserve change but not a negative change. We need change in its positive sense. As far as I know the cud, sorry I mean the CUD, is not an alternative to the EPRDF. The recent interview in the Hardtalk of the BBC World made it clear that the leader of the CUD could not match the leader of the EPRDF. Hailu Shawel was despised by his own contradictory statements uttered during the interview. He proved by the interviewer a liar. It was a good service of the BBC that they interviewed both contestants and the reasonable public will give its own judgement. One point raised by Hailu Shawel during the interview cleared my doubts. Without being asked to provide the census of the nations and nationalities residing in Addis, he unconsciously made clear what kind of party he is leading. He disclosed the type of politics he runs. The targets of the CUD seem to be the poor Tigrayans who sacrificed their very life to the betterment of Ethiopia. Now people like Prof. Mesfin and Hailu Shawel, who think they are more Ethiopians than the Ethiopians themselves, tell them that their struggle is nothing.

The present constitutional representation of the peoples of Ethiopia to the federal government is also in favour of exclusionists like the CUD. If the existing system of representation with its all shortcomings is applied as it stands, two of the major national groups of the country can drive Ethiopia to any direction they like. Because the constitution stipulates that representation to the legislative body of the federation is in proportion to the number of the population as a whole. That means, at this time when group allegiances are strong, a political party from one of the major groups in collaboration with the other can be in a permanent control of the federal government. Even in the house of federation, which has the highest powers on constitutional issues, the same group(s) can maintain permanent position. So it is prudent to seek for other mechanisms of representation and composition of the two houses of the federation. For the future a coalition government that represents each nation and nationality may be an alternative to the present system. As to the opposition, we have no at this moment a real alternative party that prevails over the existing ruling party. It is obvious that we want to see change of government, but not for the sake of change. It seems that we are destined to wait some more years until we develop a matured alternative opposition to the EPRDF.

The Blind Diaspora

To oppose a government is one thing but to oppose directly or indirectly the very existence of the country as a whole is a different thing that a reasonable human being cannot do. The Diaspora are blinded by the hate politics of the CUD and are labouring day and night to push further the so-called election-based revolution in Ethiopia through a remote control. They are pouring huge amount of money to support the opposition not to build the country but to destroy what have already been built through mass violent actions.

In every mass demonstration they are crying deceptively to tell the world leaders not to aid Ethiopia at this time while outsiders like Bob Geldof and others are appealing to the world for helping Africa. Most of the organizers of the mass demonstrations in the Diasporra, we know very well, are those whose “pride” have been wounded through the demise of the Derg. What can you expect after all from personalities like (Azmari) Tamagn who loyally served Mengistu Hailemariam? What can we expect from individuals that inflicted irreversible damages on the Ethiopian people during the Derg regime? What can we expect from individuals that murdered innocent people in the time of the Red Terror? They, including their 'heroes' (the Cud leaders), are trying to heal their wounded 'prides.' But one cannot heal his wounds by inflicting another wounds on others. This kind of vicious circle of inflicting and healing wounds cannot end anywhere if people do not come to their sense. So, for Heavens sake, let’s completely renounce violence and develop the culture of peaceful discussion and finding out solutions for our common, poor but proud country, ETHIOPIA. Let’s develop a culture of fighting fire with water, if we want to drag our beautiful country from the immense problems that are now devouring it heavily. Otherwise history will remember us as selfish and good-for-nothing individuals that generate more wounds while fighting to heal their wounded 'pride' by inflicting wounds on others.

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay


Now I am begining to believe Mamo Qilo when he said that you are totally disoriented. How about the Minutes of Meles's meeting with Bush? Did somebody post that too. You are relly disoriented.

Mussa Mohamed Mussa

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

Your outlook is dangerously narrow in focus. You seem not able to rally behind ideas. The fact that I and you were born from Tigre MEN & WOMEN is simply by accident of nature. We didn't get it by choice. No human being in this world chose what his nationality or ethnicity by birth is. Of courrse by fiction of the law you might have become an American. But, nationality or ethnicity by birth is simply given. Not chosen. Micheal Jackson didn't choose to be black and that is why he underwent a multiple plastic surgery. (I am not saying he did good) I am just trying to let you understand using over simplification method. As I am an instructor, I can take it down to the lowest possible level to educate you. My dear, it is my job. If you are a lover of truth, wisdom and ideas, you rally behind ideas you think is full of virtues or useful to the good of society, mankind etc. What I see in your line of thinking is that you have fettered your mind. Come out of the fortress of ethnic bias and try to see the light and truth full face. In Ethiopia today the overwhelming majority of Tigres have bid farewell with Meles and his nazi party. I am one of those finest guys of Tigres and all my dream and good wish is NOT for Tigres alone, but for the 73 million Ethiopians. In present day Ethiopia, the most oppressed and regimented are the people living in Tigray. Dear Gebre, you are totally out of touch with the truth. You are shooting in the dark. You have become a laughing stock in this forum. My attention so far was on the more subtle possible enemies of Ethiopia and Ethiopians who are very systematically disseminating their venom. I tried to expose their venom. Venom from the Cobra is very dangerous. I didn't utter a word about you so far. It was because you didn't deserve a response. Even now you don't deserve any response. But my heart went out to you, watching you here being rediculed, mocked and your mental retardation being exposed. You see my "Tigre DNA", without my will, forced me to give you a piece of my mind. It is instinctive:) whoaaaaaaaa......Your line of thinking is instinctive. I am forced to use my instinct to teach you thinking by instinct is animalistic. One has to act like animals to train animals. Please Gebre, don't be a laughing stock. Come to your senses. unlock the reasoning faculty in your brain and comment sensible things. I am NOT going to answer to you if you continue with the same innuendo. By the way who you think is GEBRE??? Ummmmmmmmmm....doubt crept into my heart. "They" use same writing style.


City: Addis

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

Mussa Mohamed

You asked me about PM'S meeting with Mr. Bush. Had I not done that, I would have told you it wasn't mine.

I did post the meeting not for you or any other but, for a lady who claimed Ethiopian born from US parents.

If any question would come with that respect form her and only her, I would be glad to answer her. Since she accepts and understands why, I did that, there is no need either to you or Mamo Qilo answere.

I am sure, I made clear myself clear. With respect of Meles Is Here to Stay post, I haven't posted it.

Thank you,

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay


Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

Mussa Mohamed,

You asked me about PM'S meeting with Mr. Bush. Had I not done that, I would have said it wasn't mine.

I did post the meeting not for you or any other fellow Ethiopians but, for a lady who claimed Ethiopian born from US parents by the name Ethiopia.

If any question would have come regaring the post from her and only her, I would be glad to answer her. Since she accepts and understands why, I did that, there is no need either to you or Mamo Qilo to give you answere.

I am sure, I made clear myself. With respect of Meles Is Here to Stay post, I haven't posted it.

Thank you,

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay


I did not post the frst, but did post the second that suggested I was the one who posted the first. This was a mistake. I hope this clarifies any lingering misundestanding.

As far as Ethiopia McCarthy is concerned she can go to pure hell. Neither Bush nor Tony can tell PM Meles what to do. For your information I posted this message. This is the real Gebreselassie Zemariame.

Gebreselassie Zemariame

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

Mr. Zemariam,

I am sorry to see you like this. If you are a reflection of the leaders that you seem to blindly support, I pray for Ethiopia. I will pray for you also. I trully mean this.

Ethiopia McCarthy

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay


I feel you have got too much time in your hand. Have you and your master finished killing innocent people, harassing and intimidating the peace loving people of Ethiopia. I also forgot the journalist you have been arresting, depriving the people of information.

You are full of hate like your master and of course full of fear as your days are numbered. I saw the picture of your master in Scotland, he looked like a man who could do with a good sleep. I think it is all the innocent people whom he has been killing since the 70’s coming to haunt him.

Every dog has his day
Every dog has his day


City: London, UK

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

To Ethiopia McCarthy

You said, Mr. Zemariam,

I am sorry to see you like this. If you are a reflection of the leaders that you seem to blindly support, I pray for Ethiopia. I will pray for you also. I trully mean this.

Ethiopia McCarthy"

I believe the reason was after you saw the following message.


I did not post the frst, but did post the second that suggested I was the one who posted the first. This was a mistake. I hope this clarifies any lingering misundestanding.

As far as Ethiopia McCarthy is concerned she can go to pure hell. Neither Bush nor Tony can tell PM Meles what to do. For your information I posted this message. This is the real Gebreselassie Zemariame.

Gebreselassie Zemariame"

To be honest with you, I didn't send this message at all. I am telling you the truth for heaven sake. There as some garbage individauls who used my name. So far, I found one person whose resident is in London.

Appologize for mis-understanding.

Re: Meles Is Here to Stay

To Ethiopia McCharty

A sample of response to one member of forum.

( This person is one of individual who used my name so far.
Re: CUD’s Double Whammy

To Ibrahim!

Some garbage individuals are writing using my name as you can see below.

"Dear Ibrahim Shirdon,

"Do you know when Melese is distributing food to the starving, you Somalians are last on his list and the first to be killed. How you have the heart to support such a brute I don’t know.

Open your eyes.

City: London, UK"

As you can see the writer is someone from Londen without disclosing his name. His mailing address is followed

Ibrahim! This person is expertise in divide and rule which he learned from his former mster leader Mengistu.

Keep an eye on him and others.

Thank you,