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To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Lij Mulugeta Asrate Kassa,

I admire your command of the English Language. Your Victorian English puts my broken English to shame. Sir, I envy you.

Lij Asrate Kassa, I wish I can say the same about the substance of your message. Better yet, I wish I was swindled by your analysis so I can admire your language and end it at that.

The flaw in your analysis and conclusion cannot even be hidden behind your flawless language. Neither can it be sugarcoated, notwithstanding the colorful language that mimicked a beautiful fountain. I am sorry to report to you, sir, that the vibrant expression of your thinking could not breathe life into to an analysis that is dead on arrival. The cynicism in your language and obfuscation of half baked and half fictionalized facts cannot distract your readers from seeing the corrupt analysis that is stretched to lend support to your fraudulent conclusion.

Sir, you failed miserably. Yes, you did, sir. I am not sure if the source of my disappointment is the waste of a Victorian language on sophomoric analysis or your attempt to pass a corrupt analysis under the guise of your flawless English. You twisted and tortured the facts until they confessed.

Here is one example that passes your pen as a weapon of a mercenary who shoots his ammunition withut any regard to the truth. Sir, your pen ozzed garbage when it spit the following lines:

“Reading between the lines of the meeting, it has become evidently clear, therefore, that not only was CUD’s allegations suffering from veracity shortfall, but most serious of all, innocent men and women were made to demonstrate and become the fatal victims of a clash with the police on a false premise.”

The meeting refers to a meeting of the opposition parties conveyed by CUD. Sir any pretence of humanity left in you would oblige you to withdraw the above. All else in your piece was an obfuscation, notewithstanding your Victorian English.

Mamo Qilo aka
Bula Geberdin
Cyber Bully

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage


I challenge you to debate me on this issue and let the reader of the forum judge us. Sir, I promise that I will render you lifeless, intellectually speaking. Sir, I did that to Hagere Ethiopia. If you do not trust me ask Martha and Gebreselassie.

Submitted with the utmost respect to you, sir.

Mamo Qilo

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Mamo Qilo,
Lij Kasa’s writer is gone for the night.

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Dear Mamo:
This is the first time that you crossed the red light and I will give you a fine, but as the settlers we do not manage and deliver verdict without evidences and rule of law. In other words, I will not charge with the benefit of do process and we will not jump to the conclusion without going through the process of rule of law. That is why Meles has invited the dreamer of power seat to go through the electoral process and participate in the new dawn of democratization that is blossoming in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia has not known in its history this kind of process and Meles has to be patient because changes require always resistance.
To come to the core of my charge, Mr. Kassa with all his respect does not only have express eloquently his arguemntin English a la Queen that stop the bird to fly, but its substance that you are trying to tailgating do not help to be countered. He made naked the lies that the opposition are seeling in the WEstern World.
Having put in perspective the recent election, Mr. Kassa has sent a signal of fear to the foot soldier of CUD. That is the reason that they threw their venon and unjustifable opinion left and right.
They do not have an iota of evidences except calling names such traitor, Woyane, moron. These words are used and misused by the socalled scholar, Mr. Getachaw Haile and the likes. It seems that negede has attempted to raise from died; however, Meles pushed him back to his place, which is Hell on Fire.


City: Washington DC

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Mamo Quilo,

What is all this "Lij" "Sir" garbage stuff. Just address him as a person. I hate to be reminded of that feudal system and the royal family in general with no exception. I'ld rather live under Mengistu all my life. Actually, I prefer to be colonized rather than live under Haileselase and the likes.

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Ewnetu,would please show me the difference between being colonized and live under feudalism?

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Balambaras Ibrahim,

I challenegd Lij Kassa for a debate on substance. I can asure you that I will render him lifeless. ou know what I did to Hagere Ethiopia. Did you notice that he has disapeared. I will do that to Lij Mulugeta also. I can assure you of this. I have read his message carefully and I can deconstruct it block by block if he acepts my challenge.

Mamo QIlo

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

People like mr Kassa should be encouraged to come out and tell us where they stand. This is the only way to strengthen the democratic process among Ethiopians at least in the diaspora. Woyane propaganda on the Ethiopian media does not allow this to happen. Mr Kassa knows this.

We should not be afraid that there are always two camps sometimes three acmps of thought. In the final analysis, TRUTH NEVER LIES. However hard they tried to hide, to desguise and to manipulate TRUTH it will eventually win. Democracy will allow the truth as well as the distortions of truth, the liars, the pretenders to be exposed. But eventually the winner is TRUTH.

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Mamo Qilo!

You seems you are barking alone!


Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Well done and well-said Mamo Quilo. Ignore GebreMeles...he paid to destort...for a dime. He has sold his soul for a dime. Poor servant!

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Dear Bekele,
Being Colonized or live under the feudal system for me is the same. Any ways, I'm second Citizen. None the less, Feudals are the worst by far.

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Dear Mr. Ewenetu Bezabeh,

Sir, the way you are thinking and writing, you cannot be a second citizen. sir, you would have a hard time to make a case for you to be accepted as a third ctizen. Sir, I must address Lij Asrat Kassa as Sir.

Mamo Qilo

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Who is this archaic medieval age type feudal lord? Who is this moron who calls himself Mulugeta Asrat? Is that same womanizer and useless drunkard Mulugeta Asrat who used to read news on TV during the Derg era? Who is this imbecile called mulugeta Asrat? Is he the son of the denkoro feudal lord who, unfortunately, was murdered by Derg. Mule, we are NOT Derg. I remember you were serving the derg with your good conscious. You used to translate and paraphrase Mengistu H/M's speech during the early days of the revolution. Mule, politics is NOT womanizing. Maybe, imbecile as you are, you may think this is the time for you to take "sweet vengence" on that revolutionary generation of the 60s which fought hard to the demise of your father. No sane person disputes the fact your father was a ruthless, blood sucker DENKORO feudal. I suggest you have your contribution towards the demise of your best political system, the Gov't of Haileselassie. And yet may I remind you the fact your father did divulge important state secrets to the university students. He meant to harm Endalkachew Mekonnen. But, that worked to his own demise. Mule, your days are gone. Feudalism will never ever come back to Ethiopia. As you are an opportunistic vulture you are knocking at weyane's door. As you did serve the Derg, you are positively disposed to serve the TPLF fascists too.
City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage


It matters very little what Mulu Ass. Kassa (no pun intended with the abbreviated name) believes or blabbers. This chap is intensly preoccupied with orgasmic self-gratification and intellectual masturbation. In spite of himself, he has every right as anyone on this forum to say his piece however eloquently with his air of aristocracy.

Here is the point. Why do you attribute so much credit to Melese as if he is a political Houdini who will execute an extraordinary magical feat and retain his dogmatic and tyrannical reign? The only source of power this “ butcher of Seville” has is the military, a military whose loyalty is dwindling day by day as he tries to sooth the aches and pain his inevitable defeat into slow motion, or is it slow death. Think about it, would Idi Amin of Uganda have been anything but for his blood curdling military killing machine.

Mulugeta Ass Kassa, I hope you did not talk to your mother the way you write or were you bred to develop this condition? If my grandmother were to hear you speak, she would scoff “woche gud, ye enatun toute tebto yaltegebe tidja”


Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Mamo Quilo,

Why'ld I be a second or third class Citizen No matter " Denkoro" or "Ignorant" I can be. Do you still believe in class??? You don't address some one elese as "sir" or "Lij" Is n't Ethiopia for all???you can call Mulugeta " Master" it's all upto you as long as you chose to be a slave. By the way, I've no problem with Mulugeta. Actually, I found lots of substance in his article.

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Ewenetu Bezabeh,

What else can I call a person who dreams about a life under colonialism. First class is someone who fights and dies for his freedom or lives in freedom. Second class is one who is forced to live under colonialism or a society that is not free. Third class is someone who dreams about living under a colonialist rule.

Mamo QIlo

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Who is this archaic medieval age type feudal lord? Who is this moron who calls himself Mulugeta Asrat? Is that same womanizer and useless drunkard Mulugeta Asrat who used to read news on TV during the Derg era? Who is this imbecile called mulugeta Asrat? Is he the son of the denkoro feudal lord who, unfortunately, was murdered by Derg. Mule, we are NOT Derg. I remember you were serving the derg with your good conscious. You used to translate and paraphrase Mengistu H/M's speech during the early days of the revolution. Mule, politics is NOT womanizing. Maybe, imbecile as you are, you may think this is the time for you to take "sweet vengence" on that revolutionary generation of the 60s which fought hard to the demise of your father. No sane person disputes the fact your father was a ruthless, blood sucker DENKORO feudal. I suggest you have your contribution towards the demise of your best political system, the Gov't of Haileselassie. And yet may I remind you the fact your father did divulge important state secrets to the university students. He meant to harm Endalkachew Mekonnen. But, that worked to his own demise. Mule, your days are gone. Feudalism will never ever come back to Ethiopia. As you are an opportunistic vulture you are knocking at weyane's door. As you did serve the Derg, you are positively disposed to serve the TPLF fascists too.
City: Addis

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Hagere Ethiopia,

I thought this was tasteless. Do you ever focus on
issues? It was really tasteless.

Mamo Qilo

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage


In the old days, a deposed monarach desire of power would raise an army, Today, they give silly advise to the status quo. I thought the self appointed guru was all over the map. He is flimsy, pedantic and cruder with overstatement.

Mulugetta's amgbiguity and esotric advise to EPDRF lacks factual clarity, despite his claims that he read the the enire leaked document. I know Mulugetta, he is lazy! At his best, he must have heard a summary of of the meeting. Trust me, I know him inside out! He lies! On a good day he is ignorant, philistines and unmitigtigated poppycock. I used to be his friend, i and a friend of mine used to do his homework!

We know him way back, He is a joke. I was back in Addis in 1971, he was royal( by proximty) but not a prince! Therefore very insecured vis a vis the grandson of the Emperor. His insecruities were legendery and laughing stocks among the blue bloods.

I thought he claimed as Lij M.... A... Kassa and an advisor to the Royal Court of Eth.What happen to you? Are you now advisng EPDRF? Do they know you are a bubble bath, full of euphoria and disilluisonment mixing facts and fictions as undistinguishable!

I am offended with your playfull insistence and preposterosly silly ideas that is utttely meaningless.

EPDRF has lost the election in Ethiopia and your free-floating judgement and condemenable ambiguity against the EPDRF terror and discountinuity and random reflexivity against the opposition is unattractive and downright ignorance.

What a pathetic soul!

Go to the shrinks at NRS. It is free for you!


City: Cambridge, MA

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Commander Mamo Qilo:

I read you comments. I enjoy reading them. I would like to call you cyber commander. Commander, don’t west your time with Mulugeta. Incase you didn’t know read the attached.

By: Concerned Ethiopians in United Kingdom
14th September 2002

There is a saying in London. “If you are tired of London you are tired of life.” But in our case and most other Ethiopians in London we are not tired of life nor London but Mulugeta Aserate Kassa’s non-stop lies, disgraceful behavior and his fight against his people, his church and his country. As the Ethiopian patriotic Dr G Bekele first confronted him & proved him wrong, Mulugeta is a man who all his life muddled in shameful activities. If you have already read a Critique “Devil’s Advocate” by Dr G Bekele, read too ECB’s, CCA’s statements, Aberra Zenebe and Dr Tolossa Gofta Kassane’s findings and critiques to his unfounded serious allegations against his own community, his own countrymen, women and his church in London. How can this evil man connect a peaceful and law-abiding Ethiopian Community’s activities in Britain to that of the Al-kaida terrorist group? We say, Shame on him and the London Ethiopian Embassy. True “If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”
Dear fellow Ethiopians, didn’t that make you sick as an Ethiopian and wonder why this government haunts all Ethiopians down in and outside the country and tries to destroy their community, unity and their already shattered life while preaching democracy? That must surely tell you something about Ethiopian leaders and their so-called democracy that some web site editors and their friends (advocates of evil regime), unashamedly tries to tell the general public. For Mulugeta, not only he did all what has so far been written but also alleged to have blackmailed his own hard working sister saying her Café is un-hygienic, she makes cakes in a filthy kitchen and put her in difficulties with the Health & Safety Authorities in London. What a man!
How can an Ethiopian especially from a royal family circle goes as low as that against his family, his people, his friends, his church and his country? Is he really an Ethiopian and the son of Ras Aserate Kassa? We doubt. He preached us too about Mengistu Hailemariam and Kassa Kebede’s evil deeds but given the chance he will do worse than those two dictators. “Amed Be-duket Yisikal.” As Aberra and Dr Kassane’s findings now finally confirmed the secret have been revealed and that some local white people are hired by the London Embassy to write all his articles for him hence we should also blame the London Embassy for using these “Hodam Cadre” as a cover up for their under cover activities against Ethiopia and the Ethiopian people’s unity. We must unite to fight these mercenaries. We must encourage those who do.
As the matter of fact, they spend thousands of Ethiopian taxpayers money for those foreign and junior diploma graduates at a time when thousands of brilliant Ethiopian Scholars with Bachelors, Masters, and Doctors are denied employments even as a clerk or a receptionist to work in the Embassy. They always employed their families friends & friends of friends. We all know the so-called diplomats (Tagayoch & Inexperienced Diplomats) who can’t even communicate with Ethiopians let alone with other foreigners. Mulugeta cannot talk about ethics, democracy, unrepentant Mengistu, Kassa Kebede, OLF, about Ethiopians in London and Ethiopia in general. Because he is renowned to be a very bad & shameless Ethiopian who has always been an enemy to his people and his country. We are all ashamed of him being in London.
As Dr Bekele, Ato Aberra and Dr Kassane explained and ECB and CCA presented evidences and disapproved his false allegation, he is an enemy of Ethiopia, Ethiopians and furthermore Meles’s staunch supporter. As Ato Aberra & Dr Bekele confirmed too many things can be said about Mulugeta and his likes in and around London who are now engaged in digging holes for Ethiopia and Ethiopians funeral. The so-called freelance journalist alleged to have spent most of his times in London Magistrate Courts as a defendant of various crimes and at the Embassy as wicked whisper not as he claimed to be a qualified freelance journalist. We doubt if he is a qualified journalist too. As the Embassy always uses him because of his family background, he also uses them as a cover/shelter for his fraudulent activities.
Furthermore, we are very surprised too, why the reputable Ben (Ethiopia First) Web Site keep on posting Mulugeta’s lies and refuses to post Dr Bekele’s excellent articles to date and other strong critics for government opponents. It may sound funny but it looks that he may have taken orders from the Ethiopian government not to post their articles. Because Dr Bekele is regularly challenging the regime as no one has ever done before. He is a well known political scientist who has been in Ethiopian politics for a very long time therefore should know them and all other parties inside out. That is why he writes in confidence and we hope he will continue to write about this government in future. Ben has been seen praising government’s activities on his web site. Ethiopian Embassies Press Releases are published only on his site. Therefore, it is time he tells the public whether he is a supporter of a dictator or not.
We need to know it. We really need to know our allies and our enemies. If that was the case or not, we would like to challenge him to come forward and tell us where he stands in the present Ethiopian politics or stop glamorizing and assisting the regime in future. TPLF or EPRDF are Shabian agents hence should not deserve praises. We are not labeling him as an enemy yet but urging him not to be used by the dictators & their supporters. We would also like to challenge all Ethiopian writers and Ben’s regulars not to send their articles or critiques to Ben in future if he fails to respond to “Ethiopian People’s Challenge” and keeps posting Mulugeta’s articles and Meles’s propaganda while rejecting other patriotic Ethiopians like Dr G Bekele. Otherwise we urge all Ethiopians to brand Ben and his Web Site users as supporters of the regime.
If you had read Dr Bekele’s strong critique “Devil’s Advocate”, the doctor challenged Mulugeta to come forward and defend his allegations, challenge Dr Bekele’s claims and tell the public about his present political stand. Dr Bekele did it successfully hence his challenges have been answered by the London public but not by Mulugeta. We therefore say thank you to Dr Bekele in particular and the London Ethiopian Community for defending Ethiopians in London, exposing Mulugeta and the troubled Meles regime. We also thank Aberra and Dr Kassane for their contributions.
Mulugeta hopelessly failed the challenges to answer any of Dr Bekele’s questions to exercise his rights and challenge him on his criticisms. We knew he couldn’t. Now we would like to also remind him that after all the things written against him on the internet which was proved to be right, he has become a more disgraced person than ever before therefore warn him never to muddle with Ethiopian community affairs any more. Let him do better things if any with his Embassy friends not defaming our Community, attacking genuine Ethiopians like Dr G Bekele who are fighting the regime for the people of Ethiopia, Ethiopians and above all the church of God.
Furthermore, we warn him never to write any more articles against any other patriotic Ethiopians and further try to neither fool the public nor mislead the British Government using the horrible word “TERRORISM” to create a problem for us in the UK and elsewhere. This is a very serious crime against Ethiopians and Ethiopia. Otherwise others or we will come back with more of Mulugeta’s story, defend our Community and patriotic Ethiopians who live in London. Above all, we will inform the public all his collaboration with the alleged sabotages and criminal thefts of public funds in and around Tigrai Community Office & the London Embassy. We think the London Embassy diplomats and their TPLF Cadres made a big mistake to use Mulugeta and stir these things up and as a result now end in an embarrassing situation. They should think twice-in future and also refrain from attacking patriotic Ethiopians and our community in London and elsewhere.
As Dr Kassane requested too, Ethiopians in London should write to all authorities concerned in UK about his illegal and mischievous activities and in the process abusing the country’s taxpayer’s money. Also on behalf of the Ethiopian community in London and the suffering people of Ethiopia we once more, strongly urge Ben (Ethiopia First) Web Site and others to isolate him, his likes and refuse to post any of his or others future articles unless those web sites are officially confirming that they are part and parcel of Ethiopian enemies. Failing these too, the Ethiopian people will continue to fight Shabia’s agent TPLF supporters, dictator Meles and his evil regime. Therefore it is time we have Mulugeta Aserate Kassa’s name “first” in the list of “Hall of Shame & Shamers of Melese’s TPLF/EPRDF Supporters on the internet.”
The United People Of Ethiopia Will Win!
God Bless Ethiopia!


Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Who is this archaic medieval age type feudal lord? Who is this moron who calls himself Mulugeta Asrat? Is that same womanizer and useless drunkard Mulugeta Asrat who used to read news on TV during the Derg era? Who is this imbecile called mulugeta Asrat? Is he the son of the denkoro feudal lord who, unfortunately, was murdered by Derg. Mule, we are NOT Derg. I remember you were serving the derg with your good conscious. You used to translate and paraphrase Mengistu H/M's speech during the early days of the revolution. Mule, politics is NOT womanizing. Maybe, imbecile as you are, you may think this is the time for you to take "sweet vengence" on that revolutionary generation of the 60s which fought hard to the demise of your father. No sane person disputes the fact your father was a ruthless, blood sucker DENKORO feudal. I suggest you have your contribution towards the demise of your best political system, the Gov't of Haileselassie. And yet may I remind you the fact your father did divulge important state secrets to the university students. He meant to harm Endalkachew Mekonnen. But, that worked to his own demise. Mule, your days are gone. Feudalism will never ever come back to Ethiopia. As you are an opportunistic vulture you are knocking at weyane's door. As you did serve the Derg, you are positively disposed to serve the TPLF fascists too.
City: Addis

City: Addis

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Hagere Ethiopia,

This was tasteless. You seem short on substance, as aways. Why don't you drink Pepsi. It may help you get a bit more seasoned. And it tastes better than Coke.

Mamo Qilo

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Hagere Ethiopia,
You are a true Ethiopian, just like 4-kilo. 4-kilo please come back!!!

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage


Hagere Ethiopia is working day and night to look smart and you are comparing him with Arat Kilo. This really was uncalled for. Did you know what I did to Hagere Ethiopia? I rendered him lifeless and I made Arat Kilo run for cover. Did you know that.

Mamo Qilo

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Let me put the verbatim of you message. It reads as follows:

Hagere Ethiopia: Yourself being Tigraye and tell
Meles what he really is,
“a tyrant bloodthirsty killer
shows how much you love your country.”
All God fearing Ethiopian Tigrayes
should follow your path and say
“Not in our Name.”

What I want to ask you is this:
You wrote, “Feudalism will
never come back to Ethiopia”
Don’t you think it is here
already under different
name "Meles Zenwaye?"

Listen, as the Honorable Hailu Shawl put it perfectly I, the Tigre, voted for a Kinijit candidate who is a non tigrean. I live in Teklehaimanot area where over 85% are Tigres. The last 14 years has taught many Tigres a lot of things. In 1991 many Tigres thought their time has come. Many even dared to say "the throne taken from us by Menelik came back once again to us." They considered it as a ressurection of King Yohannes dynasty. As time elapsed the truth started unfolding itself and almost all said, "awekush nakush". No more euphoria over "yetigre mengist". Almost all have understood there should not such thing as tigre, oromo, amhara. Almost all now want a government that truly represents the interests of all Ethiopian people irrespective of ethnicity, religion etc. Many admitted the grave error they commited and confessed in public. Gebru Asrat in public asked apology from the Ethiopian people. Others followed suit. My sister Lemlem, what I want to advise you is that it should be we all Ethiopians that have to say to Meles "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". THIS IS not AT ALL A TASK YOU CAN FREELY ASSIGN TO ONE ETHNIC GROUP. It is wrong. It is outrageous. Your approach is a sure recipe for defeat. TPLF is working 7/24 to create unbridgeable intellectual and emotional divide. Don't be an easy prey for their evil design. Meles is engaged into terrorising everybody with his blanket accusation of the opposition being "anti Tigre". He in the past intimidated many politicians into silence, even those who loathed for him. He is determined to win everybody to his interest NOT by the force of his example or ideas, but by the force of arms. I am sure you are NOT advising me to go for a head on collision and sacrifice myself in a silly manner. Assume yourself in my position and try to imagine what you could have done. You can read what I wrote to a certain guy called GEBRE. Finally, I didn't mean to offend you. I am a type of person who, when gets angry, never uses coded diplomatic language. Otherwise I am an engaging conversationist. I am also eoquent and persuasive. Maybe my straight forwardness is a dreadful vice of me. Take ONLY the good side of me. I hate also guys like MAMO QILO, who are sanctimonious demagogues parading as PATRIOTS whereas they are actually mercenaries willing to defend a guy like MUDI 7/24. The MAMO QILOS are NOT reliable. They serve anyone who fills their bottomless appetite. Hodam as they are, they even try to advertise PEPSI in a forum like this meant and dedicated to discuss the current affairs of our country. They are sickening bunch of vultures. There are many MAMO QILOS here in Addis. You find them in Sheraton at office bar every night with a bottle of very expensive whiskies. Let me tell you what I witnessed one day. I went there to attend a weding ceremony. Mudi was dead drunk. He started spitting on all vultures who had surrounded him. They cleaned their face and smiled to him. He then splashed a glass full of whiskey over them. They again smiled. I tell you the MAMO QILOS at the office bar are not human beings. They are 70% dogs and 30% human beings with severe mental retrdation.

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

The new woyane Cadre in London: Mulugeta Asrate Kassa

Mulugeta Asrate Kassa was on ETV’s special program tonight. I finished watching him just 15 minutes ago. He was full of trash ideas. While Ethiopians here at home are bored of the woyane cadres’ day-to-day lie, Mulugeta Ass. started it from London. He said that the June 8 massacre by Agazzi was legal. Oh my God! Help Mulugeta ASS. Kassa he is such an empty person from inside. He is just a moving creature with nice suite and of course I know he writes good English. But he is so “hodam”. If woyane survives, Mulugeta ASS. Kassa will be an Ambassador of woyane somewhere.

Few points from Mulugeta’s speech:
1) He claimed that there are two groups in London. Those who migrated to UK before EPRDF(during the Dergue) and those who migrated after EPRDF (He called them red terrorists and “Issepa”). He mentioned that his category of immigrants, the ones who migrated during the Dergue, are true Ethiopians. He said that they were so tolerant that they accepted the red terrorists in London and lived together.

My comment: It is silly of you to say this. I think it is the UK gov’t who accepted them not you Mulugeta. The UK gov’t did that because your master woyane was the most undemocratic and racist regime in Africa. Mulugeta go and check the files of Ethiopians in the Home Affairs Minister.

2) He put the following Amharic poem:

Le shabia worerra manim sew alwota
--------------(I missed it) manim sew alwota
Ethiopian lemanek keyeguadaw wota

My comment: “Dinkem” poem. Silly. Mulugeta ASS. Kassa you are so backward and hodam. Don’t you have a mind when you say that Ethiopians who demonstrated worldwide under the motto of “peoples vote should be respected”, are the enemies of Ethiopia. I think you are one of the mad persons over there. It seems for me that you just escaped from a hospital of mental disordered persons in London.

3) He said that Kinijit is no different from Shabia because Kinijit do not support any form of aid to Ethiopia.

My Comment: Mulugeta ASS. Kassa has a problem of listening. In fact this is the problem of all woyanes worldwide. Kinijit never did say that.

I took picture of Mulugeta while lying in the most dishonest television of the world ETV. (ETV is so dishonest because it is owned by woyanes not because it is an Ethiopian).

I don’t know what I am going to do with this “hodam” picture now but I will think about it in the future.

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Let me put the verbatim of you message. It reads as follows:

Hagere Ethiopia: Yourself being Tigraye and tell
Meles what he really is,
“a tyrant bloodthirsty killer
shows how much you love your country.”
All God fearing Ethiopian Tigrayes
should follow your path and say
“Not in our Name.”

What I want to ask you is this:
You wrote, “Feudalism will
never come back to Ethiopia”
Don’t you think it is here
already under different
name "Meles Zenwaye?"

Listen, as the Honorable Hailu Shawl put it perfectly I, the Tigre, voted for a Kinijit candidate who is a non tigrean. I live in Teklehaimanot area where over 85% are Tigres. The last 14 years has taught many Tigres a lot of things. In 1991 many Tigres thought their time has come. Many even dared to say "the throne taken from us by Menelik came back once again to us." They considered it as a ressurection of King Yohannes dynasty. As time elapsed the truth started unfolding itself and almost all said, "awekush nakush". No more euphoria over "yetigre mengist". Almost all have understood there should not such thing as tigre, oromo, amhara. Almost all now want a government that truly represents the interests of all Ethiopian people irrespective of ethnicity, religion etc. Many admitted the grave error they commited and confessed in public. Gebru Asrat in public asked apology from the Ethiopian people. Others followed suit. My sister Lemlem, what I want to advise you is that it should be we all Ethiopians that have to say to Meles "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". THIS IS not AT ALL A TASK YOU CAN FREELY ASSIGN TO ONE ETHNIC GROUP. It is wrong. It is outrageous. Your approach is a sure recipe for defeat. TPLF is working 7/24 to create unbridgeable intellectual and emotional divide. Don't be an easy prey for their evil design. Meles is engaged into terrorising everybody with his blanket accusation of the opposition being "anti Tigre". He in the past intimidated many politicians into silence, even those who loathed for him. He is determined to win everybody to his interest NOT by the force of his example or ideas, but by the force of arms. I am sure you are NOT advising me to go for a head on collision and sacrifice myself in a silly manner. Assume yourself in my position and try to imagine what you could have done. You can read what I wrote to a certain guy called GEBRE. Finally, I didn't mean to offend you. I am a type of person who, when gets angry, never uses coded diplomatic language. Otherwise I am an engaging conversationist. I am also eoquent and persuasive. Maybe my straight forwardness is a dreadful vice of me. Take ONLY the good side of me. I hate also guys like MAMO QILO, who are sanctimonious demagogues parading as PATRIOTS whereas they are actually mercenaries willing to defend a guy like MUDI 7/24. The MAMO QILOS are NOT reliable. They serve anyone who fills their bottomless appetite. Hodam as they are, they even try to advertise PEPSI in a forum like this meant and dedicated to discuss the current affairs of our country. They are sickening bunch of vultures. There are many MAMO QILOS here in Addis. You find them in Sheraton at office bar every night with a bottle of very expensive whiskies. Let me tell you what I witnessed one day. I went there to attend a weding ceremony. Mudi was dead drunk. He started spitting on all vultures who had surrounded him. They cleaned their face and smiled to him. He then splashed a glass full of whiskey over them. They again smiled. I tell you the MAMO QILOS at the office bar are not human beings. They are 70% dogs and 30% human beings with severe mental retrdation.


City: Addis

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Hagere Ethiopia,

Why do you keep on insulting me. I submitted to you and asked for your mercy. I called for a truce and asked for your fogiveness. Please leave me alone. I will respect and honor you and even bring you Pepsi as SeTota. Drink Pepsi, it tastes better than Coke.

Mamo Qilo
Mamo Qilo

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Hagere Ethiopia:
I read your response to Alex the JOLY. It was simply wonderful. One thing everybody here has to know is guys like Alex are here just to disseminate hatred ansd confusion. Don't forget Shabia mercenaries are also here on this forum with us. We all know what they are up to. Deat Hagere, I enjoy your writing. Would you please post your response to Alex all over at the different subjects. Thank you Hagere Ethiopia. God Bless you


City: Addis

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Alexiye nefse,
I just visualised you crying like a baby. I posed a dozen of questions, and yet you didn't dare to answer even one. Like your master you rushed to brand me as a derg....phew, alexiye this is an old old as old as weyane trick to silence different opinion....Alex, targa meletef is no more working. You raised the switzerland and canada experience. Your analogy does not stand. You also confuse ethnic politics with national identity. We Ethiopians have one and only one national identity and that is Ethiopianism, but we do have over 80 ethnic groups. You are first Ethiopian and then Oromo, Tigre, Sidama, Welayta, Amhara what have you. In Ethiopia today there is NO federalism. What we have is TPLF dictatorship. All the so called kilil bosses are EPRDF members and all done by orders issued from TPLF. You are too bold to compare Weyane's dictatorship with switzerland and canada federalism. Radical decentralization is one thing setting Switzerland's political structure apart from others; the other chief distinction is its commitment to direct democracy, as opposed to representative democracy. In the federal structure and throughout the cantons, any legislative act may be sent to referendum by means of a petition carrying a certain number of signatures. Citizens' initiative is pervasive too, though the bar is usually somewhat higher; draft a law, convince some of your fellow citizens of its wisdom, win the resulting referendum and it goes right into the books. For the Swiss citizen, this means constant voting and discussion of individual political issues. Alex, many participating on this forum are well informed and educated Ethiopians. You may be able to cheat a DENKOPRO guy like mamo Qilo, but you can never ever cheat anyone else here by simply saying, "it is like the switzerland", "it is like the canada system". Weyane the last 14 years tried to cheat by simply citing countries. Even recently the MONSTER in his interview with the BBC was calling countries and repeatedly said, "in france, in england" blah blah. If you have watched that program, the journalist simply laughed....yetizibt smile neber yasayew. Alex, your days are numbered. It is all over. Kewedeku behuala meferaget lemelalat silehone you better accept your defeat.

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Hagere Ethiopia, Professor Waka, Hiwot Roberts and Dadi are one and the same.

Mamo Qilo

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Mamo Qilo:
Please take your morning tablet. How come I am Hagere Ethiopia? Actually, I wish I am. And yet I love my individual identity. Please don't changer my gender atleast. Yante neger min tesnot silehonk you may say I can do it. "The know all" Mamo Qilo concentrate on the message. It is immaterial whoever posted the message. You admitted you have 25 screen names. I don't care about that. You can have 100+. Nevertheless, I assure you I am NOT Hgere Ethiopia


City: Addis

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Hiwote Roberts,

I accept your messgae. You sound sincere. Are you married to an American? I am married to an American and we are trying to establish a sort of association for Ethiopian American children. I have two children, ages 12 and 15. Some of my messages are posted by my 15 years old. The one who argues a lot with Hagere Ethiopia is my 12 years old daughter.

Mamo QIlo

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

Mamo Qilo:
You first said, "I am Hagere Ethiopia". Hagere Ethiopia exposed your lies and nobody believed you. Now you said, "my 12 years old girl was writing messages for me". It is like babies joke- make believe


City: Addis

Re: To Lij Asrate Kassa --- Sir, Your Pen Ozzed Garbage

I was one of the prisinors who had slept at the Alembekagne Verenda on Drito.You were living in one of the upper rooms until I was transfered to Ketero number8.I know about you sir.You have no moral to give comment on the humble Ethiopian."Jibe Yemayakute hager hedo Kurbet antifuligne ale alu",sir.