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EU parliament expresses solidarity with people of Ethiopia

EU parliament expresses solidarity with people of Ethiopia

The European Parliament has passed a resolution on human rights situation in Ethiopia and expressed solidarity with the people of Ethiopia.

The resolution also condemned “the violent repression of protest demonstrations on 8 June 2005 following the postponement of the announcement of the final results of the general elections that left 36 dead, more than 100 injured and led to thousands of arrests.”

The parliament explicitly went on to: “Express its fullest sympathy and solidarity to the people of Ethiopia and presents its condolences to the victims’ families.”

In a strongly worded resolution which can be seen as a setback to Meles Zenawi, the parliament hoped that an impartial commission of inquiry would determine who was responsible for the tragic turn of events on 8 June 2005 and that the persons in question will be brought to justice.

In an interview with the BBC, Meles Zenawi tried to defend his actions saying the June 8th protests were ‘insurrection’ and pleaded guilty by admitting he personally gave an order to his troops to “stop the insurrection.”

The EU called upon the government to release journalists and others who have been detained without due process of law, adding that the government needs to respect the constitution and international human rights conventions.

The EU Parliament further urged the Ethiopian government “to put an immediate end to the restriction of reporting of opposition activities and messages in public media and calls for a code of conduct for the press to be put in place rapidly in consultation with the media.”

Having underlined the importance of respecting the tripartite agreement sighed between opposition parties and the ruling party, the parliament said that the EU would continue to contribute towards the peaceful resolution of the current political crisis ensuing the alleged rigging of the elections by the ruling party.

The resolution is likely to added pressure on the Meles regime, which has caused an international uproar by ordering the killing of unarmed protesters. He has also been facing condemnation for orchestrating the detention of thousands of civilians without any trials.

It is to be remembered that the US Congress accused the Meles regime of committing, “State-sponsored violence against peaceful, if enthusiastic, demonstrators must be considered unacceptable in a civilized nation such as Ethiopia.”

In a letter it addressed to Meles, the Congress expressed its deep concern over the “beatings, arrests and shootings of hundreds of your citizens not only threatens wider social upheaval but also mars an election.”

Re: EU parliament expresses solidarity with people of Ethiopia

Meles is loosing almost everything!!!!

Re: EU parliament expresses solidarity with people of Ethiopia

Dr Hagos,

Why do you suppose EU is not directly condemning Melse instead of his misdeed? Why do you suppose they are reluctant to condemn one criminal whose crimes and atrocities he committed are unashamedly evident?

"Ahiyawoun ferto daulawoun"


Re: EU parliament expresses solidarity with people of Ethiopia

There is nothing sickening than reading diplomatic prase like " hope that an impartial commission of inquiry will determine who was responsible for the tragic turn of events on 8 june 2005...."EC knows full well it was not an act of suiced but murder commited by a direct order of Meles Zenawi! Is it because he is a choicen boy of Blair that they want to incrimenet the innocent and free Meles? They have to take clear stand instead of giving vague and empty expression like "expressing solidarity with people of Ethiopia".

Re: EU parliament expresses solidarity with people of Ethiopia


Well said. However, politics is an art ofdeception and lying, as you have observed. Be it EU or Melese's other mentors, they believe that the stability of the horn of Africa is dependent on one person, their "Sambo" Meles, instead of Ethiopians.

BTW, the socalled EU's resolution is not a binding resolution.So what would thattell you about EU's sincerety?

As we speak, EU and the other mentors are cutting a deal with Meles on how to remake him into an acceptable devil they know than an angel they don't know. Which is worse in the minds of EU?.

You don'treally believe that EU, USA, UN, G8, AU...ect would consider the peole of Ethiopia over their surogate, do you?


Re: EU parliament expresses solidarity with people of Ethiopia

Ato Hagos

I have to call you Ato becasue, I believe that your title is worthless.

You posted about EU press release. To me, EU is playing a gamble in Ethiopian politics. You are part of that game who played a gamble.

Re: EU parliament expresses solidarity with people of Ethiopia

Gebreselassie Zemariame,

Not everyone with in the EU is as blind as Tony Blair. They don’t just sit and watch innocent people getting killed. I will tell you what the EU is going to do. After all the results are out, they are going to punish Melese where it hurts, in the pocket. They will finance and support the Opposition parties, who has followed the rule and played the democratic game.

You should be ashamed of your self for supporting such a brute.


City: London, UK