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EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

According to projections made by the EU Election Monitoring team, on the basis of a representative sample of 500,000 votes, CUD has obtained 49% of the vote, EPRDF 34%, and 17% for UEDF and others. This assessment was made by EU election experts and statisticians. This news was part and parcel of the leaked confidential EU documents that cast doubts on the competency of the NEBE and that implied possible vote rigging by Woyane. For some reason this news has not seen the light of day. However, with this piece of news, it is not surprising to see why western diplomats are aggressively pushing for a coalition government between EPRDF and the opposition.

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Oh my God! What a news! I would say it is a perfect info. I even expect CUD to get above 50%.

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%


I told you about this before EU's report was leaked. I said the EU is coming out with damaging report against the government. On May 31, I posed a follow up telling you that the EU declared CUD a winner. What can I say my republican friends are well connected. May be next time you would take me seriously.

Mamo Qilo aka
Bula Geberdin aka
Cyber Bully

PS: Gebreselassie, my Republicna friends tell me things do not look good for Meles

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Yihenew Ewnetu

Why do you have to use a fabricated name if you think your information is correct?


Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Gebreselassie Zemariame,

The information is correct. It was published in Ethiopia. Sorry the EU report is damaging to your master.

Mamo Qilo

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Mamo Qilo!

Ewnetem Qilo Neh "Yeirgo Zinb" Mehonin Akum.

I brought a question to someone who used fabricated name and you try to answer for him. I think you yourself used a fabricated name too.


Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Ewnewtu that is absolutely true. i got that info from friend in brussles.
The true will come out soon.

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Martiyna,why donot you put your expectation exactly 100 percent?

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

If it is a true report, why didn't the EU dare to publicize it?

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

What a wishful thought! CUD is accepted only by the chauvinists' lovers and has no place in the hearts of non - Amhara Ethiopians. I am one of the Ethiopians who wish to see EPRDF replaced by another democratic party, but at present, we don't have any. CUD is simply a a club run by old mentality and hooligans.

Why those diaspora stop mendling in Our affairs. Is it the drug and hopelessness that is playing on you.

Hell with all of you.


City: Addis Ababa

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Right you are Soresa

The refuggees and fugitives are simply shouting for two reasons.

One. The Gojames and Gondares for whom Ethiopia means Amharic, Amhara and Orhtodox. So, they want to see EPRDF led government go for no other apparent reason than their racism.
Two. Illegal immigrants who want to create dark picture of the government so as to soften the hearts of European leaders to give them assylum. For this people, CUD is no better than EPRDF. They simply try to use it for their own purpose.

**** creatures.


City: Addis Ababa

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Ethiopia before 1991 is essentially different from what it has been thereafter. Before 1991 it was a country, which got its very existence by means of denial of national identities of various people. There was not mutual cooperation of nations with equal rights. Colonial oppression on the people of Eritrea was there. For all these reasons, we had armed struggle to put in permanent grave the forcible forms of union of nations. The armed struggle was waged in light of the union of nations on the basis of voluntary union. In this respect it deserved appreciation as it has been creating the sprit of oneness among all peoples of oppressor and oppressed nations for the establishment of Ethiopia in new contents and forms.
The political program of the armed struggle waged by EPRDF succeeded in winning for it the unreserved sympathy and support of all people in their struggle against the obsolete and rotten political system. No one, except you renegades and remnants of that system, denies the fact that this support was the decisive factor in determining the victory achieved on Ginbot 20, 1984.
EPRDF ever since its inception has always a correct solution to the forcible union of people – the right of nations to decide their future by themselves. This was one of the guiding principles of the armed struggle and which created a great deal of havoc in the political system for which you still disgraceful respect. Beyond your control, the solution was put into practice with full scale when all people came up with the constitution, which has assured full guarantee to voluntary union. However this could not be the end of the world. The obstacles inherited are not yet completely eradicated. Thirteen years are not enough to eradicate them. The need is here to keep alive peaceful and democratic struggle deep into the future.
Chauvinism though wide spread and is dominant in urban areas. It is reinforced by main opposition party CUD and private press. As a result chauvinism spirit, attitude and thoughts are becoming more aggressive owing to the strengthening of the way of life in the form of Federal Republic and national administrative regions.
The ruling party is engaged in spreading healthy democratic spirit all over the country aiming at shortening the life span of all chauvinist as well as narrow nationalist movements. Every effort is underway to bring about the end of abject poverty. Peace and stability is maintained. The government is endeavoring to establish healthy relationship with neighboring countries. The diplomatic effort exerted by the government is gaining wide acceptance in most parts of the world. All these positive moves on the part of the government could not meet positive response from all oppositions. In fact no body expects any positive from them, as their real nature does not permit them. Owing to this fact, this time around they have made partnership against voluntary union of people, speedy development and sustainable peace. They are working hand in glove to keep alive national grievances and create the absence of full confidence of all people in the federal political system by characterizing the ruling party, EPRDF, as exclusive representative of Tigrean people. Such approach is crafted to satisfy one purpose – to create unwillingness in non-Tigrean people and to create a false sense of superiority in the people of Tigray. This purpose, if gains sympathy and support, undoubtedly serves to convert all national regions into arenas of unstoppable bloodshed. Needless to say, we can conclude the following. All oppositions are striving in vain to make the revival of the old system. On the contrary the democratization process and speedy development, which are underway don’t forgive the sins of the old system. Hence no retro gradation. Ethiopia does not deserve a ‘new’ government which is run by the blood thirsties such as Negede Gobeze, Mesfin Woldemariam, Major Admase, Hailu Shawel, Lidetu and their servants like Birhanu Nega.

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Bekele is meles naziawi.

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

I am just curious; how did EU know the vote counts before the counting and the validations are completed?
Did I miss something?

I kind of like this forum; there are intriguing and at times confusing dimensions to just about everything. If there is no single party that won over 50%, which party should form the next government? Why should EU figures be trusted before the investigations are completed? Would anyone be kind enough to explain it to me?

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%


Read closer. Its a survey done based on sample votes of 500,000 people. Its a projection, not the exact election result. If it was the exact election result, I have no doubt opposition will win far more than that.

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Ze Abysinian

Thank you. How about the other questions?

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

I've read Leenco comment,his hate for Amharans so bizare i cant stand him.


City: DC

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%


You better behave. "Wot regetish". Becarful. Do you really have to attack Gojam and Gonder like this? "yetegnan sew atkeskish". If you do, it is very easy to finish racists like you. The Italians and their servants tried to attack the Gojames & Gonderes but they couldn't. How come you trush lady open your dirty mouth like this. It is very easy to catch you so becarful. You can attack individuals but not group of people by saying Gojam & Gonder. If you have a mind,I expect you to say sorry for your rubish statement. FYI, People from Gojam and Gonder always support all the good things regarding Ethiopia. appart from this can you tell me any Gojame or Gondere who is in the leadership of CUD? But we don't mind as people there are doing good things to Mother Ethiopia. We are not like you racist people think of us. Never open your ugly mouth like this again.

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Egnan Lekek:
It is sad to know there are narrow-minded Ethiopian people like that Kebebush out there. I’ve been in Gondar and Gojam, just because these people are Amhara their life is not any either than other provinces. Haile Selasie suppressed these two provinces, especially Gonder. My Grand Father is from Gonder. He gave his life for Ethiopia during the Italian war. My grand father was decapitated by Italians, leaving my father at age of six years old with out a father. People like Kebebush, shows their luck of knowledge and stupidity.
These people eat and sleep racism, like they are the only ones who have it hard. The sad thing is these people call them selves religious. Remember hate is a source of evil.

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%


Thanks God that Gojam and Gonder are free of the virus of racism. They hate us because we permanently refused to join the camp of racists. We will never do it!!!

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%

Lemlem and Lekek

Thank you for telling it like it is.

I have a personal experience in Gojjam and Gondar; it was over two decades ago. They are some of the most diverse and civil people that I had the privilege to know and loved to respect. I was there under a very difficult circumstance and every one I came across was kind and generous; without whose support my survival was doubtful. I was a perfect stranger to the area and their sense of humanity to care and support for fallen, even at times with limited resources, was beyond my comprehension.

I also learned that Gojjam is a multi ethnic province, where Amharic, Oromigna, Agew, Shinasha, and Gumz are spoken and yet they all love each other just as one would expect from a family.

It is incredibly unfortunate that EPRDF attracts idiots like Kebebush. Now I see why people don’t want to trust the vote count by EPRDF

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%


What a wonderful analysis about the two parts of Ethiopia. That is what I exactly know about them. I have had chances in the past to see Gojam and people there. It is so sad to see blind people like Kebebush.
Any way, Kebebush has to please her masters.

Kebebush, I would love to give you tour of those area so that you will feel shame. Pls don't use them for politics they don't know anything else except aspiring for a peaceful and strong Ethiopia.

Re: EU says: CUD 49%; EPRDF 34%; UEDF & others 17%


Few points to ponder;

Why do you suppose EU is not releasing the vote counts giving CUD the lead. We keep hearing about EU's confidential count of the votes, and btw what the hell does "confidential" mean?

Why do you suppose EU issued a hollow a non binding resolution, gently admonish the tragic events, the election fraud, clamping on the media, state of emergency, imprisonment of innocent citizens and the killing of elected MPs. Why did EU fall short of directly condemning Melse for his wanton murder of innocent youths and post election heightened vicious dictatorial posture?

Why do you suppose the dictator's mentors, EU US, UK, and UN (never mind the AU)...are reluctant about deferentially condemning Meles given all the glaring evidence oh the HR crimes he committed upon the citizens of Ethiopia?

And what gives EPRDF and its murderous cadre the Mayor of Addis the confidence and the audacity to declare TPLF will fight to the last man and the last bullet before they would give up power, regardless of any results of any democratic election? Fight defenseless citizens, or is TPLF worried that Eritrea will join with Ethiopia to remove them from power…
