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Meles' letter to US Congress

Prime Minister’s Response to the Congress

June 28, 2005

Your Honourables,

I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 20, 2005 and to thank you for your concern about the current situation in our country. I am particularly relieved and grateful to Your Honourables for reassuring me that it is in the mutual interest of both countries that Ethiopia be as secure, stable and prosperous as possible.

We embarked on the process of democratic reform in our country not to please or displease anyone, but because we are convinced that there can be neither stability nor prosperity without democracy in Ethiopia. It is based on such conviction that we have embarked on the various democratic reforms including the election of May 15, 2005 and it is based on such conviction that we shall continue to protect and extend our democratic victories.

It is to be recalled that in the run-up to the elections, much of the opposition and some friends particularly in the U.S. Congress had expressed concern about its free and fair nature. All credible domestic and international observers have declared that the elections, including the processes of the election day have been free, fair and transparent by any standard and not just by Ethiopian or African standards.

The bulk of the opposition had all along publicly declared that its interest was not to win seats in parliament, but to use the electoral process to remove the constitutional order through extra-constitutional means. While in Ethiopia, as I presume is also the case in the United States, such an act would be an act of high treason, we felt their agenda should be challenged by political, electoral means rather than by legalistic means.

In this context, we defeated their attempts to smear the pre-election and polling day processes by going out of our way to ensure a fair, free and transparent process, a process that was declared to be such by all who had the opportunity to observe it. We however knew based on their publicly declared script for an unconstitutional grab of power that they mistakenly likened to the so-called "Rose" and "Orange" revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine, that they would try and use the election counting process to not only smear the elections but to launch their final revolution.

Consistent with our decision to face the challenge by political and electoral means, we again went out of our way and on the morrow of polling day asked all foreign observers to observe the investigations into the possible allegations of election irregularities. We put forward a process of addressing such concerns that was exemplary in its transparency and fairness. We made sure that the opposition would not get the excuse they were seeking to subvert the constitutional order.

In the end, those who were seeking excuses to launch their "revolution" could not be deterred by transparent, free and fair processes alone and created the disturbances of June 8. Your Honourables would be mistaken if you believed that our compatriots died on June 8 as a result of state sponsored violence in a confrontation between the police and "enthusiastic demonstrators". The tragic deaths were the result of the opposition's attempt to subvert the constitutional order and the government's legitimate attempts to prevent it.

I fail to understand why Your Honourables thought that the election of "so many opposition candidates" was "a bitter disappointment" to us. This was the result of our determination to bring about democratic change in our country. It was and is a victory of democracy in Ethiopia. I presume I am better placed to know how the ruling coalition feels about the results, and as I have said in public on a number of occasions, we consider the process and the results as a tremendous victory for democracy in Ethiopia and for the ruling coalition as the prime mover of democratic change in Ethiopia.

In the penultimate paragraph of your joint letter dated 20 June, 2005 you state that "The people of Addis Ababa have been unable to work, buy food, access electricity, and tend to basic daily living needs due to the ongoing state of emergency and violence in the streets." Under normal circumstances, I would have dismissed such an assertion which does not even remotely resemble the facts on the ground as an assertion coming from the fertile imagination of some of the financiers of the opposition in the U.S., many of whom are facing charges in Ethiopia for crimes against humanity that they committed as officials of the Mengistu regime. But coming as it does from a number of prominent senators and congressmen of the United States it can only be treated, however unfounded it is, with the respect it deserves.

Your Honourables,

Ethiopia needs all the friends it can have, and the U.S. is clearly a vital friend to us. It therefore goes without saying that we need the support and understanding of Your Honourables. It is in this context that I want to re-assure you that Ethiopia is currently peaceful and stable, that we will complete the election process by carrying out a totally transparent and fair investigations into the alleged irregularities and redressing wrongs, if any. We will naturally enforce the rule of law in our country and prevent any attempt to subvert the constitutional process, in a firm but restrained and legal manner. Above all, I wish to re-assure Your Honourables that we shall persevere on the path of democracy no matter what obstacles we might face along the way.

It would be dishonest on my part if I were to conclude without expressing my disappointment at the apparent lack of balance in the information on which your views have been based. I believe as friends of Ethiopia, you ought to have balanced information and to listen to both sides before you make your minds.

Please accept, Honourables, the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration.


Committee on International Relations

Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human
Rights and International Operations
Committee on International Relations

Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation
Committee on International Relations

Ranking Democratic Member
Committee on International Relations

Member of Congress

Member of Congress

Member of Congress

Member of Congress

Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Member of Congress

Member of Congress

Member of Congress

Congress of the United States of America
W a s h i n g t o n D c

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Please mention your source, unless it is non than fiction.


City: Addis Ababa

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Please mention your source. Unless it is none than fiction or nightmare.


City: Addis Ababa

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

The source is Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

please read the orginal in page.


Is it really the protesters in the diffrent parts of the world and in US loud and boldly voicing for the voiceles and poor Ethiopians out of their counttry because they are red-terror suscpects ??? Was the protest in addis against the consitution or to reverse it ?????????????HHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHH



City: halllenia

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Meles coudnt understand why US congress men now want to put Col. Goshu Wolde back to throne. This have been the American way weather in iraque or tumbuktu.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Once again, PM Meles has shrewdly avoided responding to the substance of the Congress letter. This is a man who has never in his political career taken accountability to his actions. What has outraged peace loving people worldwide is the cowardly slaughter of peaceful youth protestors in cold blood.

The PM seems to defend the constitution in his letter to the Congress, but he is the only person who repeatedly took a pass at it by banning demonstrations and ordering special Tigrean force to quell grievances of the residents of Addis Ababa by slaughtering civilians, by imprisoning people without charging them, depriving the Ethiopian people of the right for free and accurate information. This will never be acceptable by a civilized nation like the USA. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the current illegitimate Ethiopian government is an outlaw even by its own standards.

In his letter he indicated that the legal revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia are unacceptable. He goes on to defend a constitution that he has used it only it served his purpose and a constitution that the Ethiopian people endorsed the opposition to amend it to suit their needs. The PM believes that he is personally above the law by enforcing a constitution that the Ethiopian people have not been consulted in its drafting, a constitution that has elements of divisiveness and economic stifles.

The PM has done too much damage to regain confidence from the Ethiopian people and the international community. All his latest actions of killing, imprisonment and intimidation of opposition, imprisonment of students and supporters of the opposition for their political views; monopoly over state media; arrest and barring of journalists, to mention a few, are indicators of a dictatorial regime.

The PM has no other alternative other than pursue democracy at this point and he doesn't need to assure the US Congress of this. The Ethiopian people have said NO to tyranny. He has to accept the bitter taste of defeat.


City: Vancouver, canada

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Zenawi is a cynical fascist who can present different faces to different audiences. in his letter to congress he referred to those he has massacred as 'compatriots'. This is the same man who is still mockingly telling the Ethiopian people that those he massacred were hooligans. He has not even apologised to the Ethiopian people for his crime.

The mothers and fathers of the murdered youngsters have been ordered to pay $200 to the gestapo to collect the dead bodies (see BBC Monitoring).

To international diplomats he has said that the massacre will be investigated. But he has done nothing so far. It is foolish to expect that he will bring himself to justice.

THE LEAST HE CAN DO IS TO PROVIDE SUPPORT TO VICTIMS OF THE MASSACRED. But again, what do you expect from a brutal fascist!

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

There is nothing shrewed about this letter. He clearly dismissed the concerns of the 13 members of the United Staes Congress. In a tactless manner, he associated them with the "{criminal} officials of the Mengistu regime." This is the ultimate disrespect one can show to the most respected instition. His defiance will cost him dearly, no doubt.

I think we need to pressure the opposition to end this pointless political wrangling with Meles and call for his removal from power. This is the man who has the nerve to outrightly disregard the United States Congress, the most powerful institution, let alone the opposition in Ethiopia. Enough is enought, Meles is here to say unless we get rid of him now.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

what a lair PM we have. he know how to deal with all kind of people. he has different faces at every moment he gets. he is a sissy man he approve and agree with what the white men tell him. he cares more in reserving his power by killing as many citizens as he can and scare the white people that if he dies ethiopia dies.
it is disgusting but truth we have a lair criminal PM.
God save us.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress


You said in your reply "Meles is here to say unless we get rid of him now."

What kind of remote control do have to help you remove Melse right from the comfort of your home (I imagine Western countries?)

Will you sactrify yourself for your day dream wish?

I just want to say that we all need to bow for peace full means of strugle rather than .......



Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Gebreselassie Zemariame,

You are typical of your kind. You are preaching to us peace while you are killing us. Your message was used by the colonial powers to enslave Africa. They told them to be devout Christians, to be peacful and leave their trouble to GOD. Well, it is a tired approach. We will fight back TPLF, we will not die silently. It is over, Meles will be removed by all means. You don't need to know how I will do my part to achieve that goal. Tell your boy to pack his stuff and get the hell out of our country. I am sure Sudan will give him a safe haven, she did it before.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Meles Zarkawi is an embarassement to the African race. What an idiot! He and his foreign affairs staff don't even know how to write a diplomatic letter. The only thing they know how to do is to gun down peaceful protestors.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

The embarassment regime Meles! Where are you? Do you think the congress men write things without seeing both the right and the left. Lies for the last 14 years. Why don't ask Bereket what he said before writing that embarassing letter.


Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Dear the Ethiopian Prime MONSTER, you killed more than 40 people, wounded more than 150 people, killing students .....all these are your democratic orders. What a shame!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

The usual liar and congenetically arrogant rebel-leader.Amid the national tragedy of such a magnitude,one can hardly overlook in the responding statement,the covert mockery and ridicule ,if not his disdain,at universally accepted formality.What a statesman/


City: Arlington,VA

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress



City: Addis Abebe

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Shouldn't the opposition parties reply to this pathological lair and give the US congress the true picture of Meles? How come we don't even see/hear press releases any more?


City: Calgary

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Mr Monster, didn't you hear what Comic Ali (Bereket Simon) said about the mass murder. Let me remind you he said they were and bank robbers. Why you try to associate them now with the constitution?

Please leave us alone and the Ethiopian eople knows how to leave with the constitution.


Re: Meles' letter to US Congress



City: Addis Abeba

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

MELESE ZENAWI ! Please be willing to learn from your mistakes or to say sorry Don’t U believe in GOD? May be this not a relevant question for African Leaders like you? A dictator leader like you locked into his "expert image" can't learn anything from anyone.


City: Addis Abeba

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

This fascist PM is the potential enemy of Ethiopia, He is the laier and multifaced faced man. We Ethiopians We don't expect the rigt things from this dectator, we have to strrugle together to aviod this man and his followers.

City: Sddis Ababa

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

This man is a hypocrite. We better think of HOW to get rid him and let him go to his beloved motherland, ERITREA!
Yesterday (Thursday, June 30 2005) his puppets has made announcement to the nation to listen to his speech to be held at 'Ethiopian' TV and radio! This night (Friday, July 01, 2005). He is going to present his bunch of lies and plotting again and again!


City: Addis Abeba

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

It is not really a convincing reply. Just '' inka selamteya neger new''. He has lost his best words.


Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

thanks god now they know very well who he is. these people aren't a bunch of eplf members. they claim every word they say. astalavista meles - you got traped on your word.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Cheers!Fellow Ethiopians!I saw Very interesting comments.Such as the prime Monster of Ethiopia,Meles Zarkawi!I wonder how the murderer Meles and his cronies feel about themselves.If they have a conscience or a soul.Have they forgotten that they will die some day and appear before God!They seemed to care less about human life and label the victims "Hooligans".Do they know that God the Alemighty is watching over his creatures and they will be responsible for every life they took.How do they feel to be the most hated government in Ethiopian history ,the first to be defeated in the first ever pseudo democratic election and and the first to kill unarmed civilians not once but a dozen times.This guy is a disgrace to the whole African continent.Due to the likes of Meles the west is pointing the finger at us saying we are not fit for democracy.Because of Meles UK has suspended development aid to Ethiopia.Meles has missed a life time opportunity to let Ethiopia sail on the path of Democracy.He could have cemented both the future of Ethiopia and his own future had he accepted the defeat and become our George Washington.But to the contrary he has proved time and again that he has no conscience ,no remorse ,no respect for others opinion, unmatched hate for Amharas which he blames for whatever problems Ethiopia has,does not have an iota of what responsibilities democracy brings with it including accepting defeat.He presides over a monkey parliament where he pontificates and acts as know-it-all. He is egocentric,partly bolstered by western leaders,that he believes democracy is something that he gives out of his kindness and can rescind it if he does not like the judgement of the peoplehe.Let's pray to our Alemighty God that his chosen people of Ethiopia get the leader they deserve.And let's pressure the dictator through all possible means.And do not let the blood of innocent Ethiopians shed in vain.Anyone who can go to Scotland go to the G-8 summit next week and expose the hypocrite Meles who will try to preach about good governance and the rule of law while university students and others are languishing in a concentration camp like situation !!!!!!


City: san jose

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

It really pays to have learned in the Wingate High School.Can Lidetu draft such a letter? Come on CUD supporters be honest. Here is the best dribbler in the political game of Ethiopia. Ofcourse you have brilliant Ethiopians like Goshu and Birhanu too. I would love to see Ethiopia with Meles and only Meles as prime minister. Goshu Wolde as foreign minister Merrara Gudina ministry of federal affairs and security , Birhanu V/ prime minister for Economic Affairs and Lidetu back to School in the next coalition government.


City: Oslo

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

The US congress is the most powerful, I agree. It is the most respected, I fully disagree. Unless you have lost your conscience you can’t forget the destruction made by the US in the name of democracy in Yugoslavia. Its domination in Iraq is in pursuit of oil. Therefore the US congress does not deserve respect. Guys, the role you are playing is the essence of you, the real you – betrayal. When you show your respect to the congress you mock at the suffering of people of any country. Your respect to the congress may help you gain a political asylum in the US. Because Meles will continue to stand firm when the issue is safe guarding the interest of his beloved Ethiopian. BRAVO MELESE!

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Wedi, You don't know what you are talking about. If you judge people how well they can write a colonialist language called English you need to go back to school. Meles has no time to write letters, but to conspire against Ethiopia...What do his speech writers do?

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Meles thinks about 4-kilo and his esteme as he underline on his last sentences. He told this fallacy for 14 years with out any legal, political and national and regional gain for him and his friends. He bought several enemies nationally and internationaly. that is why, the result of this democratic election is against him so that he tries to avert the constitution opposite to what he writes. Why he detained the observers of human right and oppositions uo to one day before election? Why he use his modern security machines and forces in Addis to make the flesh and the psychology of unarmed people died? Simply it is an aversion of the constitution.

He gained more enemity to peacefull Tigrians from Eritria, Affar and Amhara for the past 14 years. Finally, he wants to blame this 14 years falt on the university students, taxi drivers and others by dispaching papers in the town. This is a shame for the one who has full power to administer the country and the legal decision on him is fairce that any one who tries to get power illegally since EPRDF made the falt first and for 14 years with a lot of tricking on the people.

His letter will use as a witness on the legal court. Such a deception is out dated and it is clear for every one that who is the source of illegality under the constitution.

He will be acused for 70,000 life at Eritrian crises that he covered with Bonapartizem evaluation. This life cost is due to bad administration that can't lead legal departion of Eritria at that period. We are on the generation that even divorcing has its own law not only for nations.

The exsiting democracy of Ethiopia is not 100% the result of EPRDF. It is the result of Tigray who suffer for generation as a battle field, the whole Ethiopians who died at this battle field to defeat Derg. During these 14 years, our democracy is a result of nations and nationalities to respect each other while EPRDF tries to collide each other, oppositions to have peacefull and modern struggle with their financial, ethical and family costs while EPRDF tries to detain and destruct them. there fore, it is shame for Meles to consider on this letter as a result of EPRDF while he, the people and all externals know it well.

I personally admire him if he ask excuse for the faults EPRDF made rather than making an other crime.

I am eager to see that once and for the last time, the law that states to take measure on those who (EPRDF)makes crime will betrayed and they will free from their crime by their excuse to the people and join on another political election or to work together for their country in a new and constructive approach. We have to try to make this idea real rather than supporting spontaneously any political parties.

Live peace and safe,

Thank you if youread my long written ideas.

Sis, Peace.


City: Paris

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Has Meles got an amnesia? He is forgetting everything he is saying. He told BBC reporters that the protesters are killed while trying to rob a bank. He has forgotten what he has said two weeks ago.


City: Amsterdam

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Wedi going to school is no sin. Ethiopia has managed to send the whole of TPLF on distance education including your jenious the PM. English language must have costed you dearly in your refugee life.

Leave Ethiopia for the Ethiopians


City: addis

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

It is clear from his message that he is begging them indicating as if he was in power for the last 14 years because of they allowed him to do so. He is in panic that they could reject him and if they do so, he will not have additional chances to hurt the Ethiopian people. The same time it became clear that America is in a position to decide who rule Ethiopia rather than the 72 million Ethiopians to choose their leaders. If the bush administration is not doing something practical about the current situation in Ethiopia, woyane under little meles rule will continue destroying the country and the west will enjoy watching the misery of black people (as they did during the last 14 years) as if they do like it for their morale. If Africa (Ethiopia have got) good leaders, their wouldn’t be lots of talks about debt relief, music in the name Aid---. Meles and his criminal associates are serving them this way. So, I’m afraid they will keep them for their interest with the very devastating cost against Ethiopians in particular and the Africans in general.
meles is begging them to allow him to destroy the country. Now the money he has stolen and kept in malayisa officially reached to 41 million dollars. His still to be discovered money and property will jump over 100 million dollars. if the American govt allows this tyrany to stay on power to rule the people with hunger and pain, it going to be the biggest failure to the america policy while declairing democracy to the world. Many countries especially in Africa will learn a big leason from this clear ethiopian election result which is won by the opposition. if america and the west give ahead to the criminal act of meles and bereket to rule with distruction the second popules country in africa(ethiopia)many african country will shift their trust to china, india and other influencial countries rather than the west. so, the west must act the right way for their long term relationship with the continent of africa.
Meles is much worst that Mugabe to his people and country. The west took no time to condem mugabe. They had lots of meetings to descus about the matter. But when it comes to Meles, they say very little while doing nothing. we hope the Africans will learn about the west from their action towards Meles who was a gorilla leader and took power with force and have a very long term damaging policy to Ethiopia on one side and Mugabe who is very educated and respected leader by many africans and some world leaders and people in the other.


City: A.A

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Prime Murderer Meles doesn't even know what his other puppet Bereket(The liar minister) has said, these people words doesn't even agree with one another let alone to bring agreement to nations of Ethiopia. He is putting his usual mask in the face of the highly esteemed congress men. But it's all revealed there is no one he is going to deceieve unless he try it on mars. Shame on you!!! "Ayen Awta,Acheberbari"


Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Even though I hate EPRDF because it took them almost a decade to realize that democracy is the only way for Ethiopians, now a days I like Meles because these bunch of power mongers ( backward day dreamers of remnants of feudal and Derg regimes ) are using the opportunity to grab the power. To this effect, I found his letter to the congress of US outstanding. The congress members should be reminded that the situation in Ethiopia is not exactly what these demonstrators are preaching. Just listen what the demonstrators in Brussels are saying and judge for yourself how ignorant they are . Some of them have lived in Belgium for many years and have stone mind to learn how a peaceful government is based on federal system in that country based on Ethnic group (the Flemish and wallon and German …) However the so called elite of Diaspora in Brussels have slogans like

No more Killil system
No more ethnic division in Ethiopia!

I think the congress member and any civilized world should not take these protestors words for reality.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Yes lies agian! They first told the world they killed hooligans, and then the Addis Ababa police comissioner said they used untrained police, now the primer minister calls the innocent he massacared as 'compatriots'. Why would they be 'compatriots' to him if they were trying to take his power by force, isn't this a contradiction!

I think it is time to write to the congress a letter of rebutal (in the form of petition) to this stupid response. Previous comments he made thruough local and international media can be used as evidences against him. He is trying to use simple deception in the name or constitutional order while himself is trampling upon it.

Could someone with a good language write the petition?


City: New York

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

It amazing to me how people like Melese and his partners can have a mind so destructive and so evil that it's beyond belief. Never in human history have we seen leaders who are enemies to the country they govern and the people they rule.If Melese could write nice words to Congress, it means that he knows good exists, but is not capable of carrying it out. There is no question that Meles has to leave our land one way or another, sooner than later.


City: Hillcrust

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

No freedom of movement, No demonstration: Democracy (al a Meles)

"We have said you're not leaving while you're inciting violence and starting fires here. They (the opposition) have been under police surveillance just in case. If things get hotter they will be detained without any question. If that's intimidation, so be it." Prime Minister Melese Zenawi.

Meles said it was his government's duty to extend a ban on demonstrations in the capital expiring next week but he saw no risk of violence spreading across the country and there was "no turning back" from democracy.” News Paper

“Today, the Ethiopian capital is «under siege», tanks, armoured vehicles and others heavily armed cars full of militaries round on the main roads of the city in order to dissuade people from protesting. Protesting this situation, taxi and bus drivers, as well as many private and public employees are on strike. “FIDH

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

The Rule of law al a Berket and Meles:
Jail/torture/murder and “Investigate”

"Any person who has been instigating violence and pushing people to take unlawful action must be accountable for what he did," said Mr. Bereket. "In areas where we have objective evidence to support our charges, we have taken these people to the court. Definitely, we are going to investigate the cases, and that will follow all the legal procedures this country has."

"The arrests are a measure to prevent further unrest. They will be released after investigations," Information Minster Bereket Simon.

"We deeply regret that lives have been lost, and if there has been an instance of excessive use of force, that is obviously something we will look into."
Prime Minister Melese Zenawi.

"Anyone who incites violence, other than those elected, will have to face the law." Information Minster Bereket Simon.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Meles still think that playing the scary game is the only way to go. Rwanda, Neftenga, Mengistue,Shabia, as a scary figures but fail to see himself(woyane in the mirror) and acknowlege how monstor he is even to watch.


City: DC

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Meles Zarkawi, Prime Murderer of Ethiopia... fitting title

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Guess what? The US leaders wrote their letter based on the intelligence briefing they get from their intelligence agencies; that is to say, they have the fact on the ground. Meles argued with them with lies and blha blha the same way he talks on ETV. What a shame. The has lost it. YICHALAL!

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Meles (or his people) doesn't even know the difference between House of Rep and Senate. He talks about Senators but there was no Senator signing the letter! I can't believe the arrogance of this man- he is trying to tell them they don't have a balanced information??? The letter must have really gotten under his skin! He is basically telling them to go to hell in a not so nice way. I don't know if he understands that the US can make or break him. If I know anything about the US, he will definitely be made to pay for his response.

City: Maryland

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Dear Members,
The difference between Meles and the elitist who are roaming like a wild cat across the capital of Western world is that Meles has the support of Ethiopian people and they have the support of the money that they have stolen from Ethiopia, the education that they got when their villain Haile Sillasie who used to judge the people to pass Amharic language failed the rest of Ethiopian people and the blind ideology of 3000 years that exist at their imaginary level of their thinking.
For example, Meles is ready to fight for his principle; however, the coward who only know the tactic of pitting one group against another want to rule by remote control. That is the difference.
Moreover, the 23 seat of Somali region will go to Meles party since he supports article 39.
On the contrary they are hiding behind the curtain of mischief and the domination of one and only one ethnic group.
Last week, I asked a question to a man who is diehard of CUD, what is the alternative of Meles that you have for Ethiopia? his answer was Meles is a bad ruler. Then, I told him that you did rule for 100 years and results are speaking louder than your perception to rule Ethiopia again. Then, I found out that the guy was drank with Negede Gobeze principle which is I will rule and do not question; I will kill you and you will not die; I will steal the money of Ethiopia even if I can carry the whole country and sell in the wall street.
In short, the ideology of CUD is based upon hallow and shallow idea that could not hold water.
Meles' English does have the support of Ethiopian people and his soul whom he puts in the line of fire, but they are playing with words and inciting innocent and poor Ethiopian whom they ruled and misruled for century. War by praxis has been demised when the cold war is over.


City: Washington DC

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Mr Ibrahim:

Do you really think about what you are writing, or are you just regurgitating EPRDF's the hate propaganda? CUD will win the majority in Somalia, and I can pay any amount to see your face when you hear the news about it. The only thing the Ethiopian Somalis gained in the past 14 years is war and more war. The nation of Somalia continues to be in a state of anarchy after so many years because of the direct intervention of Meles Zenawi who's arming one groups against the other. He is purposely destablizing Somalia, and every Somali I know talks about this. That's why I doubt it your are a real Somali. I bet your name is Bekele (be****a yibkelibeh) or some thing like that. If you are a Somali, the Somalis I know would call you a banda. Take this and come back in two days, hopefully cured from your CUDophobia.

Deconstructing Zenawi’s Response to Members of Congress

Deconstructing Zenawi’s Response to Members of Congress:

Mendacity of a Pathological Liar

As concerned Ethiopians, it was embarrassing to read the deceptive response of Meles to members of Congress, with his usual subterfuge, calumny and despicable misrepresentation of reality. While everyone is by now well aware of the evil schemes of this compulsive liar, the temptation could not be resisted to highlight some of his fabrications that unravel how desperate the tyrant is.

Myth: He opened his wickedly written response with the clichéd affirmation: “I am particularly relieved and grateful to Your Honourables for reassuring me that it is in the mutual interest of both countries that Ethiopia be as secure, stable and prosperous as possible.”

Fact: The destructive ethnic agenda he has imposed on the Ethiopian people, the corrupt fiscal policies he has unashamedly implemented, his antiquated authoritarian rule, and the vicious massacre of peaceful protesters, are not characteristics of a man committed to see Ethiopia “as secure, stable and prosperous as possible.”

Myth. He bragged: “We embarked on the process of democratic reform in our country not to please or displease anyone, but because we are convinced that there can be neither stability nor prosperity without democracy in Ethiopia.”

Fact. Meles miscalculated he would please the donors with sham elections and dupe them again, as he had done several times before May 15, into giving him more money to stash away in his foreign bank accounts. This time, however, the Ethiopian electorate taught him a bitter lesson: he did fail to please even his staunchest benefactors, including Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Myth. He alleged: “All credible domestic and international observers have declared that the elections, including the processes of the election day have been free, fair and transparent by any standard and not just by Ethiopian or African standards.”

Fact. Several domestic and international observers reported rampant election fraud, vote rigging and intimidation. Peter Takirambudde, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch's Africa Division, pointed out “… the authorities have intensified the repression they have used to keep themselves in power for 13 years.” Ana Gomez, Chief EU Election observer confirmed reports of beatings of opposition officials and disruption of their rallies. On May 25, 2005, the European Union declared "...unless there is a drastic reversal toward good democratic practice (we ) will have to publicly denounce the situation....”

Myth. He whined: “The bulk of the opposition had all along publicly declared that its interest was not to win seats in parliament, but to use the electoral process to remove the constitutional order through extra-constitutional means.”

Fact. The opposition only asked for free and fair elections, and for an independent electoral board that was not an appendage of the ruling party. In the run-up to the elections, they demanded the formation an independent electoral body. After the elections, they requested investigations into rampant fraud, vote rigging, imprisonment and harasment of poll watchers, members and supporters of opposition groups.

Myth. He absurdly affirmed: “While in Ethiopia, as I presume is also the case in the United States, such an act would be an act of high treason, we felt their agenda should be challenged by political, electoral means rather than by legalistic means”.
Fact. To think that asking for free and fair elections is considered high treason in the United States is to display utter ignorance, emanating from compulsive arrogance.

Myth. He brashly asserted: “In this context, we defeated their attempts to smear the pre-election and polling day processes by going out of our way to ensure a fair, free and transparent process, a process that was declared to be such by all who had the opportunity to observe it. “

Fact. The ruling party lost the elections and went its usual way of harassing, intimidating, arresting and killing members and supporters of the opposition. Many credible observers witnessed that the elections were marred by blatant irregularities and fraud.

Myth. He absent-mindedly conjured up: “Consistent with our decision to face the challenge by political and electoral means, we again went out of our way and on the morrow of polling day asked all foreign observers to observe the investigations into the possible allegations of election irregularities. We put forward a process of addressing such concerns that was exemplary in its transparency and fairness.”

Fact. In the aftermath of the elections, Meles Zenawi declared, unconstitutionally and illegally, a state of emergency, banned all forms of public gatherings, and denied the opposition any access the government-controlled media.

Myth. In brazen denial, he belabored: “In the end, those who were seeking excuses to launch their "revolution" could not be deterred by transparent, free and fair processes alone and created the disturbances of June 8. Your Honourables would be mistaken if you believed that our compatriots died on June 8 as a result of state sponsored violence in a confrontation between the police and "enthusiastic demonstrators". The tragic deaths were the result of the opposition's attempt to subvert the constitutional order and the government's legitimate attempts to prevent it.”

Fact. On June 8, Meles Zenawi (who had put under his direct command the military and police as of May 15th) ordered his special forces to massacre university students and other citizens, whose only crime was to request that their votes be fairly counted. In addition to the above reason, Meles and his officials have been throwing conflicting reasons for the carnage. For example, the Federal Police Commissioner reported that the demonstrators had been shot by inadequately trained police officers, while the Minister for information, Bereket Simon, declared the victims had been shot when “they were attempting to rob banks and stores”.

Myth. He flagrantly concocted: “I fail to understand why Your Honourables thought that the election of "so many opposition candidates" was "a bitter disappointment" to us. … “

Fact. If Meles thought anybody would believe the above, one would wonder whether he had not lost his sanity. His security forces have killed opposition parliament elects in Central Ethiopia, and his cadres and security forces have been on a rampage arresting and harassing members and supporters of the opposition in thousands throughout the country since the elections

Myth. He whimpered: “In the penultimate paragraph of your joint letter dated 20 June, 2005 you state that ‘The people of Addis Ababa have been unable to work, buy food, access electricity, and tend to basic daily living needs due to the ongoing state of emergency and violence in the streets.’ Under normal circumstances, I would have dismissed such an assertion which does not even remotely resemble the facts on the ground…”.
Fact. Where was he when almost everything in the capital came to a stand still, with cab drivers, shopkeepers, students, etc., going on strike for an entire week following the June 8th carnage?

Myth. He ineffectually alleged: “… an assertion coming from the fertile imagination of some of the financiers of the opposition in the U.S., many of whom are facing charges in Ethiopia for crimes against humanity that they committed as officials of the Mengistu regime.”

Fact. This lie is intended to take cover under Mengistu’s shadow to avoid the inevitable charges against Meles for his crimes against humanity. If there are officials of the Mengistu regime in the US who should be charged for crimes against humanity, Meles was unable to comprehend that members of Congress would be in a better position to get more reliable intelligence about them.

Myth. Lies, lies and more malicious lies: “It is in this context that I want to re-assure you that Ethiopia is currently peaceful and stable, that we will complete the election process by carrying out a totally transparent and fair investigations into the alleged irregularities and redressing wrongs, if any.”

Fact. The Meles propaganda machinery and his state apparatus are tirelessly promoting all sorts of machinations aimed at turning one Ethiopian ethinc group against another. In a police state where mismanagement, nepotism and corruption are rampant, and where the people are completely disenchanted and disgusted with the authoritarian rule of a tyrant, the illusion of stability and security would remain whimsical.

Myth. His vile nature took the better of him, and swanked: “We will naturally enforce the rule of law in our country and prevent any attempt to subvert the constitutional process, in a firm but restrained and legal manner.”

Fact. As he has done it numerous times, there is no doubt Meles will continue to use all means available to him to thwart the Ethiopian people’s aspiration for freedom and democracy.

Myth. In conclusion, he pathetically and impudently pleaded: “I believe as friends of Ethiopia, you ought to have balanced information and to listen to both sides before you make your minds.”

Fact. While his soldiers are killing innocent lives, his security forces are harassing, intimidating and arresting supporters of the opposition, and his instrument of deception, the National Electoral Board, is engaged in full-fledged vote rigging, he is asking for sympathy from the US Congress. In other words, he is asking for Congress to put the blame on the massacred, the imprisoned and the harassed, whose only crime is to demonstrate peacefully and demand fair and free elections.

Thus, the obsessive and compulsive liar once again exposed his despicable ignorance and antiquated propaganda to the people of Ethiopia, members of the US Congress, and all other friends of Ethiopia

Concerned Ethiopians in the United States
July 1, 2005

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Its amazing how Melese buy time to stay on power by manipulating the EPRDF members and they belived him,but the one who pays his and his cadres salaries whom are the U.S house congress telling him to step dawn the language he don't understand,he need to hear is if they stop monthly payments who Ethio/Americans tax money to pay thier cadres then we as people representative of united states should cut the flow of dollars to buy gun/bullets to kills inoccent youth.


City: DC

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

What a lier PM. What made him not to tell the reality to the congress people. There should be something that he is afraid of them? punishment? Hold it; Meles now seems to understand the seriousness of the US government, and the consequences to follow. It is obviously clear that the US can make a difference in shaping Meles and changing his Hitlerite attitudes. For Meles to totally shift 180 degrees from his beliefs two weeks ago, in view of what he said to the different world and Ethiopian medeas and what Bereket and Addis Ababa police chief said, his letter to the congress is a sign he took to prove his inocense before he gets the 'RED TAG'.

The solution for freedom loving people, congress people and leaders of the west is to press hard and make a strong stance on such arrogant Hitlerites like Melesss and Mugabee. They will redeem to confess finally.

Meles will be history as a lier.
Liberalism camp will win.
Meles' Revolutionary Democacy doctrine is leading Ethiopia to Fascism and will go down the drain.

Freedom justice and democray to the Ethiopan people.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Dear Members,
Look at the fact in the growth of Ethiopia economy which is refuting the domsday foretellers.
CUD, the satellite and hatemongering party, will cry when they hear this news.

I am asking all Ethipian to send this letter to our Senator and Congress man and woman so as to make them aware of the reality in Ethiopia.

ADDIS ABABA, July 1 (Reuters) - Ethiopia's economy grew between 8 and 10 percent in the period July 2004/June 2005, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said on Friday.

"Ethiopia's economy has registered a growth of between 8-10 percent and the export rate has also registered 30 percent growth within the year that just ended," Meles said in a televised press conference.

He did not elaborate on the reasons behind the growth in both exports and the economy, nor provide comparative figures.

The Horn of Africa nation of 72 million, sub Saharan Africa's second most populous, is Africa's top coffee grower.


City: Washington DC

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Dr. Ibrahim,

I am not an economist, but we have been hearing from Mr. Meles Ethiopia growing 8 to 12% for many years. We have been told that inflation is tamed or even at some point the prime Minister was telling us Ethiopia's inflation rate was below zero for some years. If you beleive this and even agree that Ethiopia was growing on average 5% under Ato Meles's watch over the last 14 years, and assume 3% polulation growth during the same period (which is high by any standard), Ethiopia's GDP per capita would have increased quite substantially over the last 14 years. The 2% net gain per year over the last 14 years would have given us $161 GDP per capita. But the GDP per capita is $110, $10 less than the figure during Mengistu's time.

This is disappointing considering the fact that Meles got over billions of US dollars from the World bank, US, UK, and other donors. What do you think went wrong?

Mamo Qilo

has bee

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Let me start by saying victory doesn’t come with out sacrifice.

Let me lend you a small free advice based on my experience. When the Amahara came to Tigrai, and inflicted unimaginable horror upon the Christian people of Tigrai, undermined our history which they brag around as their own, when they tried to force their language and culture upon us, when they tried to prevent us from developing our land and use it, when they took our land and make it theirs, (Raya Qobo, Alamata, Wolkayit, Tselemti and Tsegde), and when they killed and maimed our youngest and brightest(Let god and their mothers count the ones that were taken to the black hole of Ethiopia Addis Abeba and never to come back but I will give you some sample villages and towns that paid dearly to the amhara monester. Hawzien 4500,Abyiadi 900,Adet 480,Sheraro 130, Ankere 38, Azeba 132, Samre 46, Endaba guna 372, and this are only dead ...... plus 29,000 in red terror)When they were getting to wipe us out from the face of this earth, WE ROSE UP!!!!.

We sacrificed 50 thousand dead and 70 Thousand wounded and we reversed all the wrong that was done to us in 17 long and bitter bloody struggle years.

They could not enjoy their temporary fake and stolen power in peace; instead they woke the sleeping giant Axumite lion by poking and aggravating him. Then TPLF was born and the rest is history.

Now, let’s come to your issue which is TPLF or the Tigreans. If you truly believe that they the Tigreans are horrible to you do what we did. Get up stand up for your right. But, and this is really big but, it is not by crying from the comfort of western countries. It is not by sending unarmed students and young people to do your dirty work. It is not by begging western countries to do regime change for you. It is not by creating rose and orange revolutions or banana revolution. No. None of the above means would get rid of TPLF and the Tigreans from your back.

It is only and only by organizing, arming and dying for your freedom. That is the only means no other. If you can’t do it, if you have no guts, or if you are looking for any short cuts, it does not work no, throne for you. Deal with what you have and make the most out of it.

Amharas you are many in numbers, of course you can afford to sacrifice about 60 thousand for your freedom why not do it, if you really think you are being oppressed.

Get up or shut up!!

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress


We intend to take power democratically. Then was 1980s this is 2005. The world has changed. Sorry if this disappoints you. Your master agreed for a democratic vote and He Got Served! Sorry if this disappoints you. We intend to take power without ging to the woods. By the way, you know Seye was the brave fighter of Tigray. Meles is half Eritrean. yet he has locked Seye up and thrown the key. What do you think of that. I feel sorry for Seye. Do you?

We promise we will let him go free when we take power.
All tose who fought againt Mengistu, including Hayeloom, Seye and many others are either dead or rotting in prison. So we have learned from them the more civilized way of taking over power is through a democratic process.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress


Thank you for sharing the news piece which quotes PM Meles, the worst source of accurate information. This is a man who just last week blatantly accused the slain civilians on the streets of Addis Ababa for their own death. Regardless, here are a few things you might want to consider:

a. Ethiopia is currently the 3rd poorest country in the world and this record gotten worse over the last 14 years during which TPLF and its accessories ruled the country. There is credible evidence that hundreds of millions of dollars have been embezzled from government coffers and funneled to foreign banks by the PM and his allies
b. Ethiopia’s population increased from about 45 million in 1991 to about 70 million in 2005. The vast majority of Ethiopians live in extreme poverty. Ethiopians do not eat GDP, even if it was a million percentage point increase unless it translates into real economic growth. These include the ability to feed citizens, provide health care, shelter and basic education
c. The war with Eritrea claimed the lives of hundreds of thousand Ethiopians, whose unfortunate death could have been avoided if PM Meles had the senses to appreciate the preciousness of life
d. The TPLF failed to run a country with out the contribution by rich countries of up to 40% of the country’s budget

Does it matter if the PM said the GDP grew by a gazillion percentage point? We would also appreciate it if you also share what the Ethiopian Economic Association had said just recently about the demise of the Ethiopian economy. I will leave you with what the late Dr. Eshetu Chole said about an Ethiopian Economy course he taught at Addis Ababa University. He said “Why have a course on Ethiopian Economy when there is no ECONOMY in Ethiopia”.



City: Vancouver, Canada

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

The dust seems settling This wek, Indien Ocean wrote that Mr. Meles knew that CUD is after only the power and promised them to get some seats. Then, CUD is getting distance from the other opposition group.
Moreover, Meles delivered a long speech to the Ethiopian people and told them to be vigilent and fight for maintaining peace and prosperity. They have to expose the people who are getting instructions from Negede Gobeze.

Copyright 2005 Xinhua News Agency
Xinhua General News Service

July 2, 2005 Saturday 6:00 PM EST


LENGTH: 379 words

HEADLINE: Ethiopian PM calls for maintenance of peace, stability



Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi on Friday urged the public to mobilize for maintenance of peace and stability in the Horn of Africa country.

In a televised news conference, Meles said the Ethiopian people in general, and the people of the capital Addis Ababa in particular, should mobilize in an organized and efficient manner for the maintenance of peace and stability in the country.

He said the people are the primary force to resist and eliminate negative symptoms in the path of peace, democracy and development in the country.

The violence in Addis Ababa was sparked not because the residents wanted it, but because there are large numbers of destructive forces in the city, he said.

Meles said the residents of Addis Ababa should take a lesson from the recent incidence and strive to ensure that it will not happen again.

On June 8, police and security forces in the capital opened fire on stone-throwing crowds who were looting shops, robbing banks, attacking police and trying to free detainees in custody. At least 36 people were killed and thousands were detained after the deadly violence.

The ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front ( EPRDF) blamed the opposition parties for inciting the worst violence seen in the capital in four years. However, the opposition parties denied they were behind the protests and ensuing violence.

The opposition parties have accused Prime Minister Meles Zenawi- led EPRDF party of massive electoral fraud. The ruling party retains control of parliament according to official election results that have not yet been ratified. Final results were scheduled to announce on July 8.

Reacting to the accusation of oppositions against the ruling EPRDF party that the election has been particularly tampered in rural areas, Meles said oppositions had devised a strategy of fomenting confusion, violence and riot in relation to the election a year before the May 15 election day.

If there are irregularities in the electoral process, it would be necessary to correct them in a legal manner, Meles said, adding currently more than 20 teams consisting of international observers have been deployed to the various regions to investigate the alleged irregularities.

LOAD-DATE: July 2, 2005


City: Washington DC

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Mr Ibrahim
do you visit the front page before you come to the message board? If you did, you wouldn't have posted this message about the growth in Ethiopia. My friend, I recall mengistu was also telling us how much we are progressing in terms of development. TPLF was also consistent in its report of economic growth since it took power. Even during the Ethio Eritrean conflict, we have recorded economic growth.
The fact however is that there is what we call process indicators and outcome indicators. The process indicators will tell you what the economic activities are like in a nation. While the outcome indicators are the ones which show you the real impact of those actvities in relation to the needs of the people. The current fact is clearly stated in the Times Megazine:,,3-1677418,00.html a quote may help you to save your the time “Handouts of Western grain may have prevented the swollen bellies and deaths of the past, but average incomes have fallen from about $120 a year to about $100. Life expectancy rates, and virtually every other measure of poverty, have all gone in the wrong direction”.

You know what matters to the people isn't economic growth of 8% (process indicator), what helps people is percapita income, proportion of people above the poverty line, proportion of people not requring food aid, life expectancy at birth, unemployment rate etc (out come indicators..) which are all going from bad to worse. Building schools doesn't help children who can't attned it becuase they are starved or need to line up to get their food ration. Do you know we have the worst import export eficit in history, the worst unemployment rate in history, the worst proportion of starved people in history. Where is then the economic growth? Yes there are "endowments" and inidviduals like alamoudi worth billions which distort some of the economic picture but the reality is much more clearer to your master meles than it is for you. I recall he said recently: "The poverty has reached to a stage that the solid rock it has been based on is getting sandy". What he meant was that we are sinking to the buttomless pit. As he is refusing to be accountable for the killings he has ordered, he did deny accountablity for the erosion of the solid rock our poverty was standing. N.B. he hasn't been talking about going up, he was talking about how to stop the sinking. Are you suggesting that we give this guy another chance after 14 years. He has changed the solid rock of our poverty sttod for generations to sand in 14 years. What do we expect him to do next?


City: DC area

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Dear Jadu,
I was trying to ignore your comment since I thought you are a decent person and did not need to engage in trivial discussion.
So far Elias, Mamo, and Getahun are only the decent people whom Fact and I will give green card to work in Somali region. By the way, Mamo is already given the citizenship since we agree with his approach of analysis which is based upon concrete result and pragmatic ideology. We judge by merit not by ethnic as CUD does.
Moreover, I was laughing last week when I saw Mr. Arat Kilo comment who is not qualified in our perspective to be our goats and camel herdeman to undermine Mamo and a certain other who were ridiculing Meles'English. That is the neqet of children of settlers who can not swallow Beyene Betros to be the President of real opposition party.

However, let me go back to our discussion and ask you a simple question.
Tell us what the CUD stands and what they are trying to acheive in the long run. I am talking about their programme. For example, give me a details on the question of nationalities or article 39. Where does CUD stand on this core Ethiopian question?
On the question of genetic of ethnic that you asked me to labeling all Amhara ethnic group, please ask Mr. Desta, Tesfa, Mahari: why on earth does the party(CUD) that is claiming to represent all Ethiopian people does not have single Somali member?
The answer to this question will give you who is ethnicist and blaming other to be qosa activits: CUD foot soldiers Hirut,Rachel, Desta, Fesaha to name a few ( you do not need to take them to the court since the evidences are their names.


City: Washington DC

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress


You don’t need to cut and paste news clips from ETV or even worse-rated Xinhua into this forum. These are sources that we have access to. I am sure by now you must have realized that most of the people writing in this forum are too intelligent to discuss comments posted by you or other agents of TPLF who are blood suckers. This is a discussion forum not a place to host your propaganda. Please, if possible, stay away from this forum. I beg you!!



City: Vancouver, Canada

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Dear Getahum,
You are walking in a dark room in terms of news of the majority of Ethiopian such as Somalis, Oromos, Afars, Gurague, Kambata and Afar to a name a few. That is why, I have the responsability to help you and your kind to see the other side of the coin. I am sure that you are among the people who wants to keep people in ignorance and only sell his opinion. I am sorry, but we are living in the information age.
No wonder, the settler propagandist and drum beater used to say to the poor and innocent Ethiopian that the villain Haile Sillasie has come through the sky and amplified his myth to be the lion of the lions and the king of juda.
Moreover, Getauhu, you can not apply what you learned from your forefathers. What is always posted in this forum is only the view of CUD or inclined to your propaganda. However, I am hundred percent sure that the moderator of ER entertains different views and intends Ethiopian to learn from one another.
Therefore, if you used to a place when one can stifle the opinion of others, it is over. Probably, the best place to call is VOICE of America, tell them that you are calling from Gondar and you will be very happy to hear only all size fit opinion which is the reinstatement of settlers in the power seat.
In addition, if you want to live in new Ethiopian, try to be tolerent and accept the opinion of others. In other words, it is healthy to dialogue and be open minded and discuss the issue.


City: Washington DC

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Getahun, I don't agree with Ibrahim either.I think he is moron. But you have no right to tell him to go away. He claims to be Ethiopian so where you want him to go. If you can't help his twisted mind, then you should skip his message or let Mamo Quilo and others handle it eloquently. Remember we have to teach narrow people, not push them away.


Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Dear Atalo,
Thanks for your kind words; however, you reminded me a good old somali story that goes. One crazy man has snatched a baby from a poor mother who was selling khat under a big building. Then, he went to the top of the buidling and said to the mother that he will throw the baby if she will not give him khat. Police and other villagers gathered under the building and begged the crazy man to get his khat and leaves alone the baby; however, he did not pay attention.
At last, another crazy man arrived at the scene and asked what is going on. Then, he was told the story.
He requested a razor and everybody was laughing and then, he called his friend and told him if you did not release the baby, he will cut the buidling with the razor. suddenlty,the crazy came down to the first floor and released the baby.
Please figure out the story; otherwise, the camel milk will help to sort out the puzzle and let me know since my brain is not clogged with fresh kitfo.


City: Washington DC

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Ibrahim, thanks for reminding me how harara feels like. That story is common in Somalia area. I can tell you 100 similar stories. Any way, would you care for chat? Because I have some.

On more serious note though, you think eprdf did more good things for your region than the previous govs.Right? That's not true. Just take your self as an example. Are you at the same level economically that you were 14 yrs ago? You should have some kind of change evenif you have the same income and the same type of job, right? At the same token, the development that you see in Somalia region is the result of a gragual process that started from the previous goverments. It is not that eprdf paid speciall attention to the region. please don't be fool but fight for more. I have done some work in that region too so I know what it was like. The big point that you need to see is that if we had uncorrupted gov., the gov which shares the resources fairly, the gov. which does not steal people's money, all regions would have a miracle growth and development.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress


From what I have seen so far, all you do is make EPRDF’s press releases and controlled interviews available on this forum. You are not providing us with any new information but tell us what we have already heard from EPRDF controlled media outlets over and over again. Besides, I have never seen you debate IDEAS. You just throw out a collection of words that have no substance and call them “opinion of others”.

You said “You are walking in a dark room in terms of news of the majority of Ethiopian such as Somalis, Oromos, Afars, Gurague, Kambata and Afar to a name a few.”

According to you, I am in the dark room in terms of news about my people (I am one of those nationalities you mentioned) just because I didn’t wish to hear twisted lies and propaganda over and over again. Neither you nor EPRDF speaks on behalf of the people you just mentioned. The people voted and spat you out.

Regarding your note “However, I am hundred percent sure that the moderator of ER entertains different views and intends Ethiopian to learn from one another.”, if I were ER, I would have banned you from this forum not because you support EPRDF and its irrelevant and irresponsible divisive ethnic policies, but because you are using this independent forum which is perhaps the most credible source for unbiased information and alternative view points that are consistent with the view points of the VOTERS of Ethiopia, as a woyane dumping ground.

You also said “if you want to live in new Ethiopian, try to be tolerent and accept the opinion of others. In other words, it is healthy to dialogue and be open minded and discuss the issue. “

Where is your opinion? You always reiterate what the EPRDF cadres tell us. I don’t think your brain has the capacity to entertain other ideas or create new ones. If you can, let’s hear or read them. You call cutting and pasting news clips from sources we are in abundant supply discussing issues? You never discuss issues.

And to Atalo, I appreciate your point but I did not say I have the right because if I did, I would have banned him long time ago. But I begged him to leave because there is no value added in his presence here. My begging him to stay away is an expression of wish and that I am going to keep.

Finally, that is my last comment on this subject and would not reply to further comments. My apologies if I offended anyone in the process



City: Vancouver, Canada

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Moderator, I have seen a great reply forum. Could you stick it above Meles' letter.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Dear Prime Minister Meles Zenawi,
If you are not trying hard to please people of the developed nation who are trying hard to help this poor country and if it is true that you don't care much about their honest and legitimate requests, as you said on your televised Amharic interview, why did you release non-CUD prisoners three days after the hard letter you received from congress.
It is a shame to think you can get away to cheat this people thinking they don't know much about the situation in the country, believe me they know better than you do.
In a developed nation, even a single protest, let alone a huge and country wide protest like ours needs immediate attention from government. Not bullets and aggravating, and arrogant words like yours.
Again shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


City: Addis Ababa

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

You are reading between the two lines that is why you are confusing between opinions and propaganda ideas.
I, Mamo, Juda, Fact and Gebre to name a few are helping you to debate issues; otherwise, it will be one way street dialogue a la CUD. In other words, CUD does not allow to debate the issue except to accept and swallow whatever they put on the web site as medicine prescribed by Allah or God. In addition, when they run into different opinions, they do not have the capacity to engage in a civil debate and label us woyane propagandist.
That shows how much your CUD party or the party you sympathise do not have any democratic atmosphere to discuss issue. They are very good to personalize issues and resort to hate and insult because they do not have facts for their propaganda. For instane they said that 17 seat of Somali region will go to the CUD, I call it Helm Ingera( daydreaming).

Moreover, whether you like or not as long as you mention Ethiopia, we are part of it and Ethiopia is the land of multiethnic and the home of many languages, culture, history and politics.
Have you seeing the name of one muslim leader when you and the sympathiser of CUD put togehter the so-called governemnt? The answer is no, but do not forget that half or more than half of Ethiopian people are follower of Muslim religion.
For example, you are talking about Somali region where I was born and invited Dr. Araya to discuss some issue while you are collecting money in the name of getting the seat in our region; who the hell make you our decision maker when you do not involve any person from our region. You expressed some ideacalling the North to be colonialist that I opposed when I was EPRP. It is the colonialsit who only says that they speak on behalf of the people they oppress. It seems that you used to run businees in that fashion, but we, Somali Ethiopian, will not accept those mistake to be unfolding in front our eyes.
I do beleive that a long struggle has just commenced and the sooner you understand the better will be for all of us.

Ethiopian need to be encouraged to learn how to debate on different ideas in order to arrive at healthy conclusion and embark on democratic path where party champion on what they can deliver, but not on their ethnic. That is what Ethiopian is lacking and the remote control governing from North which was favoring you and your kind since you share some characteristics such as religion,intermarriage and other factors.
Let me ask you a simple question,
eversince Meles took the power seat, Somali region has well off comparing to the previous regimes.
Facts: we have twenty three elementary school and in Haile time 6 elementary school. Derg and Haile did not allow the access of education to the Somali children which is considered as one of the tenet of Universal Declaration of Human Rigths.
Facts: Article 39 has allowed Somali of Ethiopian to manage their affairs and Haile and Derg time forget talking about right of nations and nationalities, but they were imposing the hegemony of ehtnic group.
Facts: We have two ministers ( this is the first time in Ethiopian history) and four Ambassadors; however, during Haile and Derg none=zero=nil.
Facts: CUD leader are only from the North( there is no one single Somali in its organization) and EPRDF has accepted Ethiopian Somali Democratic Party as coalition and I can not count the members in its organization.
Lastly, if you do not think the abovementioned are opnions and you do not have any answer except thinking that Somali coming to power seat will challenge, please do not waste your valuable time.


City: Washington DC

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Hagos (sorry Ibrahim), CUD is new party which you can join at time. Hagos..(mistake again) don't try to divisive...It has been tasted and proven a product of the devil's and cohorts.Read the reply to Meles' letter (A reply to the letter of arrogance) and write a comment if you can.

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Please stop your hate propaganda. Like Meles and Co., Mengistu and Co. killed all Ethiopians (what ever their ethnicity) who stood against their dictatorial rules. The Amhara youths, like their compatriots in other parts of Ethiopia, were the vicitims of Mengistu's red terror (and now are the victims of Meles's ethnic terror). If you are in doubt, go talk to the thousands of mothers that lost their beloved sons and daugther in Gondar, Gojam, Northern Shoa and Wollo. Dergue, in my opinion, was not an amhara organization either. For god's sake, Fisseha Desta, a Tigrawi, was the vice president.

May god open your eyes!

Re: Meles' letter to US Congress

Ladies and Gentlemen!

UCD is a replica of Mengstu regime. Why bother talking about this dead meat organization.